View Full Version : this isnt nice

18-03-08, 11:13
:weep: but i need reassurance or something please,ive had this boil on top of my leg for a while so i popped it i know tmi sorry,that was about 2 months ago its not bigger and doesnt look like a boil anymore i still keep picking at it though ,its rather large and now its feeling like its bruised,im so scred its cancer , does cancer lumps feel hard or soft and do they bleed im so worried now:weep: if its not my breathing its something else but cos i know this is actually there im worried sorry for rambling on please help

18-03-08, 11:34
Amanda go to docs hun and let him have a look at it, he will be able to reassure you immediately I'm sure and it will put your mind at rest. It probably was just a boil but because you have messed about with it maybe its a bit infected and will feel sore when you touch it.

Try not to worry hun until you have all the facts, easier said than done I know!

Take care x

18-03-08, 11:37
You know if you keep picking at it ,it will never get better!!! Is there a nurse at your GPs you could pop in too either that or a lady pharmisist. Most chemists have a private area these days that you can discuss things

Love Joy

18-03-08, 13:44
Go and let your GP look at it, for sure it will be inflamed as you keep prodding it. You probably need a short course of anit-biotics to clear it up quqickly and permanently.
be kind to yourself