View Full Version : On constant fear alert

17-03-08, 11:27
Hiya all

Today is day 6 of my medication (citalopram) and each day my anxiety and panic has been rising to the point where, today, I just can't cope!!!!

I'm at college and as I was sitting here doing my work BANG a wave of fear just washed over me. My heart is still thumping and I can't breathe properly and I just want to run home (my safe zone). My lecturer knows I'm on meds and that my anxiety is high.

I'm also scared that I'm slowly developing agoraphobia. I couldn't leave the house on Friday to go to work which was just over an hours travel away (I was at my fiancés so I would have to get 2 busses). I called in sick and I explained my situation to my supervisor yesterday and she was so sympathetic. Thing is I don't want to have to do that again but I can't see myself lasting here, I just want to run home and curl up in bed!!!!

I don't know what to do, I feel so lost :weep:

17-03-08, 11:46
Hello Jadey,

I got exactly the same side-effects when first starting Citalopram. I know it's very very unpleasant but I would encourage you to try and stick with it.

The meds need to build up in your system, and once this has ocurred the side -effects do start to subside and you'll begin to feel the benefit.

This nasty stage won't harm you, but I do understand how distressing it must be for you.

Big hugs

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


17-03-08, 12:11
Hi Jadey,

I agree with GG - I've never been on meds but have heard that they take a while to kick in.

Try not to let this stop you going out though, because the more you stay in, the "easier" it will become to just not go out at all. Getting out of the house and around people will do you good hun.

Take care :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

17-03-08, 12:19
When I used to go on antidepressants I always asked the doc to give me a fortnights supply of Valium and temazepam. Most doctors don't like giving this medication in the long term, but don't mind just for two weeks. But the side effects should start to diminish after about two weeks though.

17-03-08, 13:34

im not on any meds except when im desperate i take 1/2 propranolol.

The last few days iv felt like im on constant fear alert! Hope you feel better really soon

cassi xxx

17-03-08, 16:42
Thanks everyone for your comments!

Granny - Yeah my family thinks I should come off them but I told them that I need to wait it out because the side effects will go after 2 or 4 weeks. Thanks for your message.

Lillith - I know, that's why I get mad with myself when I take time off work and college, or avoid going out all together, it's not like me and it never has been. Though there is a trip to the national history and science museum that my college has funded for us so I'll go as long as my friend comes with me.

Thanks to everyone else for your messages.

18-03-08, 12:19
I have been taking Citalopram for 8 months now and it is the best thing I ever did!!!! The first few weeks can be hard but stick with it......it WILL make you feel better. It has really helped me over the last few months. I didn't leave the house for weeks, and then I started going out gradually and now I am back at work full time. It takes time but you will start to feel better soon hun. xxxx

18-03-08, 12:40
Hi Jadey

6 days ago my gp upped my citalopram from 10mg to 20mg. I am going through exactly the same as you.

I am on edge constantly and feel so frightened. Hopoefully it should pass very soon

love mandie x

18-03-08, 19:00

Ive been on citaropalm for 2 weeks and still having a bad time, heads fuzzy, sleepy, and very anxious. just had my first panic attack for 2 weeks to so fed up today

hang in there it takes a while to kick in (so im told)

19-03-08, 10:16
Thanks guys for your posts

It's great to see that I'm not alone with this ... well it's not great that you are going through what you are but you catch my drift. I hope that by next week I should be alot better, I just need to be strong about this and take each step as it comes.

19-03-08, 11:06

just took my sixth fluoxetine this morning. Not sure how i feel cause doc also prescribed 2 5mg tabs a day of diazepam for two weeks till they kick in. One thing i have noticed is im bouncing my leg up and down like a loon and i haven't done that in years.
Apparently having a bit of a storm is normal before the calm and usually results in a positive outcome!
Stick with it

19-03-08, 11:08
oops forgot to say...
know its a different drug i'm on but apparently it's a common symtom in most prescribed.

always anxious
19-03-08, 11:14
hi jadey congrats on the engagement!!

i have been prescribed citolpram 10mg but am not sure whether i should take it??!!

dont want the attacks to get worse!!

any advice?? how much is ur dossage??

j xx

23-03-08, 13:11
always anxious: im on 10mg ... though ive lost my tablets so it's non at the moment, lol, ill try and get some more this tuesday. Woops ....