View Full Version : Is it my ear or is it my throat?lol!

17-03-08, 16:29
I had a nasty cold which started about 11 days ago. I felt much better by friday, snuffles gone now really. It started as a sore throat which was gone by day 4 but this morning I woke up with a sore feeling in my ear and throat, I can't decide which it is iyswimhttp://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif

It hurts if I move my tongue right at the very back just on the left side iyswim and I have a feeling of like a swelling in my ear, lol!

I am dosed up on neurofen to dull the pain, I just cannot shake this virus off, I am baffled as to why its come back on me, I've not had a sore throat for a week now and my snotty nose has been ok the past few days so I thought it had gone.

I went running early yesterday morning, my ears were throbing abit when I came in because of the cold wind but surely it can't be that causing it.

It just really hurts, I am taking pain killers and drinking honey & lemon in hot water. I take vitamins & echinacea but still I am suffering.

Is there a really nasty virus floating around that decides to come back on you just when you think you're over it?http://www.baby-greenhouse.co.uk/smilies/wink.gif

17-03-08, 21:56
Hi Cherry,

It sounds like one of your glands might be a little swollen which often happens with viruses. As the throat and ears are so close together it can be hard for the brain to work out which is hurting (I found out that when I went to the docs with a sore ear and came out with antibiotics for a throat infection lol). I'm sure you'll feel better soon but if it persists the doc might be able to give you something to clear it up.

Take care,

Mike :)

18-03-08, 14:01
Yes I had that too, and there is a nasty virus around which does do this. The ears nose and throat are all connected so the virus, germs and pus all sit in the same areas. So like the pipe which connects your ear to your throat can all be infected.
If it stays bad go to the doc you might need antibiotics.

18-03-08, 22:03

I shall hold out until next week I think, see how I feel on tuesday, it does feel a tad better today, still really annoying though.

18-03-08, 22:23
Hi Cherry I have had this virus and it is taking so long to go. About three weeks ago it started in my ears and neck then moved to the throat and now just alot of yuk to come out.

Hope you feel better soon but I can assure you loads of people around me have this.


19-03-08, 20:43
Thanks Carol,

My mum and siblings had it 3 weeks ago and are still suffering but none of them have had a sore throat again, not sure why its come back on me but like I say its not really a sore throat, feels more like a lump at back of my throat/in ear, very very odd feeling but its getting slightly less painful every day so it must be going slowly, lol!

Some nasty viruses around at the mo, roll on summer;-)