View Full Version : Day 8 without my usual meds, crying/going nuts.

17-03-08, 21:18
So far I've gone a week from last Monday without my usual meds I take *Lamictal 75mg/Invega6mg* and ever since the first day I didn't take it right I have begun to feel like I don't have control of my brain anymore, I feel less comfortable, I don't eat as much, I don't feel any passions, I feel like I'm a lost spirit in the world... can anyone relate? The only reason I'm going off my meds *with doctor's knowledge of course* is because I've been on anti physchotics/anti depressants for almost a whole year now and they've done nothing for me, I couldn't take anymore so I went off the meds, and this is my first day without any medications, but I haven't felt pure sober FROM meds in a while that's why I want to see if my OCD/anxiety goes away at all, but so far... it's been pure PURE HELL.

17-03-08, 21:21
Hi Paulos,

It is entirely normal to have this kind of reaction.The fact that this is medically supervised should offer some re-assurance to you.Be patient.One day at a time,you will get there.
Focus on always doing positive things which do not allow your anxiety to dominate your thinking.
Best wishes,

18-03-08, 02:36
Chalky it's something I can barely control... I just swear and hope to god I only get better... or else I don't know what I'll do.

18-03-08, 09:47
:'( failed again at drinking, no one cares....

18-03-08, 20:19

18-03-08, 20:21
Hi Paulos,

When we get to the very bottom,the only way is up.
Keep on fighting this!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Best wishes,

18-03-08, 20:51
I feel so MINDLESS... so out of it... it's like my security/self esteem/self confidence has pummeted to a place I can't reach... but thanks chalky :)

19-03-08, 12:10
It is rebound anxiety from withdrawal. Just ride it out and remember that you can handle anything. You might not think it but people are very resilient and can bounce back from whatever is thrown at them. Just remember YOU ARE BIGGER THAN THE ANXIETY !!!

19-03-08, 18:54
I hope you're right artistguy, I was asked where the trash bags were today and I said bottom left cabinet as if it was a trick question for myself :( am I getting dumber?

19-03-08, 19:42
Hi Paulos,
I have been where you are with medicine, try to keep strong it does get better, one day at a time stuff is really important. Can you express your feelings to your doctor?
Warm regards

19-03-08, 19:48
Hi Paulos,

Just thinking about you.
Hope you are ok today.
Best wishes,

20-03-08, 03:53
Yes I have described my feelings to him that's why we're going off them, meds have probably only inflamed my issues to a worse extent.

20-03-08, 03:54
Thanks Chalky this is Day 3 soon without ANY meds, it hasn't been easy and day 2 without drinking, feeling good at the moment only because of my xanax but everyday I wake up I feel insecure/horrible and got to go to my mom's room for support, it's pitiful.

20-03-08, 09:07
:) hi paulos, i just want to tell you that last september i had to go to the hospital for one night - i dealt with it better than id expected - they gave me valium so i could rest and not be anxious. i came home and after id stopped the anti biotics and my husband had gone back to work (he was on holiday) i plunged into depression with major anxiety - my husbands workplace had changed which i felt uncomfortable with, as being agoraphobic i can only go 10 miles alone. anyway my anxiety was almost uncontrollable and i like you could not stop crying and i felt i had to have constant contact with somebody - as my husband has to work it couldnt be him, so this job fell to my mother-in-law as i have no family i could rely on. anyway i am now fine, well not 100% but i dont think thats possibly except for short times anyway:winks: so please have hope that this will pass - i like you felt utter despair, but it passes, you can and will recover. btw, my husband takes lamictal for night seizures - have this been prescribed for anxiety? as ive never heard it mentioned before? take care emma:flowers:

22-03-08, 14:30
Just have faith in yourself. You will get to the end of the road.