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19-03-08, 00:00
After a trip to the A&E dept AGAIN, the doctor thinks I may have gall stones and has prescribed me 300mg ranitidine.

Now sillly me, has gone and read the leaflet (which I know I should never do but I ALWAYS do-a nurse said to me a few weeks ago "if you read the side effects you can guarantee you will get them") and have now given myself a complete phobia about getting the side effects. I'm the same with any new meds they give me but how am I supposed to get better if I'm not willing to take the medications they give me? I know they know what they're talking about but I still cant seem to believe that they KNOW that they are prescribing me the correct tablets for the symptoms i'm telling them-so then i start thinking "well if they have diagnosed me incorrectly, why should i take the tablets they told me to take and risk getting the side effects or having a bad readtion to them when I dont even need them because they've got the diagnosis wrong"

I'm in such a vicious circle at the minute and dont know what to do-do I take the new meds for the gall stones (if this is what it is which personally i dont think it is) and risk the side effects or not take them and carry on suffering?

Has anyone else taken this med and had either a good reaction or a bad one?

please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19-03-08, 00:46
Hi Lou,
I've been on 300mg Ranitide every morning for years now for reflux.
I didn't even know they had side effects.I certainly have had no trouble.
Phill :shades:

19-03-08, 08:21
Cheers for the reply Phil

the thing is, I dont suffer from reflux or heartburn really so I dont know why they think its gall stones :shrug: he did examine my stomach area and it was tender just between under my boobs and just above my belly button? plus I get chet pains and he sais the "knot" is a symptom?

thanks for lettting me know about the lack of side effects though :yesyes:

lou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-03-08, 08:29
No worries Lou
I didn't know it was used for Gallstones so we've both learnt something.
Phill :shades:

tayside lassie
19-03-08, 09:33
hiya Lou ....my sister..brother-in-law take ranitidine b.i.l for years no problems ..Ive been on tagamet for 10 years without any problems ..once you start taking them youll notice a big difference .


19-03-08, 11:10
I have ranitidine too, I can take 2 a day and I haven't read the leaflet but whenever I do on anything else I do always have the side effects, so have stopped reading them, I know it is all in my head though but it doesn't make it any better at the time, I even stopped taking antids because I had every side effect going after reading the leaflet, since then I have not read a single leaflet from anything and won't do again.

19-03-08, 22:45
They prescribe this to babies so its safe I am sure.

I was prescribed it last year for excessive wind, my GP told me side effects are 1 in a million so not to worry.

I to read the leaflet and s**t myself but I took them and I was fine.

19-03-08, 23:30
thanksfor your replies guys,

I have read that the side effects are quite rare with these but i'm also on 2mg diazepam at the moment and I'm worried about it interacting with this. I did tell the doctor about being on them-in fact he sugessted I up them to take 3 x 2mg a day for a week and see how I get on so I suppose I just answered me own question lol

gonna cut it in half and take one just before I drop off and see how I go

lou xxxxxxxxx

20-03-08, 02:27
Hi Lou,
I take 10mg diazepam/day with em amd have no probs.
Phill :shades:

20-03-08, 10:52
Cheers guys,

I took 1/4 (75mg) before I went to bed and survived so i'm gonna take another 1/4 now and then before I go to bed and see how I get on.

Thanks again

lou xxx

27-03-09, 23:13
Took my first ranitidine a few hours ago and just made the mistake myself. I went and google the side effects....now I'm really scared that I'll get a reaction. I'm already starting to feel that I have a hard time breathing...I was fine a few minutes ago when I didn't know about the side effects. Do any of you know how long it takes to have an allergic reaction, is it sudden or can it take a while?

I hate being like this, paranoid all the time about new meds.

Thank you

Daniela xox

Sammy J
27-03-09, 23:56
Hiya Lou,

I'm shocking with reading and obsessing over side effects on tablets. I've started some new ones (for a similar problem to you, chest/stomach pain..been in A&E many times, last time being last weekend!). What I do is make sure there is someone with me when I begin taking new pills, that way I won't go into a panic and my other half talks some sense into me if I start thinking I feel funny.

Mine is a vicious circle as my anxiety is causing my condition which in turn is causing my anxiety. I'm getting upper tummy spasms which are very scary but I'm learning to try and relax my breathing etc. Am being treated for reflux but, now I'm getting spasms, I think it's IBS. Have had scan for gallstones etc and all is fine but am seeing gastro consultant next week so plan to discuss the IBS thing then.

Sam :)