View Full Version : symptom advise

20-03-08, 20:48
please can u help last month i was in town and all of the sudden felt unwell ,legs went like jelly breathing fast and very very shakey and pale ,and cheast pains ended up at a&e ,well since then ive been feeling rotten everyday ,feeling shakey ,neck ache ,legs ache ,drained dry mouth and swollowing ,gp said panic/anx ,attacks ,should i feel like this all the time every day if panic /anx attacks ?:weep:

20-03-08, 21:01
Hi Bullseye,

Your symptoms and the response of the Medical Profession would seem to point very firmly towards a sound diagnosis of Panic/Anxiety.
The next step would be for you to arm yourself with all the information you can about how to treat this.There is loads of info on this site.
It is natural for you to be dubious and wonder if they got it wrong.Unfortunately this will only make you feel even worse.
Accept what your Docs say.
Learn to recognize the symptoms.
Learn to recover.
Read through some of the succcess stories on this Site for inspiration and hope.
You are not alone and you will get better.
Best wishes,