View Full Version : menapause or going mad

21-03-08, 10:03
anyone going through the menapause please am i going mad:weep:

miss motown
21-03-08, 11:02
hi susie i can relate to you im going thru the same i started going thru the menapause last january i was in work when i took ill i was rushed in to a&e as i had a funny turn my heart was racing my chest was so tight and i was going really dizzy they kept me in over night on the heart monitor and was giving me lots of tests.they came back the next morning and told me that my hormone levels showed i was menopausal so ever since then my whole life has changed so much its funny you dont realise that going thru the menopause could be so bad ill give you a list of some of my symptoms hot flushes.dizzyness.anxiety.joint pain.tiredness.chest pain.palpatatins .flutters.fear of loosing your mind(depersonalization)weightgain blured vision ringing in the ears.not wanting to socialise with people for the fear of having a panick attack ur fainting not that i ever have.anyway hun the list could go on.have you had a blood test done just to see if not you can get this done at your gp i hear that boots can also do the test well i hope ive answered some of your questions feel free to email me if you need any reasurance take care

21-03-08, 12:10
how bizzare that it could be related to the menopause, I am going to ask GP for that test after Easter, because the few people I have told have all asked if it is the "change". are we related mismotown our symptoms are very similar thanks for your post it has given me a lot of reassurance.

21-03-08, 13:40
I am also going through this at the moment,
my anxiety symptoms have been alot worse since this started, the problem is not knowing whether its anxiety or the menopause making me feel so bad because the alot of the symptoms are the same.
I will be glad when it is over.

21-03-08, 13:53
Hi Susie,
although I have suffered from anxiety on & off for years when I hit 41 the symptoms took off in a big way. The first thing I experienced was depersonalisation & derealisation & I really thought I was losing it. My anxiety & palpitations took off & I also had weird things like internal buzzing & vibrating. This symptom led me to a US website called Powersurge. If you google Powersurge you will find loads of info, advice & support on perimenopause / menopause, it is an excellent site. There is also a forum you can join like on NMP.
All you ever seem to read about is hot flushes & mood swings but the change in hormone levels can affect women in many different ways, on PS they list 34 signs of peri/meno.
It is hard to tell what's anxiety & what's menopause symptoms but for a lot of women, once they reach their late 30's & above, these 2 can go hand in hand.
Hope this helps!
love Seffie xx

21-03-08, 19:08
Hi Susie

Yes I too am going through the menopause and it certainly makes dealing with the anxiety alot harder. I get loads of palpitations and sometimes I just feel like crying for no reason at all, I also have hot and cold sweats and sometimes my mind doesn't seem to belong to me. My periods are all over the place . I went to my doctor with these problems a while ago and she just said it could last for another 15 years, great help she was.

The joys of being a woman.

Take care, you are not alone.


21-03-08, 19:10
Hi all,

Mine started at 36 after I felt very faint at work out of the blue, then very quickly depersonalisation/derealisation came along and thought I was going completely insane. That was 2 years ago and its only recently that it started to fade, now I still get anxiety, palpitations and breathless feeling. Also feel a lot more tired than I used to and joint aches.


21-03-08, 19:35
Hi All
Mine started at 39, I am now 42, I have terrible mood swings and attacks of anxiety with it. God only knows how long it will last but I will be glad when its over so I can get my life back.
love Mags xxxx

29-03-08, 20:01
I'm also in the menopause club and have been for the past 5 years. It just seems to make my General Anxiety Disorder even worse than usual what with all the aches and pains, horrendous sweats day and night, loss of confidence, feeling irritable and wanting to kill my husband! GREAT being a woman isn't it.

01-04-08, 22:53
I can relate to all these...they call it "The Change" well i've been waiting a few years to "Change" into something better:whistles: lol

My hot flushes start around tea-time and go on and off all night...it does my head in. I bought a fan with a remote control as i was fed up with getting up and down switching it on and off every few minutes, shame i can't buy a duvet with a remote:winks:

02-04-08, 07:41
I also think I'm going through the perimenopause, and yes it can last for years :ohmy:

I'm nearly 46 and for the past year or so my periods have been all over the place. I very rarely go 28 days between periods anymore, usually about 22 days :huh:

My periods are usually heavy as well and I've started to get bad period pains as well.

