View Full Version : Dissiness all day

17-03-08, 23:25

Over the recent months I seem to be suffering from more and more head rushes and lightheaded spells most of the day. I went out for a meal and I felt very unsteady even when sitting down. It was quite unnerving. I did not notice me feeling more anxious than usual. I tried to listen to my heart beat to see if I could detect any increased heart beat or palps, but no luck. The only symptom was this lightheaded unsteady feeling. One thing I think I am noticing is that I feel it is worse in busy social situations like busy shops or restaurants. Then again I am not sure if I am thinking it should is causing the dissiness to get worse. I also notice it more when less busy. I would not be too worried by it except I get a pressure feeling in my ears, and pains in my head that come and go within a few seconds. Does anyone else get these symptoms?



17-03-08, 23:57
Yup anxiety - I had it for over 2 years until someone told me I wasn't breathing properly and it effects it.

Get the breathing under control - see website pages for how to do this - and it will help.

18-03-08, 00:13
Going on almost 2 years for me, still scares the heck out of me..

Every day is tough.. Feel free to ask me any questions about it..

18-03-08, 09:54
Oh yes, I have this too, I also get a feeling of pressure at the top of my nose but I'm still here after 2 years so can't be anything serious.:yesyes:
Take care:hugs:

18-03-08, 10:34
I have had it on and off for a year now, it is definately worse when i am not doing anything as i keep thinking about it, i try to keep busy, its usually better when i have something to take my mind off it.


18-03-08, 10:44
Me too - and like Nic says this is a direct result of not breathing correctly - even subconcious anxiety can cause you to chest breathe and give off lots of horrible symptoms.

Love Piglet :flowers:

18-03-08, 13:02

Yes im getting this to. More so the last week cause i am feeling extra anxious.

Went to the shops this morning and i felt worse when i was out. Got back in the house and i wasnt as bad.

I also get the pressure feeling in ears and the pains in head

love mandie x

19-03-08, 12:42

typical anxiety symptoms, i have these all the time, it drives u mad.

i have had these symptoms for months now and it doesnt really get any easier unless u try an forget about it

chin up mate

19-03-08, 13:52
I was taking my children to school yesterday morning and as I set off I felt dizzy and it was like the floor was coming up to meet me - very frightening!. It cleared after a little while. I am suffering from bad anxiety at the moment and have anxiety attacks so I think this might be linked to that, ether that or i'm anaemic.

21-03-08, 17:19

Had the full blood tests. No probs no anemia etc.. just comes for no reason.


24-03-08, 22:25
I get this dizziness all day long at the minute, I was in my hairdressers the other day waiting and I could feel myself getting dizzier, I really thought I was going to pass out but I managed to get my hair cut and go around the shops for a few hours even though I felt slightly drunk but not from drinking as I don't drink.
Try drinking more water as I find this helps slightly.

26-03-08, 21:31

Was out at a restaurant we go to regular. Did not feel at all anxious, then when I started eating my main course I felt as if I was going to fall off my chair. I tried distracting myself but it kept on coming back a unsteady feeling. A wave of lightheadedness as if you would fall off your chair. I went outside to get some air and felt a little better. My wife said it was the heat but I did not feel hot. I can feel it now while I write this it is not continous just waves of unsteadiness.

Can anyone shed any light as I feel this is not getting any better.


12-04-08, 22:43

This is the first time I have posted a message on this site but after reading your symptoms I wanted to tell you that you're not alone.

I have been suffering from anxiety for several months now and although some symptoms have come and gone, the one I am left with is a feeling of dizziness, disconnection and headaches. I suffer with this pretty much everyday, some days are worse than others and certain situations like being in a busy environment can also make it worse. My headaches like yours last only a few seconds/minutes at a time. I can also be feeling perfectly fine one minute and then not the next.

I have found the best way to deal with it is to keep busy and distract myself from thinking about it because it tends to be the more you think about it the worse you will feel. I also find it really helps to tell myself 'what's the worst that can happen?', because after months of feeling like this I know that nothing is going to happen...no matter how much my mind wants to tell me otherwise!

I hope that this helps you. I also recommend Dr Claire Weekes book Self Help for Your Nerves. It really made me understand that I'm not on my own in feeling like this.


12-04-08, 23:15
i suffer with these dizzy feelings also and put it down to my anxiety, even when i was not consicious of being anxious i kept getting these spells, i can be sitting at work quite happy then the next thing i experience what i can only describe as "swimming pool noise" in my ears and i feel nauseous and my balance goes all to pot and i think i am going to faint. Its terrifying and i can empathise with how you are feeling.
One thing to keep an eye on is your blood sugar levels perhaps? as i find if i eat little and regularly and keep well hydrated it does keep these dizzy spells at bay to a certain extent.
I also find that even when the dizzyness has passed, for the next 20 mins or so i feel quite disorentiated and detached - i wonder if this is my body forcing me to rest and relax?

13-04-08, 19:08
Thanx Everyone

I feel a bit better, still getting the dizzies they are more like a wave at the moment. what is woorying me now is my lack of ablity to remember what I did on a specific day unless I do the routine thing. Sometimes I spend hours in the middle of the night trying to remember things that I did and happened in the week and then trying to put days to them. It just feels as if all the days are moulded together at the mo. Does anyone get this symptom also.
