View Full Version : white bumps inside mouth

19-03-08, 16:30
hey again everyone, i have a new health anxiety worry, i have just notice that i have these white bumps on the inside of mouth located just below the lips. i am really freaking out about this, i'm so scared, it's mouth cancer isn't it? any ideas?
Please Please reply
Love Louise

19-03-08, 17:31
Sounds more like tonsilitis!

Go see your GP but I put you it's nothing....

19-03-08, 19:06
i am so so worried, any ideas what couls cause this? it's like a line of very small white bumps inside my mouth, anyone had anything like this before?
Please please reply
Love Louise xx

19-03-08, 19:43
Are they on the lip?

19-03-08, 19:43
Hi Louise!
For nearly 2 months I was panicking that I had mouth cancer (I had a white bump on my tongue), I went to a mouth and maxillofacial surgery in hospital, and it turns out it was just a small infection. 2 months of panic for a small infection!
The chances of it being mouth cancer are very rare Louise.
If your really worried, go see your dentist/doctor and I'm sure they can give you some piece of mind.
Take care,


19-03-08, 19:46
Hi Louise,

A quick visit to your GP should put your mind at rest
:hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

19-03-08, 19:50
Try this post - took me ages to find it again!!


19-03-08, 20:38
no not they are not on the lip, they are inside mouth, thanks nicola for the post, it was reassuring however i'm slightly concerned as on their they said they noticed them when they were looking for them however i noticed mine when my tongue went across that area so they raised. do you think it's anything to worry about?
Please reply
Love Louise

19-03-08, 21:04
I could feel mine too which is why I went to the doc and he said everyone has them and they did go down in time.

Maybe you are eating something that is aggrevating it at the moment so watch out for acidy foods and spicy things.

They will go down soon I am sure.

19-03-08, 23:12
sounds like a canker sore.
You can get them when you're stressed out.
I've had them, and they do get painful, but it's nothing to freak out about. It will go away on it's own.
more than likely it's nothing, but falling in line with the other advice here, go see your doctor if it's really bothering you, just for piece of mind.

20-03-08, 00:02
hey thanks for all your great advice, i am calming down a bit about it, still thinking the worst but thats anxiety for you. it's not painful at all or sore or anything its just there and i can feel it with my tongue. i don't know what it is, it's really weird really. i will prob go to docs about it but i might wait a week or so see to see if it disappears. i really hope its not mouth cancer, i'm so scared.
Love Louise

24-03-08, 12:03
I recently had something similar on my upper gums and my inside left cheek these were white spots that were almost pin head size.
I just had the one on my inside cheek that I could feel with my tongue but this one didn't really hurt, but on my upper gum there were a few clustered together and these ones felt very sore and I was very aware of these, they have seemed to have gone now, probably took about 5 days to go.
Hope yours have gone now.