My PMT lasts the whole 28 day cycle as well. I've never had the "need to murder someone" PMT just the "burst into tears constantly" PMT.

The joys of being a woman :D


06-04-08, 16:25
Hi all

I am 38 and was told at my docs that hormones get worse after kids and with age. Not sure whats happening but I have always been a worrier but nothing like I am last 3/4 months. PMT turns into a kind of panic/anixety state and I worry. I get missed heartbeats and wake up in the night and my heart is racing or not beating as the case maybe! When do we know if we are starting the menopause? Have you come across any meds that help? I am not sure I could cope with this for many years its bad enough now! I feel a horrible mother and have little patience and only feel myself a week or so a month. My hubby says I am always miserable which is great!
I would love hormones to be removed!! I am trying Primrose oil and vitamin B6 but not holding my breath...
I am trying to work out the pattern but it seems worse at hormonal times, before, after and mid month!

08-04-08, 21:56
Yep me too..had blood tests several weeks ago and told the great news that i am starting to go through the joys of the menopause so to expect all kinds of symptoms one of them being anxiety which is the thing that scares me the most as have suffered with bouts of anxiety since childhood and have always found life difficult because of it...I feel that i could cope with the physical stuff such as hot flushes etc better than all the mental stuff such as mood swings,anxiety etc etc.....Puting in my request to come back as a man..

08-04-08, 22:03
Did someone say that you could buy a test in Booots for this?

missmotown's symptoms on page one (second post i think) described every single symptom I have

Lou xxxxxxxx

28-04-08, 20:24
i have had general anxiety for a few years on and off, then 6 years ago i had a misscarriage followed by being told i couldnt have anymore children, 3 rounds of ivf later still no children then had to have my ovaries and falopian tubes removed due to very severe endometriosis, so now im in the menopause which has made my anxiety worse, i think anxiety and the change go hand in hand, im only 35 and can not take hrt to releive the symptoms. oh what fun it is to be a woman!!!!

18-06-08, 14:41
I hate to say I'm glad that other's are experiencing this. I hate that any of us are, but, I've been perimenopausal for a few years, had 2 miscarriages since being told that so hormones have been all over the place.

It crept up on me over the last few months though. The first symptoms was this nagging sense of uneasiness, not quite anxiety, but more like restlessness. Then I just felt "down" and detached like I was watching my life but not participating in it. I even said to my husband that I was laughing at things because my brain was telling me that what was said was funny so I should laugh. It wasn't just spontaneous laughter which I've never had problems with finding humor in things.

Then it hit - the anxiety! Full-blown, body vibrating, muscle twitching/jerking, GERD, depression, panic, afraid to be alone, insomnia from hell...the whole thing. I was petrified. I went to my doc, then the ER, then the doc again. I mentioned menopause, they all blew me off, but I know this is what it is. I did go on citalopram, and this has helped somewhat. I'm using natural progesterone cream, magnesium supplements, Omega 3, gave up caffiene, chocolate, many sweets. UGH! I love being a woman.

I'll be dealing with this anxiety for the rest of my life I'm sure. I've been on the verge of needing medication for it, but, since the hormones have gone haywire, it's essential to be on the meds for me. For now anyway.

You are not alone, my friend, feel free to ask me anything you want.


18-06-08, 16:56
Check out this forum it is brilliant and you will surprised just how many problems the Big M can cause.:D


18-06-08, 21:38
Hi hun......no your not alone.
I was panic and anxiety attack free for a whole 8 years....then wham the menopause hit me and it turned my life upside down. I was off work for 5 months last summer because after a chest infection i started getting panic attacks and felt as though i couldnt cope, and i just couldnt work out what was wrong with me after i had felt so well for years.
But then came the hot flushes, panic attacks, anxiety, dizziness, tiredness, joint pain, bad memory, mood swings, weight changes, insomnia etc etc the list goes on...such joy...lol
I went to my doctor but that was a waste of time as usual, he has never offered me any treatment or help...not even a blood test to see what my hormone levels are like?
But its a year on now and im getting to the place where if i start to panic or feel axious i keep telling myself...."look this has happened so many times in the past and it didnt harm you...so stop it."
I try to busy myself if im at home...anything to take my mind off panicing. If im at work i get up and go for a coffee from the machine 2 floors down or go to the ladies, just be on my own for 5 mins to calm myself. I really hope you can get some help and some support to get you through it a little easier. It sucks being a woman doesnt it....

