View Full Version : Irregular Heart beat

22-03-08, 18:20
I have just found this site and think its so reassuring reading I am not alone.

I took some tablets for a cold at christmas and they gave me palpitations and made me feel like a loony. I am quite an anxious person who worries about health which doesn't help. The doc sent me for an ECG which scared me to death but it came back normal.
I gradually came to terms with it and assumed it was the tablets but then became obsessed with feeling my pulse. It goes through stages of being fine and then has these missed beats. I am now scared again and wonder if I should go back to docs but then am worried about having a 24 lead done. Do they seem to worsen with hormones and PMT? Its just I am always more worried and stressed with PMT and wonder if this is in conjunction with it all>
I also have been getting pains in the left chest and in my back and again panicing this is to do with it when it may simply be a pulled muscle!!
Why am i such a worrier? I have 2 beautiful kids and think I worry more thinking I may be ill and not be around for them.

22-03-08, 19:35
I get missed heart beats and palpitations alot. If your doc has checked it out then it's prob anxiety. You should read up on panic attacks and anxiety(not to drive yourself mad tho) to learn how our bodies cope and react to stress. If your thinking about it alot too this will make it far worse believe me.

The pains in your chest and back may very well be muscle pain but it could be caused by anxiety, this too is a common symptom. We tense all our muscles when we are anxious and over time this will cause stiffness and pain.

If you are really worrid and you think you will get reassurance from going to the doc then go and have a chat. But honestly I egt that all the time and it IS anxiety. Just before Christmas I was at the doc's loads obsessed with my health and every little twinge was the end but somehow I've moved on a bit from that. I educated myself about anxiety but be careful about googling specific symptoms been there....it's a v bad idea!!!! Just look specifically at anxiety, get some books from library etc. NHS do a leaflet about panic attacks which I used to carry around just to flick through to remind myself it is anxiety. Rescue remedy is good, as is lavender oil on a tissue to inhale or a few drops in the bath. Knowledge is power and also I try to reassure myself when I get the sensations because they tend to go away when i'm busy at work or something....a heart attack would'nt do that! I also carry an MP3 player with relaxation stuff on and general music I like, it helps to refocus me. Best of all for me though is cross stitch, cross words or just writing my thoughts down when I'm having a major panic...it's all gobbledegook and illegible even to me afterwards but it really brings me down.
Hope some of this helps a bit.

23-03-08, 15:12

i get ectopics to have had them for years now .

it is good that you have talked to your doc about them and had a ecg that will of found anything if there way somthing wrong mabe you could ask for a heart scan to be done to !
my palps are defo worse with pmt .

jodie xx

23-03-08, 21:16

Yep pmt definitly makes them worse, I find that just before my period starts my palps/ectopics and general anx gets worse and then again when Im finishing my period.

Shaz x