View Full Version : Pins and needles worry

17-03-08, 20:59
I accidentally knocked my wrist against the hard back of my sofa about a day ago and I've had pins and needles mainly in my hand I've no marks and i can move it perfectly..

My family have reassured me it will ease in a few days but I keep fearing the worst and keep worrying..has anybody else had this kind of worry?

I have had a sore head today so keep linking symptoms and start to worry so I think I'm going through health anxiety worries again. :weep:

17-03-08, 21:15
Hi Phil

I would say that you have hit a nerve in your wrist and that's what's causing the pins & needles. I remember doing it once or twice.

I know the health worries are so bad sometimes, we are constantly looking for assurance that nothing is seriously wrong. It's so hard when you know that other people would have what you have and not worry about it, but it's the damn anxiety that makes us like this. I was up most of the night thinking I was having a friggin heart attack and that I couldn't breath properly.

Here is a link that you might want to look at about the workings of the wrist:


I'm sure the pinks & needles will go away in a couple of days.

Take care


17-03-08, 21:51
Ok thanks for the reply. I guess I will try and not worry about it :)