View Full Version : Dont seem to be able to cope like normal people

19-03-08, 16:58
As I have got older my anxiety and worry seems to have escalated to the point that I am almost driving myself and my family mad with frustration. If I could have one wish it would be to never ever feel this way again as it truly is a living hell and a curse. If anything happens that I feel I cannot deal with or cope with I just have worrying thoughts constantly going around and around in my head until I feel that I just want to run away or worse. I do not seem to have the coping strategies that most people have when something goes wrong and the feelings of panic and anxiety are just so overwhelming. My latest problem is that my dog has had to have a knee joint op and being just 2 years old how do you manage to keep a lively dog still for anything up to 6 weeks. She weighs 5 stone and she must not jump up,use the stairs, run or get over excited ( how do I do that) She had the op 10 days ago and up until now I have slept in the lounge with her and tried my best to keep her calm by being with her all the time ( which is making me feel quite confined) I had to take her back to the vet yesterday and it turns out that she has twisted the joint somehow and loosened it and now I do not know if she is going to have to have it done all over again & if it is done again how do I stop her twisting it again. When I put her in a cage she cries and gets stresssed if she thinks I am going out and I end up staying indoor because I feel so bad leaving her. I have ended up having to resort to Lorazepam as I think I am going to go completely insane. Am I the only one that gets like this? I am sure that other people are able to deal these situations without all the mental torture and torment.

19-03-08, 20:23
Hi MF,

My dog is almost sixteen and is looked on as No 4 child in our home by my wife and I.It is very tempting to treat them as human because we devote so much love and care to them.Sometimes though,we do have to seem to be "cruel" to be kind.The dog must be treated strictly by you because it is in his best interests.If it has to be confined then do that-the dog will adjust.In the long term,the dog will benefit more from this short-term inconvenience.
Best wishes,

20-03-08, 04:57
Jeez, maybe your dog should be caged as sad as it could be, it's gotta be calmed down for it's own good. And yes as I've gotten older, and I'm young, my anxiety/worrying/ocd/depression has worsened.