View Full Version : will it ever go away

22-03-08, 20:12
I am anxious all the time. I feel sick and shaky except when I am asleep and if I wake in the night I feel ok. The anti-depressant I am on (mertazapine) helps with sleep but during the day anything and everything seems to bother me. I cry most days when the anxiety reaches bursting point and I have had this for 18 months and can't take much more of it. My husband is really good but he doesn't know what to do and I am running out of ideas. I have tried therapy and alternative therapy, relaxation only lasts as long as the session. Has anyone else had or is going through a similar time, as I sit here my stomach is full of butterflies. I was on lorazepam for a time but the one a day I was taking stopped working so the doc said I had better come off them because they are so addictive.
Love to hear from a fellow sufferer or someone who has recovered

22-03-08, 20:43
Hi Joan,

I can really relate to you because I felt just like you do a little over 12 months ago. :hugs: It really is a horrid and worrying time but it does and will pass. By taking small steps I can do a lot more now than I could at my worst and the bad days are a lot less frequent. I think you're doing brilliantly and joining here is a great step as people can relate to how you feel.

My advice as a starting point would be to jot down anything which you think could be causing your anxiety. A lot of the time it is something you're starting to avoid doing for fear of it bringing on unpleasant feelings. Once you've made a list, choose one point and write a series of small steps to overcome it. Each step should cause a little anxiety but is manageable. For example, the first step for someone fearing public transport could be going on a bus for one stop. The next step would be staying on for two stops and so on.

Taking up a hobby can also help as it gives your mind something else to concentrate on.

Take care,

Mike :)

23-03-08, 08:33
Since being on propranalol , it has helped take away that shakey feeling for me , maybe you could try some of them ?
Good luck .

23-03-08, 11:46
Hi Joan .. I can sympathise with you. My anxiety has become completely out of control and completely out of the blue in the last 2 weeks. Have been on several meds but am now on mertazipine and Lorazepam, same as you. The Lorazepam has killed the anxiety but I do still feel quite shakey and very slow. I'm worried about what the doc will do when I go back this week - scared that if he takes me off the Lorazepam I will start to feel anxious again and I can't go there again :lac:

I'm trying to stay positive but I find myself constantly worrying about myself - how I'm feeling etc.

I don't know what sort of age you are hun, but my doctor has sent me for a menopause test and I'm awaiting the results. He seems to think that could cause all the symptoms I'm experiencing.


23-03-08, 13:00
Thank you for your reply. I am sat here crying as I type I don't know what to do, sorry. I asked my doc for a menopause test but he turned me down he has no understanding of the problem at all so I will try the other doctor in the practice to see if she will help with it. I hope your test proves something good for you, please let me know. I live in Blackpool, Lancs.

23-03-08, 15:28
oh Joan I really sympathise with you honey, I have been poorly for the last five weeks and have been signed off work,try talking to some of the others in the chatrooms they are so friendly and there is always someone whom knows what it feels like

24-03-08, 07:47
Hi Joan,I can completly relate to what you are going through-I had my first panic attack years ago before my 1st long haul flight.I presumed that it was caused by a fear of flying.Last year, after many flights and numerous panic attacks I decided to take a year out of flying.To my horror I have spent the last two weeks having daily panic attacks triggered by a problem with my son and school.
I have read everyones replies and I think Mike has given some excellent advice about taking things in small steps.This is what I'm trying to do now.I find it's hard getting my family and freinds to understand that I can't commit in advance to outings etc because once I have something planned I start to worry about it.
I hope you feel better soon. This site is excellent-there is always someone here who understands what you are going through.

24-03-08, 07:59
HI Joan,

Most of us will have experienced that rock-bottom feeling you have described.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You are doing great things in spite of that.Getting the right Doctor to listen and treat you.Joining this Forum.
Read some of the Success stories available through the Main Menu for inspiration and hope.
Take things one day at a time-it will take time to heal.
Educate yourself about your condition so that you learn to pro-actively face your Anxiety and challenge it.
You will get better-never stop believing in yourself and what you are capable of.
Best wishes,