View Full Version : Feeling Awful And Convinced Its The End

20-03-08, 13:15
Hi guys,

Ive been a member on here for 5 years now and during this time i have had many ups and downs, one min im better and then the next i fall into a hole again. I will try to explain what I mean. If something good happens to me i think to myself im not gonna live to see it thru, if I feel weak in myself and not alltogether with it I think im dying. I have a mole on my back that has a kind of water bump on it, its not a blister and doesnt hurt, its never bled never got bigger and never caused me problems but im conivinced my insides are slowely eating away at me and im gonna die.

The worst times for me is the morning. I always feel lightheaded and sometimes like im in a bubble, its kind of as if I have a constant hangover but I havent drank for ages. the rough feeling. And again im convinced i have a serious illness to feel this way.

I get hot flushes, dizzy spells and sometimes a tight chest and i always got told its just ur Anxiety but my mind is telling me otherwise.

If people could take time to read this id really appreciate it and If you could reply and tell me your thoughts or even so i know im not alone in this that would be much appreciated.

Bye for now guys.


20-03-08, 13:27
Hi Katy,

Whay you are explaining here is PURE ANXIETY, all the symptoms are classic.

I know what you mean about if something good happens, you feel you won't live long enough to see it through, as i can think the exact same way at time. It's a very scarey thought and not a nice thing to have to contemplate BUT, again it's pure axiety. If we count up all the hours in one week that we sit around panicing, only to discover at the end of the week, they were wasted and could have been used better on more positive thoughts.

I know it's not nice, i know it's scarey and i know it's hard but it's anxiety and you got to kick it's butt when it starts to get into your head like that. Your gonna hun!!

Love Lisa

20-03-08, 20:44
Oh..... I am sorry you are feeling so low :(


I have felt crap like you and have good and bad days......its not the end (but anx can make you feel that way)

Hope you are feelin a bit better soon

Claire xx

20-03-08, 21:10
Hi Katy,

Sorry to hear that things aren't great at the moment.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

If you visit your GP and have him examine your mole,it will no longer be an issue for you.Show him the Post you have written.Make him help you through this period of uncertainty.
You deserve this level of care and support!!
Treat your problems one at a time and watch them fade away bit by bit.
Best wishes,