View Full Version : Still Light headed

20-03-08, 01:19
This summer will be 2 years that i have had this light headed off balance feeling, I've had many tests and seen many doctors and nothing ever has been found.

I know i have anxiety issues because i have most of the common symptoms that come and go and change from week to week. However this light headedness feeling is pretty constant and the worst symptom i have ever had and unlike all my other symptoms this one stays! It's been so bad that i am wanting to go back to the doctors again for the hundred time, i just can't cope.

I honestly think and feel like i am dying. This scares the heck out of me, i just want to feel good again even for a day just to know i can still feel that way!

Although over the 2 years of dealing with this i have had good days and sometimes weeks of feeling good and even days where i felt great! But at this point its pretty bad and i'm again thinking its the end of the world and that i might be dying :(

Everyone is sick of hearing what i have to say and just shrugs it off and then says it's all in my head and that i am making up these feels for attention.. These feels are real and they are no fun.. I dont wish them on my worst enemy..

Any suggestions or coments would be great, thanks..

20-03-08, 01:37
How is your breathing, i would focus on doing some breathing..

Do you also have tension and your shoulders and neck?

Try some light exercise..walking every day whether you feel good or not, honestly if the doctors can't find anything it leads me to believe it's both breaking and muscular tension. Which can be relieved once the anxiety is gone.

20-03-08, 12:26

Sorry to hear what u are going through.

I am having this light headed symptom to at the moment.

When my anxiety is bad I seem to have it all day.

All i do is try to keep myself busy and take my mind off it. When i focus to much on it, i seem to be worse

Iv noticed i never get it when im driving, im so busy concentraing on the road, so I have other things to think about.

I wish i knew how to get rid of it completely, its my worse symptom

take care

love mandie x

20-03-08, 13:14
i can so relate 2 u,ive recently had my hospital appointment (ov which i waited 5 months 4),they couldnt find any thing so i came out non the wiser with these dizzy-muzzy heads,i have it them on a daily basis,even when im not anxious,but there not a dizziness i have when i have panic attacks they r all day muzzy heads & it really gets me down,ive tryed breathing technics,relaxing,had my ears checked,my eyes checked,pretty much illimunated most things even food & deodrant/perfumes/toothpaste!!!!!i now i cant imagine a life dizzy-free although if i could get rid ov 1 symptom it would b the dizziness,so i hope u get 2 the bottom of urs & let me no take care xleisax

22-03-08, 05:15
Thanks for the replys everyone.

It's just so hard to belived this is just anxiety but i have been noticing that when i am very dizzy i do feel very anxious and when i feel calm and relaxed my dizziness is not that bad and sometimes almost gone.

Next step is to start working out again, i notice this helps alot with my anxiety..

Thanks again

22-03-08, 19:18

I have had GAD for 4 years, but only in the last 5 months have I had constant dizziness. I noticed that it diminished when I went away for a week's holiday. But sometimes I feel dizzy even when I don't feel anxious. I think it is due to dizziness, although it often doesn't make sense because I feel relatively ok. But there are tell-tale links: today, shopping in an overcrowded Asda, I started to feel really light-headed again. Getting home, the dizziness lessened.

23-03-08, 05:00
Mine also gets worse when in stores or around a lot of people..