View Full Version : Sorry me again!!!Had rubbish day!!

18-03-08, 19:08
I posted last night about the swelling in my neck. I had felt really positive for 2 days and today, for some reason i feel rubbish again!!!
I cant seem to get it in my head that i have had 4 blood tests done and a chest X ray(which the dr stated on the letter to the hospital that i could feel a swelling above right clavicle and therefore they will have checked this in detail) and that they all came back NORMAL!!!!
Why am i still thinking i may have lymphoma?? It is now 5 months since i first felt what i think is a swelling(though 2 doctors cant feel any gland raised and all tests have been done) and i still think i can feel it!
It is only there when i move my neck in different positions ---if i am sat still i cant feel anything. It is very soft too!!!
Ahhhhhhhhh----someone tell me to stop this as i am driving myself mad!!!
I feel well in myself but stress wise i feel rubbish!!!
The doctor even called my husband in from the waiting room to tell him there was nothing there!!!!
Just wanted to add that last week i went to the dentist and he did an x ray as a filling had come out and i convinced myself(til i went back last week for the filling) that he was going to find something sinister in my mouth off the X ray.
Please can anyone reassure me that i am not going crazy!!!!Thanks

18-03-08, 20:39
Hi Jellybean,

A lifetime of stress and anxiety makes great sceptics out of us.
Accepting for just one day at a time that anxiety is the root of our problems not physical health issues, is the starting point for freedom to begin our recovery.
Think of the years that your doctor has had to train to attain his position.
Think of the action he has taken to put your mind at rest.
Don't waste your time cahllenging his diagnosis.Focus on the negative thoughts which are hurting you and challenge them.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Best wishes,

18-03-08, 22:01
Thanks Chalky----I am really going to try to be positive and not keep challenging his diagnosis!!
I know that I dont know much about medical stuff but the fatal google took over and I read the most awful stuff(as I am sure most people on here can relate too!!).
I havent actually googled anything medical for weeks now and that is a huge relief to me as i was looking things up most days---actually every day if i am truthful!!!

I just need now to challenge the negative thoughts---not really sure where to start but will give it a go!!
Thanks again xx