View Full Version : Hi Im new to this forum wanted to say hello??

21-03-08, 08:46
Hi all
just wanted to say hi ! I am new to this forum I have been trying to manage or should I say hide my panic attacks for god knows how many years, but yesterday I ahad to come clean with my boss as my fear of public speaking ( or training courses etc etc etc) is really impacting on my work role - strangly enough I work in Mental Health and expected some level of support however ithere was an imediate discussion around not being able to do my job and referals to consultant gps and redeployment - so not too stressed today lol !!!! I would like to make contact with anyone who has found successfull ( or otherwise) ways of managing panic attacks as I have tried most things - with little success ( but then they are preaching to the converted) say hi I will log on to the chat room tonight to say hello to all


21-03-08, 09:40
I have been part of this forum for the last five weeks, I had been signed off work with anxiety and stress, funny I work in mental health too, I have found that they are not very sympathetic I have appointments next week to see HR and consultant to see if I am getting back to work, I have only been off for five weeks but I have had a couple of periods of sickness for migraine and stomach upsets (Stress), some people in our trust seem to be able to take up to six months off and get lots of sympathy.

sorry for sounding off at you, we are all friends on here if you need to have a good browse around and go into the chatrooms.

lots of luv


21-03-08, 10:49
sorry to hear that you have been suffering with panic attacks.I have them too from time to time and I know how awful it makes you feel.I'm a retired nurse and never used to have panic attacks when I was working!I am on an NHS waiting list for some psychotherapy treatement and tried regular counselling last year which helped a bit

21-03-08, 11:45
Hello there Nik,my name is Ali,i sufer panic attacks too but they are getting better.I run my own business which is very stressful.I can recommend a very good book which i got through this site,its called Panic Attacks by Christine Ingham and has been a huge help to me.
Ali xx

21-03-08, 12:40
Hi Nik

:welcome: to NMP. I've had panic attacks for many years too. Found a great book online called Panic Away by Joe Barry that really sorted me out and made sense of everything it helped me get over the fear of panic and I now do so much more than I used to and life is generally good. Happy to send it to you if you want to pm me your email address, or I'm usually around in the chatroom if you want to know more about it.

Welcome again!


21-03-08, 13:05
Hi Nik,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Opening up to your bosses like this may well prove to be a good move.The stress of keeping this under wraps is now gone.They will have a duty of care to you which they cannot ignore.
Always be proud of yourself for trying to deal with your health issues-this is not something to be ashamed of.
You are a sick person seeking good health not a bad/worthless person trying to get good.
As a member of NMP,you will never have to be alone again.
Best wishes,

Kim Baker
21-03-08, 21:38
Hi! Nik:welcome:

I am a regular on here too!:)

You will find lots of sympathy and advice here:hugs:

Kim X

21-03-08, 22:06
:welcome: NIK


23-03-08, 17:22
Just wanted to say - Thanks you dont know how much better it makes me feel to know that I can talk about something i have hidden for years
hopefully I too will be be able to help others on here, and also have first hand experience within my job role

23-03-08, 20:09
Hi Nik. this is such a great place. Look forward to talking to you. I bet you have loads of info to share. A bit worried that the mental health service is not being kind to you but this doesn't surprise me.