View Full Version : Pancreatitis worries!

22-03-08, 23:42
Hello everyone,
Well after a long hiatus with no health worries (over a year - hurray!), I have the sharp pain under ribs thing again, and am worrying it may be pacreatitis. Has anyone had this and can you tell me more about it?

I think I am worrying because I know I drink a little more than I should, but not vast amounts - about 2.5 - 3 bottles of wine a week, I reckon.

It is a definite sharp pain, right under my right lowest rib. I have had it off and on for over a year now. Have had liver tests that all came back ok, but I read somewhere (don't we always!) that liver tests don't always show up chronic pancreatitis. I don't have other symptoms, such as fatty poo or weight loss.

The trouble is that pain killers don't touch the pain. the pain isn't enough to stop me doing things or make me cry out or anyhting, but is a constant sharp pain, often for days at a time.

Some reassurance and/or personal experiences would be great.

on the positive side, I conquered my depression and extreme helath anxiety last year, and have lived a 'normal' life for the past 18 months, got married, bought a new house and got two new jobs, so it can be done. I remember reading the baords and similar stories when I felt rubbish and not believing it could happen to me, but recovery will come!
Best wishes to all and sorry for the long post!


23-03-08, 00:16
Hi it could be alot of things,there are so many things with similar symptoms.
Have you been googling!!!!!Could still be anxiety.My pain on my right side comes and goes.Usually when Im stressed or constipated.:blush:
Well done on the recovery you seem to have come along way and done so many things.:yesyes: :yesyes:

23-03-08, 02:28
One of the things that makes pancreatic cancer so bad is that most people have no symptoms until they begin to get jaundiced or the disease is very advanced. I agree with Ellen. It could be most anything and it's always a good idea to get "new" persistent symptoms checked out by your doctor.

Oh ... and WAY TO GO on a WHOLE YEAR without any health anxiety! That's awesome!


23-03-08, 13:39
Hi guys,
thanks for your replies. I'm not fretting about cancer yet, Earthmother - at only 31, it would be remarkably young for that cancer, I think! While I know it would not be impossible, pancreatic cancer is highly unlikely. Also, I have had so many blood tests within the last 18 months, if something was amiss, it would have showed up by now (see how far I have come - previously, I would have been fretting away until Tuesday, when I could get to the docs). My doc said that although there is no 'blood test for cancer', often if cancer is present, there will be inflammatory markers, or other irregularities to ring alarm bells.

I am going to go to docs next week for reassurance, but the advice I see online is basically, stop drinking and hope it gets better, and that there is not a lot they can do for pancreatitis (if that's what it is) until it got worse, anyway. Either way, not much point worrying about it today - am going to abstain from alcohol for a few days and see if that helps. I don't think it is anxiety, as I am not very anxious at the moment - I well remember how awful I felt when I was sooo tightly wound up.

Hope you are both well.

23-03-08, 16:30
Hi There,

I'm sure you will be ok. Tis good you are seeing the Dr to though.

I have been hospitalized with pacreatitis 4 times in the past and the pain was so severe. I remeber having a very minor op and the snipped a muscle inside not sure what! LOL

My last bout was about 7 years ago and touch wood I have been ok since. I hardly ever drink so its not that. They said my body had trouble breaking down fats and thats what caused it to be inflamed they think. I still get the odd twinge but it normally pases away. Although I still get very paranoid about it reacouring!

Hope it eases soon for you.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X

23-03-08, 20:37
Ah, maybe it's not my pancreas then - definitely not been hospitalised with it yet! Hope you have had a nice Easter and thanks for replying.

27-03-08, 00:46
What about gallstones? Gallbladder attacks cause sharp pain below the right ribs.

27-03-08, 13:29
Hello aurora,
I had an ultrasound for gallstones, but it didn't show anything. It was about 18 months ago, though. i'm going to docs tomorrow, doubtless to be sent away again when they see the size of my file....sigh.

27-03-08, 22:27

Ive had pancreitis 3 times!!!!!

No ifs or buts its sheer agony!!!!

If you had it you would know trust me!!!!

Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-03-08, 23:07
Thanks Kaz! From what I have read (!), acute pancreatitis is absolute agony, but the chronic form can be less painful and constant. Am off to docs tomorrow anyway, so I shall update...thank you for your reply - it does make me feel more 'connected' to people - honestly, being a teacher and having loads of holidays and too much time and an internet connection is a bad thing!

27-03-08, 23:45
hi there

I suffer exactly the same pain as you describe, ive also had a gall bladder scan and a endescopy( worst thing ever), but came back all clear. Sometimes i vomit with the acid and pains and i vomit really voilently.i take lanzaprazole and ranitidine twicea day, it helps a bit.The pain is at the bottom underneath my right rib and also in my right shoulder blade. i have been in hospital with it back in august.

I am worried as to what it may be....any ideas????

thanks tracie x

28-03-08, 23:14
I went back to docs today and he reckons it is gall bladder problems. he says that quite often the stones don't show up on the ultrasound and that there are other tests they can do for them. He has referred me back to GI. I think I am going to pay privately for the consultation, and they then whack you on the NHS waiting list for any treatment - speeds things up slightly by not having to wait to see the consultant, too, and usually only costs about £100 for consultation.

tracie, I would go back and ask for a second opinion, especially as you have been vomiting and to A&E - I have not been that bad (yet!). Have you had a barium meal? that is how my hiatus hernia was diagnosed - not pleasant, but not unpleasant either - having to be turned upside down and swallowing was quite amusing! I also nearly dropped the barium drink - he handed it to me saying it was heavy, but I thought he meant stodgy. didn't realise he meant physically heavy - most amusing. It also blocked the toilet up for days afterward - would not bloomin flush away!

It might be that you need stronger antacids. Hope you feel better soon

29-05-08, 15:31
I had pancreatitis when I had gallstones and believe me you'd know it if you'd got it. It is so painful. Your wee will go brown. Your poo will be pale and quite likely you will feel extreemly nausious. I went yellow too!

I worry that having had it I will go on to develop pancreatic cancer, although I don't know how likely that is. It was to do with having gallstones and I no longer have my gallbladder so I presume my risk is the same as everyone elses?