View Full Version : ...medications not for everyone it seems...

20-03-08, 22:32
I was being read the warning label off of a medication *since many anti phsychotics/anti despressants work the same* and I've been on em for a year now but this is day 11 without them *day 3 without ANY of them since I've been weened down real fast*. and it's amazing how it said anxiety/depression/mental issues/suicide/bad tendencies can WORSEN... and apparently I'm one of the people who it makes worse. all I'm saying is some people it works for, some people it doesn't do anything for, and some people it makes them WORSE... I'm hoping to get better in time though... but I am ocding like MAD, thinking I can't do anything right, so mindless and sad ;\

22-03-08, 04:27

22-03-08, 14:29
I can agree with that. Medicines only work some of the time for some of the people.

22-03-08, 16:39
Hi Paulos,

You WILL get better in time.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will gain strength from the experiences you are having now.You will get stronger and more able to cope.
One day at a time.
Best wishes,

22-03-08, 18:32
I feel so weak though... thanks...