Trish...please tell me where did you buy the remote control fan i'd love one?

Cathy V
18-06-08, 22:44
Trixie, ive just read this thread and posts and logged in to the website address that you gave for the menopause, and wheni went to register they already had my user name from nmp...how come. the 2 sites are connected? but anyway its a very interesting site and i couldnt believe the '34 symptoms' as they are so accurate! But confused as to how they know me already (and if this is something obvious and it will make me look stupid then i plead ignorance on the grounds that im menopausal...ok?

Best wishes
Cathy V xxx

25-10-08, 17:12
hi susie i can relate to you im going thru the same i started going thru the menapause last january i was in work when i took ill i was rushed in to a&e as i had a funny turn my heart was racing my chest was so tight and i was going really dizzy they kept me in over night on the heart monitor and was giving me lots of tests.they came back the next morning and told me that my hormone levels showed i was menopausal so ever since then my whole life has changed so much its funny you dont realise that going thru the menopause could be so bad ill give you a list of some of my symptoms hot flushes.dizzyness.anxiety.joint pain.tiredness.chest pain.palpatatins .flutters.fear of loosing your mind(depersonalization)weightgain blured vision ringing in the ears.not wanting to socialise with people for the fear of having a panick attack ur fainting not that i ever have.anyway hun the list could go on.have you had a blood test done just to see if not you can get this done at your gp i hear that boots can also do the test well i hope ive answered some of your questions feel free to email me if you need any reasurance take care

09-01-09, 15:31
This symptoms are driving me crazy...the mood swings are so bad and crying all the time is not something that I really want to do...it does not matter where I am at work or home I just burst into tears for no reason.My life is great and we are planning a trip and I should be happy but instead I am miserable please help me understand all this anyone..I am only 39 years old and don't know what to do.

annie pannie
09-01-09, 19:02
Hi to everyone I want to join your club - was desperate a few days ago and put a thread up bout a racing heart at night which GP says is panic but never had them before abd he didn't do any tests just offered cipramil l- now reading all your posts bout the lovely life event of a menopause and sad to say it brought a smile to my face - omg what we poor women go through - I have had so many of the symptoms you all mention and at 49 know that my hormones are all over the place and like many of you the GP didn't even register the word "menopuase" when I timidly put forward the idea as a reason for my newly morphed panic symptoms - I know there are lots of good and overworked GP's out there but for goodness sake why don't they wake up to women's health - can we start a campaign. Thanks for the power surge details and all the amazing quotes people come up with - who says we were losing our marbles - keep surging girls ! Annie x x

annie pannie
09-01-09, 19:49
Sorry it's me again - should have added that there is a really really good book called "Wisdom of the Menopause" by Northrup - full of all sorts of brilliant stuff - also from her book I tired soya milk - hels with stabilising blood sugar levels (and therefore panic/anxiety) and also has oestrogen like qualities so lessens the fluctuations brought about by the hormones changing. I dion't know the science behind itbut have read consistent stuff about it and can only say that for me it does help - there is a but - mentioned in the book about the possible effect of soya on the thyroid -I have goitre - stopped taking the soya just in case it affected my thyroid but then decided that I felt better drinking soay than not - can't win 'em all. Anyway hope this helps. Somehting strange must be happening to me - have never been on a forum or anyhting in my life - now I'm sending replies like a demented thing.

