View Full Version : Grrrr - Health Anx

17-03-08, 20:06
I had a bit of a week last week so am guessing that is why this happened.....
Last night after I went to bed (well technically this morning but :whistles:) I had horrible anx feeling about health and the future and all the usual what ifs when u are lying awake.

I finally got to sleep about 3ish I think, only to get up today feelin the same grrrrr, managed to push it to the back of my mind cos I was busy at work but now I am home - feeling like it again :lac:I refuse to let HA win but :wall:feeling a bit like this at the mo :wacko:

Claire x

17-03-08, 20:38
Hi Claire,

Sorry to hear you are not feeling the best.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You have though,answered your own question!
When you were at work-busy-you did not have time to focus on your anxiety.Distraction will help suppress these emotions.
Be positive.
Keep believing in yourself.
Best wishes,