View Full Version : someone please help, abdominal and rib pain

18-03-08, 21:37

I haven't posted for quite a while, I have been mostly fine, trying to keep myself busy with things.
I really need some help and reassurance, cause I'm going out of my mind. I'm scared coz this problem is playing on my mind and affedting me in the same way things used to do before.
About a week ago i got s bit of a constipation, it lasted for 2 days with bloathing that felt tender on my right side of abdomen , even more when i would try to push...than i started going to the loo again, but there was this feeling like i would need to go more. I started feeling pain under my right rib, like a pulsating pain first that would go away. I freaked out, googled it and found gall bladder freaking out even more. than i started touching and pressing my last rib and underneath and it would feel tender to touch so i started hoping it could be muscular afterall coz my back felt stiff as well ( i spent the previous week sitting in front of the computer doing my final year project :wacko::winks:). Well, that thought didn't last long coz then i felt this pain in just one spot really but lower than the rib, on the same right side.Ok, then I decide to go to the docs, he touched the place under the rib, i told him i felt bloathed and bit gassy and he said it's just the bowels.So off I went home, but over the weekend pain stayed, going higher closer to the rib, on the side, bit down again, driving me crazy, of course i couldn't concentrate on anything else. The pain is really not severe,just worrying and uncomfortable, and it does feel better and worse during the day.So today I went to the docs again, another one this time, she felt my abdomen bit better, and she said she felt something like air movement when she pressed and that she really thinks it is just gasses and constipation and when it all clear up i should feel better. Gosh, I'm really sorry coz my tread is so long...
I'm really trying to believe what she said but it's hard, keep thinking about it, and worrying:unsure:, thinking about things that could be wrong with me...Please, help me guys...:blush::weep:

19-03-08, 10:12
I know how you feel it's not easy to get the thoughts out of your head but I'm sure it is just a bit of colic or wind. My son had a terrible time 1 xmas had him in a&e as he was in so much pain he could'nt lie down. Turned out to be trapped wind sorted with gaviscon. Be good to yourself.:hugs: :hugs:

19-03-08, 12:08
Thank you so much Lesley :hugs: for support. I've been really trying to be positive this morning. But I also have a very stiff back , i just feel very achey, and with the rib pain not going i just have this waves of dark thoughts...