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19-03-08, 11:10
10 Secrets for success and Inner Peace
written by Dr Wayne Dyer

This is a lovely little book I believe is worth having in your ‘wellness’ kit. Below I have copied the Introductions to each 10 Secrets from his book.

The First Secret

I wish to say what I think and feel today,
With the proviso that tomorrow perhaps,
I shall contradict it all.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I always entertain
Great hopes
Robert Frost

Have a mind
That is Open to
Everything and
Attached to

The Second Secret

There is just one life
For each of us:
Our own.

A musician must make music,
an artist must paint,
a poet must write,
If he be at peace with himself.
What a man can be, he must be.
Abrahan Maslow

Don’t Die
With Your
Music Still
In You

The Third Secret

No man who is occupied in doing
A very difficult thing and doing it
Very well, ever loses his self respect.
George Bernard Shaw

As soon as you trust yourself,
You will know how to live.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You can’t
Give Away
What You
Don’t Have

The Fourth Secret

Solitude, in the sense of being often alone,
Is essential to any depth of meditation or of
Character; and solitude in the presence of
natural beauty and grandeur is the cradle of
thought and aspirations which are not only
good for the individual, but which society
could ill do without.
John S. Mill

Perhaps one of the greatest
Rewards of meditation
And prayer is the sense of
Belonging that comes to us.
Bill W.


The Fifth Secret

Florence Farr once said to me, “If we could
say to ourselves, with sincerity, ‘The passing
moment is as good as any I shall ever
know,’ we could die upon the instant
and be united with God.”
William Butler Yeats

Here lies my past
Goodbye I have kissed it,
Thank you kids,
I wouldn’t have missed it.
Ogden Nash

Give Up

The Sixth Secret

Any path is only a path, and there is no
affront to oneself or to others, in dropping
it if that is what your heart tells you.
Carlos Castaneda

Any man can make
Mistakes, but only an
Idiot persists in his error.

You can’t
Solve a
Problem with
The same
Mind that
Created it

The Seventh Secret

The happiness of your life depends
upon the quality of your thoughts. . .
take care you entertain
no notions unsuitable
to virtue and
reasonable nature.
Marcus Aurelius

God does not command
that we do great things,
only little things with
great love.
Mother Teresa

are no

The Eight Secret

It is necessary to the happiness
of man that he be mentally
faithful to himself.
Thomas Paine

First say to yourself
what you would be,
and then do what
you have to do.

Treat Yourself
As if You
Already Are
What You’d
Like to BE

The Ninth Secret

There are only two ways to
live your life. One is as
though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though
everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein

In the faces of men
and women, I see God.
Walt Whitman


The Tenth Secret

Believe that life is worth living, and
your belief will help create that fact.
William James

Nothing is, unless our thinking makes it so.
William Shakespeare

Wisdom is
Avoiding All
Thoughts That
Weaken You

Ok, so that is the introduction to each secret in his book. I sometimes forget I even have this book, and then in a dark moment it always seems to appear just when I need it.

It can be ordered at: www.hayhouse.com (http://www.hayhouse.com/)


20-03-08, 10:07
Thanks for that Sarajane.I love books like that.:hugs:
julie x:hugs:

20-03-08, 10:51
:yesyes: hi sarajane, i havent had time to read them all now, as im in the middle of getting ready! but i love 'feel the fear and do it anyway' by susan jeffers - so do many on here too - and she says in her book to read inspiring, uplifting ,positive,and motivating quotes regularly, so i think your book comes into that category? thanks for sharing:hugs: emma