View Full Version : Why??

20-03-08, 23:30
Why is that when you know or hear of someone with a serious illness that you start thinking and convincing yourself that you have it too.

I am convinced at the moment that I have 3 serious illnesses. Will probably be four soon after hearing a story my Dad told me last night.

How can I stop myself from thinking this?


20-03-08, 23:44
I know exactly wat u mean - I cant watch any docu on health etc cos sends my mind into over drive.

only way I stop myself is by avoiding and trying not to listen too much to stories and horrors people tell me.

Claire xx

21-03-08, 12:29
yep so far im convinced I'm gonna have a brain haemmhorage, a heart attack and at some point suffer a epileptic fit...i learnt that you need to focus on positive things, watch positive things, listen to funny stories and so on..

21-03-08, 18:26

i think all of us with ha do this .i am just the same if i know somone who is ill straight away i start to get the symptoms:wacko:

jodie xx

22-03-08, 02:06
Yep, I'm another one too unfortuanatly!! I try not to read papers or magazines now because of this problwm I have but its hard when its someone talking about it too you and I start to worry that I have exactl the same thing wrong with me, I even start getting symptoms related to it!

ou have my sympathise, its not nice :hugs:

Po xx