View Full Version : can anybody help me please

22-03-08, 16:58
:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: i suffer from panic attacks hat come out off the blue about i or 2 a week but the rest of the time i feel really panicky i have a almost perminant headache and feel dizzy and sick so i dont feel like eating so i have lost wieght and feel really tired all the time i have been to the docs and he said i have not got anything wrong with my hesd but it dont stop me thinking there is i feel on the verge of a panic attack all the time and its really getting me down i have even thought off killing myself i dont know how much more i can take has anyone else felt like this and can i help myelf to get better is there any cures that are out there ill try anything i just want to get better im fed with feeling like this please help

miss motown
22-03-08, 22:22
hi tink panic attacka are a terrible thing ive had them myself for years and theres times i feel like giving upbut belive me this feeling that you have now will pass and youll get thru it the first panic attack is always the worse and you feel theres something really wrong with you but it passes honest just try and breath properly and try and destract yourself i no its easy said than done but it does work if you focus on something else take care and keep your chin up

23-03-08, 08:03
snap, i have been feeling the same way, somebody told me you may have triggers for the attacks (i.e scared of the dark, worried about illness) and it is good if you can work out what is triggering them it may help you to understand the attacks. dont worry you are not on your own, it can be hard when other peole dont understand what you are goin through, my partner used to say to me just 'snap out of it'
i too had useless doctors that couldt be bothered with me, one of the chuckled when i came to see him in a state, i changed surgery, he pescribed me tablets for high blood pressure when i have quite low blood pressure and he consiquences made me feel suicidal..please dont woory there is a light at the end of the tunnel

23-03-08, 08:20
Hi Tink,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Go through the main menu on the left and learn about this condition.The better educated you are about this,the better able you will be to respond to it.
Have a read through the Success stories too,for inspiration.
You are no different from lots of us who came here at the end of our tether- wondering what to do,how to get relief from our conditions.
You have taken your first step on the road to recovery.
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,

23-03-08, 10:07
Hiya Tink

I know it all seems so desperate now, but believe me with the right help, this will one day be a memory.

One of the most useful tools in overcoming and coping with anxiety is understanding. That is, understanding what a panic attack is, and how we react to it.

Firstly, anxiety/panic/depression may or may not have an obvious cause. Some people experience these awful symptoms due to some outside influance, abuse, death in the family, social situation etc etc, and typically these have to be addressed before progress can be made.

Other people (like I did in the past) suffer from anxiety with ne obvious cause. One day they got a panic attack, out of the blue, and it was so frightening and they reacted in such an alarming way that this starts the chain reaction of fear. Each waking moment is spent self-analysing, thinking negatively and convincing themselves that thier life is over, and no longer will they return to "how they use to be".

All seems a bit depressing i know.

Now for the good news.

Many many people have felt like you do now, I had many dark days, I lived in fear and anguish almost everday for a couple of years, even my confidence was knocked (and trust me, I have a lot of confidence to lose ;)).

To fully explain and understand anxiety would take too long, and I can only speak from my experience and findings, and I am no expert or trained in anyway.

However I do know this, understanding what anxiety is, and what it isn't is key to overcoming the condition.

Consider the following (but not exclusive) list:

Ask the GP for an appointment to see a specialist
Talk to the GP about meds (not my preference to be honest but they help many ppl)
Eat well, try and sleep at regular times and do try and take a little exercise, even if it is only walking, or climbing the stairs 3 or 4 times a session
Consider self-help, I must confess Claire Weekes "Self Help for your Nerves" was the main contributor to me over-coming (nearly) anxiety
Understand some anxiety is normal, anxiety is not a disease, infact it comes in handy if a bus is hurling towards you, so do not beat yourself up over a bad day, even none anxiety sufferers get stressed out sometimes
Above all, have hope, I am not religous (don't panic;) ) but a positive mind will aid recovery quickerBest wishes and good luck


23-03-08, 10:43
thank you all for your replies it helps to know im not alone i will take a look around the site x

23-03-08, 14:12
Hi Tink and welcome.

Sorry to hear you're feeling like this.

In November 2007 I had a huge panick attack and then I was in constant panick state for about 2 weeks, was given all the tests going which showed nothing.

I was then given half beta blockers to slow my heart rate and calm me down which helped a great deal, but my doctors (and I saw about 5 different ones) all put it down to hormones and significant life changes (id had my baby girl 7 weeks previous)

Anyway, I had days when I couldn't take the horrible feelings/thoughts/fears any more and even though I know i wouldn't kill myself the thought did ross my mind as a way of escape - until i thought it was death that i feared so i wasnt going to do it when i was so scared of dying. Anway, after taking the meds and feeling almost normal again i felt ok and although i have my bad days, most of them are good.

Are you taking any medication? I really hope you can be positive and believe me...you will feel better. You must try to change your way of thinkng too.

CAssi xxxxxxx

Kim Baker
24-03-08, 12:21
Hi! Tink,

So sorry you feeling this way.

We have all been there and know how Scary it is!

My advice is get the Book mentioned earlier "Self help for your Nerves" by Claire Weekes, it will help you realise why you feel this way.

Take care,

Kim X:hugs:

27-03-08, 07:37
Hi Tink, I have suffered from panic disorder for years but have listened to what others here have said helped them.Yesterday I received my copy of a little paperback by Claire Weeks and I read it from front to back yesterday afternoon.I went to bed last night feeling much stronger and woke up feeling the usual nerves.I read the chapter on how to deal with the panic and I feel so much better already! It may be a blip but I'm hoping to follow the suggestions in the book. Hope you feel better soon, B x