View Full Version : am i going mad

22-03-08, 20:43
hi everyone can i ask a question please well i have the following symptoms whole body feels like its trembling ,weak legs neck and shoulder pain/ache ,and so tense like im waiting for somthing bad to happen and get light headed ,and frightened , pain coming and going in left arm i was told a few weeks ago its anx/panic but havent felt right since just not myself and dont like being on my own or going out on my own since first attack a few weeks ago just looking for reasurance :weep:

miss motown
22-03-08, 21:57
hi bullseye awww i no just how you feel i went thru the same as you and still do so when i have bad days but belive me it is anxiety hun and all them aches and pains is tension.i no wot its like to feel like something bad is going to happen and that dreaded feeling of not wanting to go out on your own incase something happens to you i always fear im going to collapse and die and im on my own ur faint and pass out if im in town not that i ever have but just the fear of it makes me want to stay in doors but all wot your feeling now is all the common signes of anxiety honest your defenatly not going mad hun

24-03-08, 18:08
I am also fighting the feeling that I am going quite mad and that no one else can possibly be feeling the same way as I am. Fear is a powerful emotion which is not completely controlled by what I would call the "rational" part of my mind. However, despite many of these feelings over the last 2 months I'm pleased to report that I haven't in fact gone mad, passed out, stopped breathing, screamed in public or done any of the other random things that are whizzing through my mind. I never in a million years thought I would be an Anxiety sufferer, but I am. The more you understand about why your body is doing what it is doing the more reassured you will start to feel - I'm now seeing a cognitive therapist who has given me all kinds of good advice. In particular I have to stop being so impatient, this will not go away NOW! TODAY! I have to make changes, accept I am vulnerable and gradually find my path to recovery. Good luck chuck x

24-03-08, 19:14
:flowers: hi guys, to the ppl on this thread who are suffering right now - IT DOES GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! like dizzy bird says, you have to give it time. also when you look back after it has gone - well in my experience anyway, you just cannot beleive that you could have felt that way! its crazy and painful and scary and uncomfortable, and sad and it seperates you from your friends and family and the world and yourself - but it is temporary, there is a reason why it is happening - stress, emotions, pain, loss, expectations and these can and do lead to overload, then when youve felt the dreaded crazy anxiety you are more and more frightened about what is happening to your brain - the answer is NOTHING!!!!! but it doesnt FEEL like nothing, its just adrenaline and hyperventilating and your bodies chemisrty is all ove rthe place - and it turns into a constant cycle - this is why you feel like something is going to happen? my advice is to keep telling yourself that it is the above and nothing more, keep reading ppls experiences on here so you re-inforce that if its happening to so many ppl then you are not alone, R-E-L-A-X as much and as often as you can - deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation where you tense and relax every muscle ibn your body so you begin to see that there is a difference, and that the constant muscle tension is causing alot of your problems - your brain recognises that your muscles are tense and so feels more fear and releases more hormones makin gyou feel worse and worse - meditation is good, as are relaxation cds, and then exercise, healthy eating and then lastly cbt if you need extra help. but the main thing is to KNOW you can get rid of these feelings that are plagueing you right now, you will not feel like this forever!!!:flowers: take care emma