View Full Version : Viral infection

22-03-08, 17:26
Went on holiday for a week to the lakes last saturday 15th march with the sniffles, and ended up having to come home early. For 2 days i just lay in bed feeling totally 'yack'....burning up, sweating, nose running like a tap, throat like cut glass, pounding head, couldnt breathe properly, aching limbs, couldnt eat, no taste, no smell.....horrible
I really thought I would never get home in the car as i felt like death warmed-up and was convinced i was going to die. Plus my husand saying to me "your not going to peg out on me are you" because you look awful...which didnt help me feel any better either as he said he'd seen me look better....so the car journey just seemed never ending.
I felt really guilty ringing the doctors and asking but i just couldnt have dragged myself out to visit a doctor i felt so ill, so the doctor actually came out to see me on wednesday night. I felt so grateful as they usually tell you to go to the local walk-in centre. She didnt give me anything as she said anitbiotics would probably just make me feel sickly and that was the last thing i needed, and it could take anything up to 2 weeks to feel better. Im still in bed feeling bad (sorry for myself) but not as bad as i was 2 days ago.
I thought i was getting over all this health anxiety stuff again.
Ive been back to work since november, eventhough i still struggle everyday im at work wishing i wasnt there and feeling anxious, willing the time to home time, Ive tried really hard to keep at it just going from day to day. But im worried i will slip back into old habits and i dont want too.
Has anyone else had these viral infections....how long did it last.:doh:

22-03-08, 21:52
Thanks dyingswan
Saw doc on wednesday. The sweats and fever seem to have gone, but still have the dry tickly cough, sore throat etc and hardly any voice left. Excuse the phrase but have got rid of a load of rubbish off my chest with coughing. I will have to wait till monday though to see a doc with it being bank holiday.
Im a bit wary of antibiotics as my doc made me really ill a cople of years ago by giving me an antibiotic which contained something he knew i was allergic to. Cant take penicillin, so im hesitant in taking anything now.
Luckily im still on holiday for another week so hopefully it will clear up by then. But it was a viral infection last year that i ended up off work for 4 or 5 months, and will end up loosing my job if im off again for that length of time again, which i cant afford to do.
Wish there was a way to avoid them.
