View Full Version : About Me

20-03-05, 20:50

I’m a 35 year old man. I can’t really say exactly what is wrong with me because I don’t think it fits into a neat category but here’s a description of my problems.

I find it very difficult to make friends. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever managed to start a friendship by just talking to someone. I’ve had this at least since I was 5 years old and first started school. Everyone else seemed to be able to make friends except me.
Ever since any friendships I have had have not been very close ones and started with someone talking to me. At moment I don’t have any friends at all.

I get very anxious in social situations. For years I tried to force myself to join in with some friends when they went to the pub or to a club but things never got any better.

I have to have a shower or bath every day otherwise I get very anxious. I have irritable bowel syndrome which becomes worse if I’m doing some intensive studying in the evening. These symptoms started when I went away to university for a year and I really did n’t cope with being away from home and meeting new people.

In recent years I have developed some problems with my feet and ankles. This is probably due to a back problem and also finding shoes that fit as I have very narrow feet. However, despite trying things like specially made arch supports I have n’t found a solution. This really upsets me because I’d love to go hill-walking.

I get very depressed and anxious if I think about getting a new job or leaving home. I just feel I would not cope or the future just seems empty and bleak.

I have tried many different therapies. CBT on the NHS for 2 years, 7 years Transactional Analysis, some week-end courses and hypnotherapy. I don’t really want to risk medication but I wonder if this is my only course. I would like to know how to raise this with my GP.

I really hope there is someone who can help me.


20-03-05, 21:37
Hello and welcome to the site!! Love the name - are you a Jamie Cullum fan?

It sounds to me like you are suffering from some type of social anxiety. There is a whole section of this site devoted to it so check it out as you may it useful.

Everyone here is very friendly and I'm sure you will receive loads of support.

Sarah :D

20-03-05, 22:23
Hi welcome to the site, you will find lots of friendly helpfull people on here. there are a few that come in our chat room with social anxieties, why not pop in? u can chat or just watch you would be made welcome. Usualy someone in about 8 30pm onwards. Its at


hope u find the help you need. Vernon

20-03-05, 22:23
Hi Mate

Welcome aboard, it definately sounds like you are suffering from social anxiety. You will be able to learn lots about it by reading all the advice Nic has put together. There are lots of friendly people on this site that will help you through it and give you all the support you need.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

20-03-05, 22:35
Hi Thirtysomething

Welcome to the forum. I also suffer from social phobia and empathise with your difficulties socialising and making friends. This has been a problem for me and led to me becoming very isolated.

The internet is a great way to meet new friends and I have made some good friends since being a member of this forum. My worst problems centre around speaking to people but I'm not trying to tackle this with regular phone speaking practice.

As others have said. have a look at the posts in the Social Anxiety section. We'll do what we can to help you move forward from this.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-03-05, 23:21
Welcome thirtysomething,

I can tell you are not alone in having difficulty in forming friendships.

I went for years without a real friend, and that was all tied in with my anxiety I subsequently had.

Things are different for me now, but I am very much aware of how you may feel.

I conquered this by changing my attitude to my situation, which was not easy.

I decided to try those things that I failed to do when much younger and that made more positive in social situations.

You'll find there are many here that feel isolated and lonely because of their anxiety.

As Vernon, says, come into the chatroom and you will find that you are not as lonely as you thought.

Take Care,


21-03-05, 09:11
Hi there

A big, warm welcome to the forum, you'll make loads of friends here, there's no need to be lonely anymore. We are all here to help each other.

Take care

Elaine x

21-03-05, 10:13
Hi thirtysomething, just wanted to welcome you to the site.

You will make some good friends here and find lots of people who suffer the same problems as you. We will all try and support you as much as possible.

Take care
Love Lisaxx

21-03-05, 11:01
hi welcome to the forum im sure you will find it really helpful.....
and your days of being without friends are over were all very nice

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

21-03-05, 12:37
Hi ya.
Welcome to the forum.
Take one day at a time... and follow what the nice people say on this site.
I have and it gets better every day.

with good wishes


21-03-05, 17:01
Hi 30something and welcome aboard.

It would be good to get in the chat room and you can practice chatting to us in there and build some confidence.

Hope we can be of some help to you on here.


21-03-05, 17:11

Welcome to the site.