View Full Version : Help - Hospital appointment at 4.30pm!

18-03-08, 10:50
Help - need some support here. Have my endocopy at 4.30pm today and am starting to panic. Sat at work but very difficult to concentrate - feel so nervous and sick and can't have anything to eat or drink now! I hate to moan to you all and I know there are people far worse off than me but difficult not to feel selfish - I wish I didn't. Dreading it, despite all your wonderful words of encouragement on previous posts!

18-03-08, 11:06
Hi Janes.

If it helps, I've had 2 endoscopys. I remember being wheeled into theatre to be greeted by very understanding nurses/doctors who were extemely kind and well mannered. I was given a small injection (not painfull) and told to count to 10. I think I got as far as 5! Then I remember waking up in bed. As far as the endoscopy is concerned....I knew nothing about it. Just a bit of a sore throat that's all, which disappeared the next day.

If you tell them that you suffer from extreme Anxiety as soon as you see the nurse, you will be looked after believe me.

Let us know how you get on.

I won't say good luck because you don't need it!! (joke).


18-03-08, 11:40
Thanks for your reply - just a quick question - was that sedation or a general?

18-03-08, 13:25
Hi jane,

just read your post, ive had an endoscopy without sedation just with the throat spray as i wasn't allowed both( and nurse advised me to have my throat numbed). I was really freaking out but it wasn't as bad as I thought , i mean it is a little uncomfortable but not painful at all, the secret is to do exactly what they tell you, and its all over in a matter of minutes. You'll be fine , I know how hard it is to relax , but its worth it in the end to put your mind at ease. Let us know how you get on, and i'll be thinking about you at 4.30

take care
shirley xx

18-03-08, 13:31
Thanks kittykat

18-03-08, 13:37
It was just sedation........valium I think.

If you tell them about your anxiety, I'm sure they will give you enough to zonk you out.

18-03-08, 13:42
Hello Jane,
I had an endoscope two weeks ago with conscious sedation - not a general anaesthetic, just something to make you so drowsy you have no recollection of the procedure. Jane, it was fine. I understand everything you feel right now, the anticipation is always worse than the actual event. I had no ill after effects, no sore throat. If I could come with you and hold your hand to reassure you - I would. Carry that thought in your head.
be kind to yourself

18-03-08, 14:05
Oh bless you - that is so sweet