View Full Version : Has anyone had gallstones???

19-03-08, 17:23
Hey, me again lol

can anyone tell me if they have had gallstones and what were their symptoms?

My main syptom at the moment is a really bad CONSTANT knot in my stomach-from morning till night. ive had chest pains for the last few years on and off but over the last few weeks its been lingering everyday, also a kind of ache just below my left shoulder. i dont really have much stomach pains (non at all in the lower abdomen-its all from just below my bra strap under my boobs, to my belly buttom) this is where the knot is, and sometimes i get the odd twinge of pain and also i only very rarely suffer from relfux or heartburn. ive been given ranitidine 300mg i havent taken any yet as i'm terriefied of side effects. ive got an ultrasound booked but probably not for about 3 months or so.

can anyone help me? has anyone had ranitidine and has it worked or have you any side effects? the main thing i'd like to know is if anyone has had the "knot" in the stomach and had the gallstones confirmed?

I know i'm repeating meself alot lately but i'm really having a terrible time at the minute and need some reassurance :scared10:


lou xxxxxxxxxxx

19-03-08, 19:34
Hi Lou

I had my gall bladder removed over eight years ago. I used to get really bad nawing pains in my stomach as if I was constantly hungry. When I had eaten I used to get really bad pains afterwards in the stomach. I have taken ranitidine and omeprazole and suffered NO SIDE EFFECTS whatsoever and they did help with the pain.

I know it is easy to say try not to worry as I suffer with panic/anxiety/agoraphobia but try to stay positive. When I had to have my tests and then the operation my consultant was really good, he knew about my panic and my fear of hospitals and arranged for me to fast overnight at home and go into hospital the following morning for the op. He also arranged for me to be kept in a side room so I didn't have to cope with so many patients in a ward.

My hubby was with me until they put me under and the op wasn't bad at all.

Try to stay positive and try not to worry too much, see your GP and discuss all your fears.

Wish you the all the best and hope your scan turns out alright. I'd take the medication as it will help.


'Your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

19-03-08, 19:40
cheers diane

the reason i'm so worried about the ranitidine is because i had a bad reaction to the omaprozole and am scared the same will happen with these.

also what dose did you have? i've been given 300mg

thanks for the reply

lou xxxxx

19-03-08, 20:14
hi lou
i had my gall bladder out last year... i had it done by key hole surgery...
it is done as day surgery.
the pain i had before the operation was something awful... i had been ill with it since the january and finally had my op in july.
honestly it is the best thing i had done.
i expect you do this already but watch what you eat... fatty/greasy food and dairy products are worse.
i still drink my tea black lol
im afraid i dont have any advice about the medication though...
but if the scan takes to long keep going back and nagging them.

19-03-08, 21:02
Hi Rach

Did you have the "knot" in your stomach??? and what other symptoms did you have?


lou xxxxx

19-03-08, 22:45
Hi louwilliams,

I have gallstone .. in fact I have it at more than 2 years and I have no pain yet. I had problems with kidney stone and they discovered that I also have gall bladder stone. They just told me to take care about what I eat.

I just have problems when I eat some fatty food but that's all.

I have taken 2-3 times Ranitidin and I had no side effect.

Take care.

04-04-08, 13:33
hi im 20 and i had my gallbladder out wen i was 17. i had the knot you mentioned and the pain was unbearable for a few months until i finally had key hole surgery to remove the gall bladder. so glad i had it as the pain was just horrendous! x