View Full Version : young kids and panic attacks

19-03-08, 10:52
Is there any other females here in their 40's who have young children (aged below 5 years), and are having to cope with panic attacks too?

I have 2 boys, aged 2 and 4 yrs old and I also have a 13yr old daughter, I also have a partner, oh and a crazy dog...lol I have been having panic attacks and also i get anxious for i think about 8 to 9 yrs now. Recently, my panic attacks are worse cos I upped my fluoxetine tablets to 2 tablets a day. That was around a month back now, but i am having really, really bad attacks, and yes im worried about having a heart attack. I cut my meds back this week to 1 tablet a day but i guess i have to let things settle down again. If you are similar to me, how do you cope with everyday life etc?


19-03-08, 11:38
Hello Tracy And Welcome.........i Wish Ya Well.........linda

19-03-08, 12:00
hi tracy,i have 3 daughters who suffer with anxiety in different ways & truly believe they inhereted my genes although my therapist says they learn behavior patterns! i suffer from panic attacks as well as other things,my eldest daughter was 5 when she started 2 show signs of anxiety,i got her straight in2 a therapist through my doctor,but i think with me knowing so much about panic ect i knew what she was feeling so i kept talking 2 her explaining, & reassuring her which was difficult with her being so young,so i know how u feel it seems so unfair when they r so young & inisent,but i try 2 keep my panic feelings away from them as much as i can i keep pumping positive in2 them,hope all works out 4 u all take carexleisax

19-03-08, 13:07
Hi Cooky

I'm not a mother but just wanted to welcome you to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

19-03-08, 13:14
Hiya Cooky,

I have 4 children ages 3,5,6,10. I have panic attacks and anxiety and am not forty yet but feel about a hundred and forty!!!

Feel free to pm me if you like.

Welcome to nmp there are loads of supportive people here who have lots of positive stuff to contribute and understand how it feels.

Take care


19-03-08, 18:20
hello cooky,i can relate to you.im fifty in october and my three youngest are 8 10 and 13 im a single mum and they do not see thier dad either so its full times.i too have had panic atacks for well over 30 years and anxiety.i was forty one when my youngest was born and my middle one was around 16 months and i had a three year old.to be honest i found it much easier to cope when they were that age than i do now.its very hard with panic attacks to control three kids who are now at that age when they start to argue etc and defiance its a complete nightmare.i have older kids too a daughter 31 who has three children two of whom are older than mine.also a son of 24 who has a young daughter and my eldest son he sadley is no longer with me he passed away ten years ago tommorow he would be 27 now.they were never cheeky or anything like my three young ones now are. i strongly believe that todays generation of children are very different as ive experienced seperate generations.my three often send me into a panic attack and in floods of tears with feelings of despair and unable to cope.i just plod on.but its very hard i agree.i hope you start to find things get a little better for you soon,i know that overwhelmed feeling of terror that its all too much.but your children are getting older and you have coped so far with raising them from tiny babies with your panic attacks so you should be giving yourself a pat on the back for that.like liesa said about panic attacks in her daughter from the age of five i was that age when i recall my first panic attack,but i too although i dont conceal my panic attacks from them a bit hard when your on your own,i do instill positiveness in them and try to teach them not to be afraid and that they can do anything,that their not like me.i think its worked they all show no signs of panics or anxiety.they just behave so badley they make me ill.and i dont attribute their ways to my illness as my three older ones saw me the same.it is todays society i really do think that.all the best to you and your lovely little family

19-03-08, 19:55
Hi Tracy

Just wanted to :welcome: you aboard.

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help

19-03-08, 20:06
Hi Tracy,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

19-03-08, 20:41
Hi Tracy and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

20-03-08, 12:52
Hi Tracy,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

20-03-08, 14:07
Hi Tracy,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

20-03-08, 15:59

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of advice and support here and make many friends along the way...Don't forget to visit the chatroom !! :hugs: