View Full Version : To hidden friends

21-03-08, 05:48
Some of you may remember me mentioning about a woman I've known for about 10 years who is about 70 yrs old who lost her husband just before I lost my father and who also lost her grandson a few years ago. She also has a son just a year younger than me.

This was the lady who hugged me at my fathers funeral and since it was the only hug I received, I've never forgotten it.

I was feeling a bit low the other day so I popped in to see her. I had no real agenda other than to pop in for a chat. One thing led to another and I found myself telling her all about the things I've been through at home and at work, my anxieties, my self harming and my overdoses.

I'd never told her before simply because it never seemed the right moment. She was very sympathetic and caring although she couldn't really understand what could drive people to do such things. I enlightened her though and I could tell she was interested in learning.

I told her she has always been like a second mother to me and I explained to her why "that hug" meant so much to me. I told her about this site and said how I wanted to try to help others who are experiencing the things I've been through. She said to me that after all the things I'd told her about my bad times, that I still live my wife with her illness and now also care for my mother...and she asked...And who cares for "me"? I had no answer but in retrospect I should have said the following...

I don't know what they look like and nor do I know how they sound but when I am in need, I only need shout, when I need help, I only need type and when I need comfort, they reply with silent words of angels with warm velvet wings. They are who Care about me!

So in tribute and as a thank you to my hidden friends...........

My hidden friends

When I’m down and feeling blue,
I’ll shut my eyes and think of you,
The thought of you makes me smile,
Helping me to face my daily trials,

Knowing you are safe and well,
Life is reassuring, comforting and swell,
Every word that is written with a story to tell,
Brings relief from my daily thoughts of a living hell,

If it were not for you,
I truly wouldn’t have a clue!
How to live, how to survive,
How to cope each day and stay alive!

You are my special sunrays,
Your memos bring cheer to me every day,
What would I do if you ever went away?
I hope forever, my hidden friends, will always stay.:hugs:

21-03-08, 08:39
http://img.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/images/animated%20graphics/hugs%5Ekisses/prod_594_15823.gif (http://www.freecodesource.com/myspace-graphics/getcode/animated_graphics/hugs%5Ekisses/prod_594_15823.gif.html)

I have a huge box of hugs especially reserved just for you.

An endless supply of them, coming to you across the oceans.

Love SJ
x x x x x x

21-03-08, 14:08
Hi Bill,

The "comfort blanket" of this Forum has given me such a feeling of hope, renewed vigour to face my Anxiety,love and respect...
We can have all the knowledge and the wisdom of Job but when times are bad,there is nothing quite like this special place.
Thank you for encapsulating it with your wonderful mastery of words.
Best wishes,

21-03-08, 19:15

That's lovely and I hope I can always be one of your hidden friends coz you have been a great friend to me.


21-03-08, 19:24
This site is a refuge to me where I know others will understand and not roll their eyes and think I am pathetic.

People here know that we try hard with our lives even if we have limits and restrictions.

And the buzz to see someone achieve something that they doubted they can do gives this place a positive vibe.

Hidden mates are just brill.

21-03-08, 22:39
Bill, that is so thoughtful and touching. Keep at it "hidden friend"
Have a good Easter weekend, Sagey.

21-03-08, 22:53
Bill, that brought tears to my eyes. Both your post and the poem. Very touching and very true.
