View Full Version : Brain CT Scan

17-03-08, 13:45

I had one of these today and it felt so strange. The person carrying out the scan said it shouldn't have felt odd so I am worried this means something significant.

It didn't hurt, but it really did feel like waves were going through my brain and face, as if I was being pulled from both sides by a force.

The strangest feeling was at the back of my nose.

What was this I was experiencing, she mad eit sound like I shouldn't have felt anything??????

They then scanned my sinuses but that didn't feel as strange? Is it a stronger scan of the brain...


Anyone else had one or know about them?

18-03-08, 23:24
i was following your previous thread

when do you get the results?

lou xxxxxxxx

19-03-08, 09:14
They said they would get sent to the consultant in a few days - but the consultant is on hols till after Easter so I suppose I'll ring on Tuesday.
Pain is bad today and feeling glum :(

Thanks for listening(!)/reading(!)

19-03-08, 17:30
"It didn't hurt, but it really did feel like waves were going through my brain and face, as if I was being pulled from both sides by a force."

Well, that's pretty much what they did to you so it wouldn't surprise me at all!

20-03-08, 09:04
I thought you'd left us!?
Yes, I wonder whether I was thinking about what they were doing so much that I made it feel like that too!

20-03-08, 09:28
Yeah, I did but I can't resist nipping on still!

I'm sure you'll be fine Fairy, my symptoms have gone down since I made a real efforty to forget about them. I also think I can the niggles and pain to move around my head and face if I concentrate so I figure it can't be serious....I'm going to the Chiropractor on Saturday to see if he can find a muscle-related solution.