View Full Version : I'm also a newbie

20-03-05, 02:05
Greetings to all,

My name is Sy and I have just started to take Sertraline for a week so far. My life turned upside down a few years ago when I was made redundant from work overnight losing everything. I was on tablets then but gradually stopped. Now currently in employment but off sick presently I am sufferring from panic attacks, anxiety and depression. Last October 04 I caught a chest infection and went downhill from there. Each medication of antibiotics as well as others caused major side effects making me very ill and bed ridden. I was a fairly normal active individual but now I seem to have lost my identity. I am constantly upset and worried for my future as well as that of my family as I just purchased my first house with a large mortgage on my shoulders and with large amounts of sick days from work might leave me again in dire straits and lose everything again.

I feel constantly low and seem to have lost my self drive and motivation. I constantly feel paranoid that I will fall more ill and sick and am unable to cope much further. I constantly feel dizzy, drowsy and nauseated. I think may be the medication I took earlier as well as the Sertraline is making me feel this way. I hope these side effects stabilise soon as I desperately need to get back on my feet.

I tried Amytriptyline for a while and stopped after a 2 weeks or so, then I tried Cipralex for 3 days and stopped as both were giving me bad turn effects. I am determined to try Sertraline 25mg and stick it out as I am losing grip. I wish all the side effects would go away. I feel so dizzy right now I feel is if I am going to feint and have a blackout. Cannot sleep at night as feeling nauseas as well. Believe it or not I feel extremely dizzy even while I close my eyes to sleep.

I have had my first session of counselling and am back next month. If there is anyone out there who can help....


20-03-05, 02:12
Hi Sy

Welcome to the site. It isnt easy as you know but we will help you all we can. Noone can say if talbets will work but if they help you i hope you will be all the better for it,

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

20-03-05, 03:29
Hi Sy

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear that you've been having such a difficult time and I hope the side effects from the medication subside soon. Have you tried taking the Sertraline with food? This can sometimes help with the nausea caused by some medications.

Hope we can help and support you through this difficult time.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-03-05, 09:33
Hi Sy

I am in a similar boat, having been ill and taking antibiotics I got so low that I couldn't cope and it bought on panics and depression from hell. I had the panics 2 years ago and I took sertraline then, the side effects do go after about two weeks and after that the tablets really do help. Take them in the morning with breakfast, this is best for the nausia and they can keep you awake in the night if taken later in the day. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.

katiekatie x

20-03-05, 10:48
hi welcome to the forum

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

20-03-05, 11:41
hello Sy,

Welcome to the site!! Sorry to hear about the side-effects you are suffering. Hopefully, they will go away after a while. You will get loads of support here..

Sarah :D

20-03-05, 11:45
Hi Sy
Welcome to the site. I think you'll find that alot of us at some point or another have gone through this and it isn't pleasant. Stick around and you'll get plenty of help and support.
Take care

20-03-05, 13:51
Hi Sy,
Welcome to the site.:D

Take care


20-03-05, 13:58

Welcome to the site :D

People here are great and its a great support network.

Take care

Tatty B xx

20-03-05, 14:25
hi, welcome to the site. I have suffered anxiety about 40 years or more bu have had lots of good times between. about 14 months ago i stopped drink after 40 years of heavy drinking and it started off my ansiety again. I felt like u realy realy ill and reamained in bed for weeks. The dizziness feeling sick scared to go out or even move around the house, and realy scared I would : ( as i felt and still do at times) That I was going to die and leave my family. I even went through loads of tests on my stomach and colen thinking i had colon cancer. It was all I now realize anxiety and realy have to work hard to change the way we think and look at things. As we all know its down to worry and negative thoughts? I lost lots of weight and still do no exercise so my legs and arms are still realy thin and bony. All the weight loss and real bad stoach convinced me I was termanaly Ill. I wasnt scared of dying for myseld but love my family so much and was worried for them. So the fear just pilled up and up. I read lots about anxiety panic etc then started doing lots of relaxation with affermations and st first seemed usless but then I started to feel better and better, I think it was to do with while relaxing telling myself I am ok and am strong, healthy and have no fears. I keep telling myself these and other affermations constantly. I still have some real bad days but that learnes you to overcome your fears. At the moment you realy think there is no way out , but beleive me read and tell yourself you are ok and i know you will feel better but its hard and takes time. I am now on cipralex same as you was on it took nearly 8 weeks to get used to them but I think it is helpng now as it lets me sleep where as before i used to wake to scared to sleep. hope u feel better soon . Vernon

20-03-05, 18:44

Welcome to the site.

You are going through a lot right now & the side-effects can feel as bad, if not worse, than the actual illness? I take Sertraline (50mg daily), started them a bit over 4 months ago.
The side-effects lasted about 2 weeks or so & then subsided & I did start to feel better, slowly. I suffer with anxiety/panic. The meds have given me a 'breathing space'. I still have blips of anxiety but, touch wood, no major panic attacks!

Meds don't work for everyone but it's worth sticking with them for a while. It can take 2 to 6 weeks before they really start to help.

I hope that you soon start to feel a little calmer & brighter.
You'll get lots of support here--& with effort & determination you'll get through this.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

20-03-05, 19:17
P.s. Sucking on rich tea biscuits or ginger nut biscuits is really soothing for medication nausia!

21-03-05, 17:37
Hi Sy

Welcome aboard the forum

I am afraid to say that the meds do take time to kick in so you have to stick at it until they start to work.

Hope we can be of some help to you on here.


21-03-05, 19:20
WEšre rooting for you in the knowledge that it does get easier so hold on here and let us support you a while.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance