View Full Version : Fed up with hypochondria

19-03-08, 10:20
It's getting so hard to deal with this... I always think I have cancer or something... I felt a spot in my penis earlier that I think is just the urethra cord or whatever because it's been there forever and i know it's been there forever and I still got nervous about it, There was a spot on my penis due to chaffing or hair follicle.. The doctor told me it was nothing and that it was def. not cancer and I still couldnt convince myself that it wasnt...

I am worrying day and night, feeling for lumps/bumps, constantly..

I need help guys!!!
Help :(

20-03-08, 07:24
Sorry to hear that your going through such a hard time, I was there about this time last year. Last year I thought I had a brain tumour, when they proved not to be the case I panicked about a lump on my jaw, and spent the best part of last year worrying about my health.

What helped me was that I wrote a diary on my pc, I typed pretty much every day about how I was feeling and why was no-one else taking the fact I thought I had a brain tumour seriously, I found that when I had a new symptom I would read what I had written previously and slowly but surely I could see that I had gotten myself into a right pickle and that proved to be nothing so the chances are this time would be the same. To help I was also put on a low dose medication, and I still have my bad moments, but they might last hours or even a few days, but I have long periods in between on being normal or as close to normal as I can be.

Good Luck

20-03-08, 09:35

Quick question: what's your favourite thing in the whole world?

PS (not for the ladies....) I just checked mine out. It's got lots of little bumps and spotty things on it. How old are you? I remember being like 19 and notiving a few interesting developments down there....all normal.

21-03-08, 17:16

Just keep pulling it it will get better.