18-02-09, 14:07

At last!! answers! Its such a relief that im not the only one with all these symptoms. I am, at the moment!, only having a few hot flushes - but the anxiety, muddling words( especially annoying) , confusion, forgetfulness and "stupid irrational" thoughts of dying ---are taking over my life. I really seriously thought I was starting with dementia!!!!
I am lucky that where I live we have a self referral Menapause Clinic who did a blood test and informed me - Yep -its menapause (unlike my GP who just said im too young at 44!!! - Mmm typical)

I dont want to go down the HRT line ( well not yet!!) so i will struggle on - its just a relief to know its not just me going mad.

I will keep logging on to this site as "misery enjoys company!!" - my grandmas favourite saying ( and now I understand why)


19-02-09, 11:43
i can relate to most of these symptoms plus a few more mine started about 8 years ago and my dr put me on hrt i was on that for 5 years and had to come off of it as 5 years is the limit well i came off hrt 2 years ago and since then the symptoms have been horendous especially sweating its unbearable i dont no how i cope most days as its the sweating that makes me so anxious i feel as if im about to explode each time i feel one comming on i have the windows open and 2 fans on thats how bad they get my dr says theres nothing else he can give me and i,ve tried every alternative medicines has anyone else suffered for this long or got any tips thanks for listening take care lin x:blush:

12-04-09, 23:30

but the anxiety, muddling words( especially annoying) , confusion, forgetfulness and "stupid irrational" thoughts of dying ---are taking over my life. I really seriously thought I was starting with dementia!!!!

I had a hysterectomy aged 27,I'm 54 now and so for 27 years I was on oestrogen only HRT.I had to stop that 2 months ago,doctors orders.
My life is spiralling out of control.
I've had a couple of hot flushes,I can cope with them,it's my mind I'm losing.
I am so depressed I felt positively suicidal the other day.I can't concentrate(my brain feels like it's turned to mush),can't face the world and just want to die somedays.
Please tell me this will get better.I just can't cope.

13-04-09, 14:25
Hi, I a going through the same thing. Last 8 months have been hell. I am 46 and first startted with constant bleeding and then bladder problems. Then I was ok for a few months, now have no period for 3 months and constant dizziness spaceyness and depersonalisation feelings. I am having full blown panic attacks and really feel my life is over. I can't believe Iam ever going to feel better. Wil I be like this forever? Do any of you have better days or wil I have to face life dizzy every day? Any hope would be good right now, I am having a rotten time too!

17-07-09, 21:35
quote=miss motown;315489]hi susie i can relate to you im going thru the same i started going thru the menapause last january i was in work when i took ill i was rushed in to a&e as i had a funny turn my heart was racing my chest was so tight and i was going really dizzy they kept me in over night on the heart monitor and was giving me lots of tests.they came back the next morning and told me that my hormone levels showed i was menopausal so ever since then my whole life has changed so much its funny you dont realise that going thru the menopause could be so bad ill give you a list of some of my symptoms hot flushes.dizzyness.anxiety.joint pain.tiredness.chest pain.palpatatins .flutters.fear of loosing your mind(depersonalization)weightgain blured vision ringing in the ears.not wanting to socialise with people for the fear of having a panick attack ur fainting not that i ever have.anyway hun the list could go on.have you had a blood test done just to see if not you can get this done at your gp i hear that boots can also do the test well i hope ive answered some of your questions feel free to email me if you need any reasurance take care[/quote]

17-07-09, 21:56
Ive just had a look at the powersurge site and have most of the symptoms. What a great life we have, we spend most of the time bringing up a family, worried about how we will manage. Not to mention all the trials and tribulations of wedded bliss and then just when you think your life should be getting easier Mother Nature goes and zaps us with that lovely time of life we call the menopause!
Take care and keep cool!
Carol xx

17-07-09, 23:07
Know I'm going through menopause and you could say I'm going mad as well!!
What with all that's gone on over the last couple of months is it any wonder I feel the way I do? Taking medication for depression, overactive thyroid and epilepsy therefore can't take HRT. Brain is overloaded, don't eat cornflakes for breakfast just a handful of tablets!! Citalopram must be having some effect as I feel like I'm getting a bit of my sense of humour back!!

06-10-09, 21:18
an old thread but boy what a usefull one !!! thanks to all for this great advice..
