View Full Version : worried about nothing!

18-03-08, 19:11
i have just been thinking since getting up this morning i have been worring! I've felt fine so i dont know why. possibly coz I scared myself yesterday as when i was driving i was thinking about who'd look after my son if i commited suicide, mid thought i come round and thought "what the hell am i thinking"! I dont normally think things like this, does this mean i'm suicidal? I dont think i am, just need reassurance on this one, anyone else get thoughts like this? I normally think of all sorts of rubbish whilst driving.

Most of all i'm really annoyed coz i feel i've wasted my time worrying all day about nothing in particular! i still am, got a slight panicy feeling! but apart from that i'm fine. I worry when i feel ill and i worry when i dont! lol, i'm crazy! i will get through it, i know i will anyone got any tips? I found the positive thinking advice useful where when u feel ill and start to panick think "its normal to feel like this, its just because i'm panicking". Its better than my normal thoughs which were "it must be in my head, i'm not really feeling ill......but it feels so real i must be ill.....help!" (followed by a panic attck)

Hows everyone else? any responses more thank welcome thank u all soo much 4 the support xxxxxxx:D

18-03-08, 20:31
Hi PinkyP,

First of all,you are not crazy.
You are a person with health issues which you are trying to address.
You deserve empathy and support.
Throughout the day,random thoughts can cause us problems because we are prone to focusing on them so intently.When it happens,we have to stop,challenge the thought logically then discard it.Turn your mind asap to doing something else-if you are focused on doing something which requires concentration and attention,there is little room for panic/anxiety to rear its ugly head.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Don't dare give up on yourself.
Best wishes,

18-03-08, 20:42
You are not crazy - just when your driving your mind wanders.

I don't feel suicidal but sometimes think about what would happen if I got ill or whatever - think its a part of health anx I guess.

I play my ipod in the car - put the music up loud and sing :yahoo:helps keep your mind occupied


Claire xxxxx

18-03-08, 21:16
I'm a terrible singer so the music has to be VERY loud! lol! Thanks 4 the response! xx