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13-11-03, 22:46
I have been taking Venlafaxine anti-depressant now for 6 weeks as I felt I needed something to help calm me down after loosing my job after been bullied at work by my boss. Has anyone taken this drug and do they feel it works? I feel slightly calmer but I dont know whether that is because I have found a new job which is great. I still get the panic symptoms though so does this mean they are not working for me?

Please advise.


15-11-03, 21:51
hi sadie,

goodness,there are soo many drugs out there,i often wonder how a doctor decides to prescribe this one,as against any other .

venlafaxine is a good ante-depressant...a mood changing drug...it should take about four weeks to kick in,its taken basically to cheer you up a bit.

its also a drug that you need to take as prescribed,and to be taken until told to stop by your doctor...dont suddenly stop taking it,as it can have adverse affects.

if you find it not helping you,go back to your gp,and he/she will prescribe something else.

as for panic...start by reading everything on the home page...then read every single post under <panic> on this forum...loads of great advice,you wont find elsewhere.

best wishes...bryan.

16-11-03, 22:16
Hi Bryan,

Dont worry I'm not stalking you but you give good advice. I do feel that I am less stressed on these tablets but I still do get symptoms of panic. I have never taken tablets over the last 3 years up until 6 weeks ago because I always wanted to deal with the problems myself but it got to a point when other things were happening in my life (loosing my job) that i really needed to. Anyway, I am going to the doctor tommorrow as I need more pils but I want to stop them and cope with this myself. I feel after reading all the information on this site that it can be done and that there is a lot of support here to help along the way. Do you think I will suffer a huge setback if I come off them?


16-11-03, 22:28
Hi Sadie

I know that they recommend at least 6 months on anti-depressants, often more. If they are helping you I'd suggest getting a referral to a therapist and taking them in the meantime - they can give you a break and allow you to make positive changes so that when you come off them things are different.

16-11-03, 23:30
hi sadie,

if your going back to your doctor 2morrow(monday),i would suggest sitting down beforehand for ten minutes,and write down all the questions you need the doctor to answer...(once in the surgery,we sometimes clam up,and come out confused).

its good you now have a new job,that you enjoy,ime sure this will help you.

just a thought,have you tried..the bach rescue remedy..its well documented on this site..you put a few drops in mineral water,and freely sip all day.

its available at supadrug,and most health food stores,and from wot ive read,it takes the edge off,anxiety,and panic.

dont ever be afraid to post on here,its a little haven to come to when you need assurance from people that care..best wishes..bryan.

18-11-03, 19:59
Hi all,

Went to the doctors yesterday and decided to not take anymore Venlafaxine and to try with the help from everyone on this site and all the good advice to cope drug free. I am a bit worried the symptoms may come back with a vegenance to start with and make me scared but I guess I can only try.


18-11-03, 20:04
Please taper them off and don't stop all of a sudden if you've been on them a few weeks already. There can be some nasty rebound sideffects with venaflaxine as with all antidepresants.

Good for you for taking that decision. What did doc have to say about your choice?


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18-11-03, 20:42
Hi Radar,

Doctor advised me to take the remaining pills (4) every second day and everything should be ok. He said as I was given the Venlafaxine for anxiety and not depression he thinks that I am making a very positive choice as I would still have to learn to deal with panic and anxiety after stopping the tablets whenever that may be. Do you think thats ok for me to take the remaining tablets every 2nd day?


18-11-03, 21:28
hya sadie,

as i said on a previous post...you cant just stop taking these drugs,but if your dr says one every two days,then thats the way to go.

from what youve said previously,i would suggest you concentrate on correct breathing techniques,relaxation tapes,and above all keeping your mind busy with hobbies...also theres some good herbal products available,which arent addictive.

comind off a/d in eight days may be tough,dont be afraid to go back to the doctor,and ask for a lower dose,for another week or so..best wishes..bryan.

18-11-03, 21:45
hi Bryan

Do you recommend any particualr relaxation tapes as I have never bought one? I think you are right I may be best to take a smaller dose for a week or so. I think I will phone him tommorrow and suggest that.

Thanks for the advice


19-11-03, 13:22
Last time I came of anti-depressants I went to half dose for a week and then half dose every other day for a week and i suffered no withdrawal sypmtoms. I had been on them 6 months.

19-11-03, 16:45
emily,it all depends on the daily dosage,that the bodies got used to relying upon..but as you say,a steady decrease over two/three weeks should be fine.

sadie, ive only ever bought one relaxation tape...and that was the sound of rainfall...but its a personal thing,ime sure theres a posting somewhere,where people recommended tapes,and also sites,to buy them...also nicola has some very good ones,that she can tell you about,that she bought from..www.hypnosisaudio.com ,hope your keeping well,take care,bryan.

19-11-03, 19:35
Hi Sadie,

Sounds like you've got a sensible doctor. How fabulous...

It doesn't matter what you've been on the drug for - it still changes the chemicals in the brain. Some people come off really easily and some need to be a bit slower.

You could try his way and just call him if you get some rebound or just put up with it whilst your body gets back to normal. Depends on how strong you feel and how you respond. You'll know very soon either way . You may not feel a thing !


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-11-03, 20:02
Hi Sadie

I bought the Deep Sleep tape from the site above - www.hypnosisaudio.com

It is really relaxing and I am using it to help me sleep at night cos I never do!


20-11-03, 22:11
Hi Nicola,

Phoned doctor today and told him I was worried about experiencing some withdrawal symptoms once I stop taking the tablets. He has gave me another prescription of Venlafaxine so I can take one tablet every second day for another month. I hope this may even things out better.
Thanks for your advice.

Speak to you all soon.


20-11-03, 22:18
Hi Sadie,

You might want to take one every second day for 2 weeks and then one every 3 days till they run out.


21-11-03, 20:46

I agree with Meg - reduce it all slowly before stopping completely.

Let us know how it goes


22-11-03, 12:35
Thanks Nicola & Meg

I will definetily be taking your advice. Thanks for the support.


23-11-03, 18:21
Hi Sadie and all.
I've had recently a prescription for venlafaxine( efexor)and when I took the first one, I had an horrible night feeling even more anxious and couldn't sleep. Has any one else felt that way?
So I choosed not to carry on until I get an other medication.

23-11-03, 19:33

This often happens whilst your body settles down with the new medication.. Give it time. Most SSRI's take a few days- 2 weeks.

Another med may be just the same.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

23-11-03, 21:06
Hi Florence

SSRI's often have this effect, increased panic for first week. My doctor told me i should take my tablets in the morning to stop the sleeping problems and they have settled down.

23-11-03, 21:44
Hi everyone,

I have been taking Venlafaxine now for 2 months approximately but with the guidance of my Gp and the help and advice i have gained from this site I have decided to stop taking these tablets gradually and to cope on my own. However, when I first started taking these tablets I felt awful, in fact I felt worse than I did when I went to the doctors. After about 3 weeks after I started taking them I guess I started to feel slightly calmer but I still got the panicky symptoms. Now I take them every 2nd day and I am slightly worried I will feel like I did when I first started them. I have actually felt quite panicky all weekend, racing heart, nauseous, light headed, tingling in my body. I hope things will not get to worse for me... I am trying to stay positive. I will keep visiting this great site for support.
