View Full Version : Panic/feeling unreal started from taking drugs

18-03-08, 12:23
My panic attacks first started at University. I was taking recreational drugs and had a couple of bad experiences. The feelings started after these bad experiences and I am positive it is as a result of this. I felt in a state of anxeity all of the time and didn't know what was happening to me. I felt completely unreal and thought I was going mad. This constant feeling has gradually decreased over the years as I think I have learned to live with it but the feelings are still very scary if I think about them too much. I now have panic attacks in situations where I can't leave that situation easily such as driving or being in an interview. The driving thing is quite scary as as I feel dizzy and my vision blurs and I have to pull over somewhere. I now try and avoid driving which makes life difficult. I have had this for around 7 years now and have just had a son. I visited my GP to talk about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as I'm sick of feeling like I'm mad. There is a waiting list but I've lived with it this long.
Does anyone else start feeling really strange like their mind is not connected to their body? Does anyone else experience panic attacks when driving? I hate talking to family abut this - even my husband as it doesn't sound normal - i think it makes me sound crazy. I remember when I used to be 'normal' and would give anything to feel like that again. I wish I had never touched the drugs as I think my life would be so different now.
Would be good to hear from others experiencing similar things

18-03-08, 12:33
Hi Sar96, welcome to NMP hun :)

Sorry to hear about what you're going through at the moment. Having panic attacks when driving is bound to be scary. Does it happen everytime? I think once of problems is that you have maybe come to expect to have an attack when driving, and this alone is enough to trigger one off.

I think CBT would be a good idea - I am on the waiting list for this too. Have you signed up for it?

The feelings you talk about of not feeling connected to your body are common with people who suffer from anxiety. I used to get these feelings too but they are few and far between now.

I think its important that you talk to your husband about it, if he knows how you are feeling he will be in a better position to support you. I wouldnt necessarily say he will understand as I dont think someone truly can until they've experienced it for themselves. But he can support you hun.

Keep looking around the forum and posting, as this will help you too :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

18-03-08, 16:48
Hello Sar96 And Welcome ...i Wish Ya Well......linda

18-03-08, 18:36
Hey Sar, welcome to the site.

You sound kind of similar to me. Mine started up around the time I got into clubbing and drugs. Stopped both a long time back, although I wish Id never have got into them, I guess Im glad that I got it out of the way when I was young (Uni time like yourself.) The anxiety is definitely something that you'll be able to overcome but you need to take the approach which is right for you. I think a big part of beating it is accepting that it is there and constantly reminding yourself that with everything social or stressful that you do, you are beating it. Im half way there already just from changing my perception of it around a little and staying positive. Doing things that Id avoided for years :)

Driving can be scary sometime. I get anxious driving on motorways or crossing bridges/flyovers, I get the sleepy feeling, blurred vision and am unable to concentrate. Basically feel like I will feint. I used to beat myself up mentally when I felt panicky, now I just calm myself down by telling myself I get it all the time and it always passes. Works a treat, hasnt actually failed me yet :)

Hope you find the site as useful as I have.

18-03-08, 19:01

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

18-03-08, 20:43
Hi Sar,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

18-03-08, 22:18
hi, yes any kind of drugs can set panic/anxiety... for me diazepam and seroxat caused mine...

hang in there...

have you ever heard of spirit release therapy?

19-03-08, 00:52
Hi Sar
That's exactly how it started for me 35 yrs ago.
If only I could go back and say NO!
Phill :shades:

19-03-08, 20:02
Hi Sar

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard.

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help

I suffer panic when driving and it is the last thing I want to completely conquer

19-03-08, 20:36
Hi Sar and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. The links on the left are full of useful information and are a great place to start.

Take care,

Mike :)

20-03-08, 16:16

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advice and support here and make many friends along the way...Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs:

20-03-08, 16:40
hi sar96 ive often felt like how uve described and have found that sitting around thinking about things to much is half the problem uve got to get up and do somthing anything to take your mind off these fellings when they occuer praps when your driving talk to the person in the car with you or listen to the radio or wind the window down and listen to the outside world around you, also one of the best things ive found wich really helps in all of these sorts of situations is fresh air and excersize also i think you shud talk to your husband and show him this site and outhers like it so he can see that its actually quite normall to fell this way.