View Full Version : Graphic 'poo' talk...

20-03-08, 22:51
Oh my goodness, i am really frightened today.

Since i stopped taking laxatives back in November i was lucky that i got back to going to the toilet quite quickly. For the last 2 months though i can barely go and if i do, its with the help of a suppository. Anyway, i've not eaten much in the last couple of days because of my fear of getting my sons tummy bug which also means that i have not gone to the loo AT ALL. So today i thought i'd try to go with the help of a suppository. Shortly after putting it up i needed to go....but....i guess because its been a couple of days it was really hard and it was so painful. When i wiped myself the paper was covered in blood. Obviously i am scared.

About 10 minutes ago, i felt the need to go and i had very very watery poo and again when i wiped it the paper was covered in blood.

Needless to say, i am s***ing myself....no pun intended!!!!

20-03-08, 23:12
Sounds like piles to me!!!

20-03-08, 23:16
You can get a tiny split in your (sorry) bumhole!!!

Called an anal fissure

Easily cured chat to the pharmacist

Kaz x x x:hugs:

20-03-08, 23:18
There is nothing lumpy "there". I had piles briefly after having my son...but there was no blood. My mum mentioned that you can get internal piles, is this the case?

20-03-08, 23:19
Yes mine were all internal till they came out!!!

I freaked at the blood in the loo!

20-03-08, 23:20
If you dare you can gently put a finger up and feel them! sorry if TMI!

20-03-08, 23:22
YES...thats what i noticed first, the blood dripping in the loo. I thought my period had come until i realised it wasn't coming from 'there'.

I did have this a few times while i was on the laxatives but only the odd spot of blood, nothing like the amount i saw this evening.

My stomach, since i have been to the loo feels bloated and considering i've not eaten is a wee bit strange.

20-03-08, 23:22
OMG - I am NOT that brave.
Perhaps i will call the doctor on Tuesday.

20-03-08, 23:24
Hey Bluebell

I think you should go to your GP, I've not had piles but Nic sounds like she knows!

Are you keeping yourself hydrated as well hun? Cos I had been a bit "bunged up" and bloated the last few days and I made a concerted effort to drink more fluids which helped.

Jo xxxxx

20-03-08, 23:25
If you see doc then he/she will shove a finger up there for a feel trust me! :blush:

Then they give you cream and suppositories to help if you are lucky.

20-03-08, 23:26
If they do prescribe some suppositories PM me with the name first ok?

20-03-08, 23:42
I'd rather the doctor check me out.
Do you know of good/bad suppositories?

20-03-08, 23:43
I remember taking stool softeners and some kind of dietary fiber when I had that many years ago. It helped make the stools slippery so they didn't keep tearing the fissure each time I had to go. I remember how scarry it was with "all the blood" ... then my doctor reminded me that even a few drops of blood in the toilet can turn all the water red.

I take powdered magnesium now (for unrelated reasons) but one of the nice after effects is that it keeps you regular with soft stools. (Course magnesium give you the runs if you take too much -- can't win for losin'. But that's why I take a powdered supplement so that I can change the dose as my body's needs change.)

Good luck on your healing journey.