View Full Version : Me again...lol

18-03-08, 15:53

Promise this will be my last rant. Feeling a bit better now but still VERY paranoid and i need a boot us the bum.

Ok so had this urticaria thing (Severe bodily rash) so i went down to hosp and got meds for it! before i went down though, medical peeps would ask, is my lips or tongue swollen. Neither were, just had a puffy eye aswell as the rash.

On the meds, rash gone...but i am SO DAMN PARANOID that suddenly my lips and tongue will swell up and block my airway. i'm trying to be logical here as i have had this twice in my life now and my airway never been blocked with it but i just can't get this out my head!! I just want to get back to silly old Lisa coz this is a nightmare!!

thanks for reading

Love Lisa

18-03-08, 16:01
*boots ya up the bum*

They always ask if you lips or tounge is swollen just incase u have so they could do something about it then i highly doubt it's gonna happen now, talking of that i think they asked me if my face was swollen when i broke my leg, hospital's u love um but hate um.

18-03-08, 16:05
Lisa :hugs: you and I both know that the more you dwell on thinking like this the worse your going to feel eh :flowers: I know it's easy for me to say and I agree when the mind tends to settle on something its horrible trying to quit thinking about it when its upmost on our mind :doh: As your lips and tongue have never swollen before where have you got the idea that they will this time???? Have you been reading up on this Urticaria?? I so hope you havent googled else there will be a swelling :shades: Try to put this out of your mind distract yourself and feed Ben the catfood and feed the cat Ben's chocolate :shrug: Me and thee will catch up later tonight same place same time lol. xxxxxx

18-03-08, 16:16
Lol ozwald and Mandy!!! thanks me darlins!! huggies xxxxxx

Mandy it's a date xxxx

18-03-08, 17:09
Hi lisa

I know what a funny old thing the mind can be and once we get something on the brain it is so hard to shift. I have had so many things wrong with me in this last week but really there has been nothing at all wrong.

You have been through a bad ordeal lately with the skin rash but hopefully all is getting better now, try to remember you are through the worst of it now.

You take care of yourself


18-03-08, 17:46
Thanks carol! i'll do my best! xxxx

18-03-08, 20:46
Hi Lisa,

When this nasty thought arises,please think of me chasing you down the street,kicking your butt!!

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

These thoughts will pass away.
You have shown that you are strong enough to get through this!!
Best wishes,

18-03-08, 21:03

Aye i'll think of ye chasing me down the street, but does ye have to be kicking me butt ;) hehehe


18-03-08, 21:16
Hey Girl,

Better kicking your butt than your pretty wee heid!!
Keep believing in yourself,girl!!
Best wishes,

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

18-03-08, 21:41
Blondy stop being a plonker:D :D :D

Consider your bum kicked:D

Kaz x x x:hugs: