View Full Version : Worrying about swelling in neck!

17-03-08, 19:08
This is my first post on these boards but after reading through several posts last night i have felt a little better today for the first time in ages!!!
I stumbled across this site when i googled health anxiety!

I first noticed what seems to be a slight swelling in my neck above the right collar bone last October. We had just moved house to a new area(3 weeks earlier) and i didnt want to go to a new doctor. I have always been a real worrier and after i had my son 22 years ago i suffered really badly with post natal anxiety and tension(the doctors description of my symptoms).I got to the point where i couldnt leave the house.
All in all that took about 7 years for me to feel properly better again---after i split from a nasty OH and met my now husband who gave me lots of support and confidence(something i was really lacking at the time).
Anyhow back to my neck.
After poking about with it for several weeks i made an appointment and registered with a new doctor in town.
He was really nice and as soon as i told him what the problem was he suggested(before examining me) that he would run a series of blood tests and send me for a chest X ray!!!! He then examined my neck and said he couldnt feel anything but would still send me for the tests. I was in an absolute panic by then(my neck was totally blotchy and i felt really sick!).
This was in December of last year.
I went for the X ray the same day to the local hospital and the blood tests were done a couple of days later.The letter he wrote for me to take to the hospital(which he gave me and wasnt sealed) said that i believed i could feel a swelling above my right clavicle and that i was very anxious !
I was soooo worried and drove my OH crazy(he is one of these people who doesnt worry about anything!!!).I had to wait 10 days for the results of the X ray and a few days for the blood test results---during which time i was really really scared and worried.
Thankfully everything came back clear but the doctor could tell i didnt believe him! He asked a fellow GP to check my neck too and he came to the same conclusion----no glands could be felt!!!
So why I am still convinced I am really ill? I dont feel unwell but because the doctor asked me if i felt tired i am constanly worrying whether i do feel tired or not and asking my OH if i look tired(I know crazy isnt it???) and i am always feeling under my arms for lumps and bumps and worrying that one armpit may seem slightly more raised than the other!!!
I soo wish i wasnt like this and I am hoping for some help off people on here. I really hope i havent bored anyone and i appreciate any advice you can give me.
The swelling is still there(only if i move my neck in certain directions) but no one else can feel it!!!
Thanks again everyone.

18-03-08, 01:38
Hello jellybean and welcome to the boards!
I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time with your health anxiety, it's such a horrible thing to have to go through.
You've obviously been quite thoroughly tested, so from a medical point of view have nothing to worry about. Sadly though we do still keep worrying in our minds.
It's a hard thing to get over, but I promise you will do in time.
And during that time we can all give you lots of love and support when your feeling like this, it's definitely helped me with my anxiety :winks:
Have you talked to your GP about your anxiety? He could perhaps give you advice, and maybe refer you for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (I have it and it's very helpful).
In the mean time, distraction is a great way of making yourself feel better.
Things like books, magazines, television and films (generally light-hearted ones!) can really take your mind off it and calm you down. Changing your diet can help too, cutting out caffiene, alcohol can really help. When your feeling really anxious, take a hot bath and have a nice cuppa, it's surprising just how much it can help.
If your feeling really panicky, concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in slowly, hold it, breath out slowly, and count it. Again, it's surprising how much good it can do.
Take care,


18-03-08, 10:23
Thanks for the lovely reply.
I have started doing a daily walk with my dog(about 3 miles) and also cutting down on cups of tea!! I dont drink as i am on medication for migraines(Pizotifen) and I have just joined WW so my diet is improving LOL!!!
Some days i feel fine---actually yesterday was a good day---but today, for whatever reason i feel quite scared again and worrying again that i am seriously ill!! My arm is hurting today, well aching, but, since i did lots of housework yesterday i know i have probably strained a muscle.The positive side of me says that ---though the negative says quite the opposite.
I havent been back to my GP since last year but keep thinking i should tell him how anxious i am.I am just worried(this will sound crazy) that he will check the swelling again and send me straight to hospital.Does that sound mad? So, I am avoiding telling him about my anxiety but deep down i would love to get some help.My husband keeps telling me i have had all the tests necessary and they are clear. But, deep down i dont believe the doctor!!Is this quite common with health anxiety?
After I had my son i was referred for help and the lady i saw was fantastic. She took me out to the shops and really did help me feel a lot better. I was also on a small dose of Buspar(think that is right as it was back in 1986 ---dont always remember the names of tablets!!!).It was anxiety back then but in a different way---I was unable to go out of the house and suffering terrible panic attacks.So far, this time the panic attacks havent happened!!!
Anyhow, thanks again for the support and i hope i will be able to help others on these boards.

18-03-08, 11:09
To answer your questions, it doesn't sound mad, I get the same thing.
And it's also very common to feel that the Doctor's missed something with health anxiety :)