View Full Version : Hi everyone

21-03-08, 18:13
Hi everyone

This is a great site.

About six months ago I started suffering from lump in throat symptoms. After going to the ENT specialist and having a scope down the throat (nothing there) I started taking Omeprazole and that got a lot better. After the first month I stopped taking it and gradually started feeling worse and worse.

For the last three months I've been feeling absolutely terrible, with so many physical symptoms. I went back to the ENT man who sent me for a barium swallow and I have no problems. My GP has listened to many of the symptoms and says there is nothing wrong with my body - she got my blood tested as well - but that I am suffering from depression brought about by health anxiety.

I have a slight swelling above my left collarbone so I am worried about it being stomach cancer (from googling), especially as I have mild heartburn.

Reading through the posts it's great to see that so many people are in the same boat as me. I have been convinced through googling that I have any number of diseases. I've been keeping a diary of some of my symptoms and they have included:

lump in throat
ear pain
swollen gland in jaw
swelling above collarbone
mucus in throat
loose stools
tight throat
sore neck
weak voice

... and it's like when one of them goes, the next one comes up!

The worst thing is feeling tired and tearful a lot of the time - I'm sleeping for hours every night and feeling tired when I wake up. The best time is when I wake up in the morning (as long as I haven't been having a nightmare about cancer) and I lie there calmly and rest - as soon as I get up I'm worrying again. At work I've been a total waste of space for the last month or so - I sit in meetings thinking of how bad I feel and if anyone asks me how I am I almost start crying.

Two days ago I was sure I had lymphoma (although the GP ruled it out). Today I'm worried about stomach cancer...

I haven't got much appetite but I've taken the advice I've read here on board - little and often and I don't try and force it down. The other day I almost gagged on my toast at breakfast, and I've lost about 3kgs.

I just want to feel that I am going to get better! I am meant to be going to a conference in a couple of weeks but the worry of feeling bad stops me from registering.

... oh! I was only meant to introduce myself on here. I'm 40, live in London with wonderful supportive partner. My life should be brilliant but I just feel terrible so much of the time. I've always been an anxious kind of person, but never so worried about my health, and never with so little energy. I used to jump out of bed at 6am!

It does help to write this all down. I'm looking forward to contributing to the forum. Maybe one day I will be able to help other people who are suffering as I am??


21-03-08, 18:30
Hi Jack,

WELCOME aboard!!!! :smile:

After reading through your post, i would defo say that you are suffering from Health Anxiety. You seem to have had some tests done that have came back negative, so i certainly would rule out a pysical illness.

That's not to say your symptoms ain't real and your fears genuine, as a sufferer myself, i know just how scarey the whole thing is and how easy it is to convince ourself that we are on our last legs. I really hope you find some answers her at NMP, and i'm quite sure you'll defo meet lots of lovely people that are in the same boat as yourself.

Take care for now


21-03-08, 22:49
Hi Jack and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Have you tried taking up a new hobby or something similar to distract yourself from your symptoms? I get the lump in the throat feeling but it disappears when I'm out with my camera.

Take care,

Mike :)

22-03-08, 00:33
Hi Jack,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

22-03-08, 08:13
Hi Jack

Welcome to NMP hun :)

Jo xxxxx

22-03-08, 09:52
hyia jack :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :biggrin: . after reading your post im convinced you are my twin :roflmao: i also have health anx and i get /have got all the symptoms you have. as i sit here writeing this to you i have the lump in the throat feeling it been there for two wks and driving me nuts. i used to ask mr google lots of things in the small hours of the night and he scared the hell out of me, so since comeing here i dont talk to him any more. i strongly suggest you do the same. he will only make you feel worse and give you new things to worry about. you will get lots of support and advice from everyone here and make some great friends as you go. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all. also your partener is most welcome to if she feels she needs any support or advice on helping you through this . take care jack :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: .


22-03-08, 10:22
Hello Jack And Welcome,,,,,,,i Wish Ya Well,,,,,,,,,linda

22-03-08, 19:16
Hi Jack

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

23-03-08, 18:12
Hi there,

Firstly I would like to thank you all so much for your welcome. It has helped SO much to be on here!

After I saw the comments about health anxiety I read the article about it and I realised that I was the kind of person who was likely to suffer from it. Then I remembered that a couple of years ago I had a panic attack because I was worried about having had a heart attack!

And the other thing was I read through lots of forum points about people with swollen lymph glands, tight necks etc. and it made me realise that these things are not uncommon...

So today I feel about 90% which is brilliant! I'm still quite tired and light-headed, but I'm feeling like going out tomorrow and maybe texting a couple of mates -- not things I've wanted to do recently.

The thing I've learned from reading everything on here is that if you think about your symptoms they won't get better! So I am trying to keep myself busy and not worry about them too much. To be honest though I am still noticing my pain on one side of my neck - maybe I'll go and see an osteopath and see if that helps...

I think it will take me a bit of time to recover fully - maybe I'll keep a diary over on another board to help me see what I'm thinking and the progress I make.

Thanks again to everyone for your welcome - it's made such a difference...


26-03-08, 17:24

welcome to the forum you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx