View Full Version : Small white bump on lip

22-03-08, 17:58
Hi Everyone I am back after being OK the last couple of months (well better than usual).

I was fine until someone mentioned the white bump on my lip, I have had it for ages and not thought anything of it it is like a tiny blister on my top lip but on the lip if you see what I mean covers up with lipstick! Does not hurt has not got bigger etc.

So I googled it, I know bad thing to do and know I have convinced myself it is oral cancer its got to be what else can it be............

Why oh why do I do this!!! I am so upset and scared and feel sick. I am trying to control my anxiety but when in comes back it takes a strong hold.

I was only at the doctors last week getting my next months worth of tablets.

Thanks for reading.:unsure:

22-03-08, 18:06
Hi there,

It's possible a little milk spot. My mum has then under her eyes but i'm sure you can get them anywhere and the are defo harmless!!

Take care


23-03-08, 12:33
i had one of those for a couple of weeks,i squeezed it yesterday and out popped a blackhead to my surprise.as it looked white ?sure you have nothing to worry about.best wishes linda

23-03-08, 13:49
Thanks for your replies. Someone told me I have had it for ages and I was not worried about until I googled....damm Dr Google.