View Full Version : Hi all....

20-03-05, 16:23
Hi all,

I'm Mark from Leicester, 30 yo, have suffered with anxiety for most of my life but am going through my toughest bout yet. I'm hoping to find a bit of salvation from this site and from what I've read so far in the forums it seems like a great site! I already feel some hope!



20-03-05, 17:05
hey mark,

Welcome to the site, you'll find loads of support here!

Take care

tracy x x

20-03-05, 17:07
hi welcome to the forum im sure you will find it really helpful

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

20-03-05, 17:39
Hi Mark
Glad you've found the site of some help already and you'll certainly get plenty of support from everyone on here to help you get through this tough time.
Take care

20-03-05, 18:23

Welcome to the site. Sorry you are going through it at the moment--but you'll find lots of help & friendly people here.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

20-03-05, 18:45
Hi Mark and welcome, i am certain you will find lots of support and encourament here, as many of us have, you are not alone and there is always hope, do keep in touch and let us know what going on right now, take care

20-03-05, 18:48
Hi Mark

Welcome to the forum.

You'll find some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-03-05, 19:15
Hi and welcome Mark,

Hope you start to feel more yourself soon, there is some great help on this site.

katiekatie x

20-03-05, 19:31
Hiya Mark,
Welcome to the site, try and keep your chin up you have beaten this before you will do it again.

Take care


20-03-05, 19:58
Thank you so much for such a warm welcome everyone. I forgot to mention my reason for being here... well here goes...

Since about the age of 7, I gained a fear of vomit after an incident where my mum sent me to school after giving me my first cod liver oil capsule! I was at school that morning and felt very sick and good ol' mum came to fetch me home. I had the next day off just to make sure I was ok and never thought about the cod liver oil capsule and never took one on the day I had off. I went back to school a day later and once again took my cod liver oil capsule, went back to school and felt very ill once again. From that day on I gained my phobia of vomit. I then had the misfortune at the age of 13, to be placed in a morning class with someone that used to vomit EVERY morning. I spent an entire year in absolute fear of going to school as you can imagine.

In my later teens I managed to put most of it behind me and could eat out without worrying too much about throwing up (not that I ever did!) and thought that was it! Wrong.... I started to grow up, started work and was faced with a whole new set of anxieties and you guessed it, the vomit fear was dragged back in with them. I've always kept rennies with me and I guess the "placebo" affect has saved my fear many a time until now :(.

Just before christmas (the start of November), I hadn't realised that work had built up a stress level in me that was about to be released with my worst nightmare. The first tell tale sign was when I went for my christmas lunch in the canteen with the rest of my work collegues, I was standing in the queue and I thought "I can't do this" and started to feel very nervous and icky. I managed to get through it, force the meal down my neck with a lot of deep breaths and a heavily racing heart and quickly left to take the ol' rennie rapeze.

A week later, I went out at lunch for a walk to the local shop with my boss, it was absolutely freezing and I tensed myself against the cold which in turn tensed my throat. I suddenly had an overwhelming urge to wretch which sent me into the worst panic attack I've ever had. The next day I went to see my GP who prescribed me beta blockers, then anti depressants (Cipramil) and on top of that valium too. I was put on too high a dose of anti depressant for an initial dose which made the anxiety a LOT LOT worse. I have since stopped the beta blockers and am withdrawing from the anti depressants but all I can think about every waking moment is how uncomfortable and nervous my throat feels and feel like I'm always fighting the urge to wretch. I wake in the morning trembling with a racing heart and the second I'm concious I tense my throat and concentrate on it all day.

My apologise for such a long posting but now I've got that off my chest, I need to continue forward and hopefully gain some suggestions from good folk on here about finding some coping strategies.

Kind Regards,


21-03-05, 19:46
HI Mark,

Your story means you can get over this speedily.

Someone here will find you PIps tense throat thread ( Hint hint) and you can learn how common this is...

Th efact that you got through the Christmas thing gives me great optimism for you ..
Your emetophobia is also at a managemable level

Good luck

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance