View Full Version : Wish me luck.

17-03-08, 22:39
Can you please wish me luck for tomorrow as i am going for my pre-op assesment,and i am in such a state.:scared10:

I have got it into my head that they will find something wrong with my heart and i will not be fit for the op in 2 weeks time.:ohmy:

I have worried myself sick today, and finding it hard to concentrate on anything else.

So can you please keep your fingers crossed that everthing will be ok for me.
Will let you know how i get on.


17-03-08, 22:44
Good luck Liz, hope it goes well for you.
love Mags xxx

17-03-08, 22:47
:hugs: good luck :hugs:

jodie xxx (i am sure all will go fine )

Hope 2
17-03-08, 23:16
Hi Liz

You will be fine I am sure !!
Try to remember how well you did last week :winks:
They will put your mind at rest if you tell them what you are worried about .
The staff will have come across other folks with similar anxieties so get 'em told eh so they can help you . This in turn will make your admission less daunting if you discuss your situation tomorrow . Maybe you can imagine we are in there with you tomorrow , giving you support .

Hang in there :yesyes:
You can do it
Deep breaths etc
Love Julia xx

18-03-08, 00:45
Wishing you luck Liz :hugs: Hope it goes well.

Karen xx

18-03-08, 02:44
Good luck, crossed fingers, and god bless, for I went through an EKG thinking I was having something wrong too and it all came out normal :)

18-03-08, 10:27
Hope everything goes well.
Will be thinking of you,
I am sure everything will be fine.

18-03-08, 13:06
Hope everything goes/went well today!!

I'm sure you will be fine, you are very brave to face this feeling anxious and it will make you stronger!!

Good Luck!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

18-03-08, 13:52
the pre-op check is standard procedure to confirm what they already know i.e. that you are fit for the op and understand what it involves. I think you will be very reassured that you've been thoroughly checked over and had urine and blood also tested if need be. This is the opportunity to tell them how anxious you feel about it all so that you will receive all the support you need.
be kind to yourself

18-03-08, 15:01
good luck, i'll be thinking of you!!:hugs:

20-03-08, 05:17
How'd it go?

20-03-08, 07:25
you will be ok Liz , try not to worry its just a step closer to your op.