View Full Version : Describe your dizziness

23-03-08, 05:19
Please describe your dizziness

23-03-08, 10:46
It feels like I'm bobbing up and down or I'm on a boat. It's worse when I stop moving, when I sit down or lie down. If I walk around it usually eases up a bit. Thankfully I don't get it so much anymore.

23-03-08, 14:15
Its a cross between feeling light headed and off balance and feeling like im tilting to one side.

Feeling lightheaded doesnt always happen with the other.


23-03-08, 14:33
I could really tick most of the boxes.
One could be:-
Lightheadedness - as if you want to take your brain out and wash it:ohmy:
Dreadful giddiness -when you feel sick:ohmy:
Stomach churning - you do not know whether it is your head or your gut.:blush:

Virtigo - (they say i have this) waiting for hospital app - in June = The world spins and you are falling into a deep dark hole - screamed for hubby to stop me spinning.:weep: I am on meds for this - that is how bad it is.
I am more afraid of the virtigo than the meds
Another sensation is when you feel as if the floor is made of sponge / or you are walking on a mattress - you know the wobbly feeling:unsure:
ALL of these are horrendous and yet so common to general stress and anxiety.
:hugs: hugs to all who suffer this cos no one seems to believe how bad it feels.

23-03-08, 16:29
Thanks for the replys

23-03-08, 22:03
Yep, all of the above!!! Lol. Horrible and very, very scary.x

25-03-08, 13:05
all of the above for me too , but hospital say they think i have a hole thru the bone in my inner ear ,,, a good way to test for this is when you listen to noises , close your eyes and if your eyes jump about alot , then its usually because of this.

25-03-08, 15:45
Oh thank God, I thought it was just me. I feel off balance and more giddy than dizzy. If I turn my head to look left or right I loose my sense of balance, no spinning, it feels as though my eyes don't move with my head. I spend so much time on vdu at work I wonder if my eyes are not very supple. Also like lots of other anx sufferers I have very very tense neck and shoulder muscles (and jaw) and grind and clench in my sleep. Any others feel this, it's my very worst symptom and nobody seems to describe it quite like I get it. Pleeeeease!


25-03-08, 16:41
When i'm very lightheaded and off balance i to feel it in my eyes, my eyes will feel tense and seem like they are always half closed. Also I do notice that i am not brathing as i should and taking more chest breaths then abdominal breaths. Oh and another thing is when i'm dizzy it seems like every second thought in my head is thinking about how dizzy i am or something along those lines of the dizziness and when i'm not dizzy i'm not thinking about it and i feel relaxed and calm..

25-03-08, 21:58
I know what you mean Pudding and Joel. I am there too! I went to the hospital last week for balance testing and had a few simple tests for benign positional vertigo, as you may know. But nothing shown yet, i have to go back in two weeks for more testing but they think that i have it!! It is so scary isn't it? I hadn't done too bad for the past two days then when i got up this morning WHOOSH i was so dizzy again. Not spinning just off balance and dizzy. I carry on and on the best i can even though i am floating through everything. I hate living like this and wish it would just go away for good and leave me alone. I have struggled a lot today with this and just kept going when all i want to do is sit in a corner and cry for it to go away!! I have just sat forward to pick up my laptop to come on here and moved my head to the left to reach for it and WHOOSH again!! Horrid.
I know what you mean about the eyes though, it feels to me like it is somehow connected to them, like the eyes are not connected to the balance system properly anymore and that is most of the problem, have i described that right? Anyway, the audiology consultant did say that the diagnosis tests that i will have done will promote my eyes to 'wobble', this is how they diagnose benign positional vertigo. So obviously there must be a connection to the eyes. I don't really know, all i know is that i hate it, it scares the hell out of me and i think because we suffer with anxiety and depression etc, we get floating and dizziness anyway and this adds to it and doesn't help at all. I am terrified of going back for tests again, they are not nice to do and i was terrified.
The other thing is that i do keep going and going and my dizziness is not getting any better even though i am carrying on regardless.
Just glad that i am not alone in this.xx

26-03-08, 04:07
Angie do also get a lot of headaches? It seem like i get them way too often in dif parts of the head, 1 day it'll be in the back of the head then next the top and then the temples and some days its all over.

I just wish i could descibe the dizziness i get better to you but its just so hard to descibe. I hear people describe it as an "almost drunk" feeling but with no alcohol, this is close to what i feel as well. Wobbly, unsteady and not clear headed could be a good way to descirbe it as well.

But like you i wish it would just go away :P Let me know if you feel like what i described above or anyone else for that matter.. Thanks

26-03-08, 13:30
Poor Angie, you seem to be suffering badly with this. I must admit that I do feel mine is more about tension and breathing than anything deep seated but I do wonder sometimes. It's the one thing that can make me panic, most other symptoms I can put up with, it is worse since I had a bout of vertigo virus a couple of years ago so that has just probably added to the usual sensations that us anx sufferers get. Hope your tests go well Angie. X

26-03-08, 15:39
angie , Ive had the tests , they are called ENG tests, they were ok but if they make you dizzy then that means your ears are working fine , if you dont get dizzy that means you have a problem.
I did not get dizzy in both ears , and they told me both ears are low functioning . Hope that helps.
take care

26-03-08, 19:19
Thanks Mirry, i was dizzy afterwards, just a little, and then for the next two days it got worse. But i only had a couple of simple tests so far, nothing too bad i suppose.

Joe, it is like i am drunk but without touching a drop. Fuzzy and cloudy, even floaty too. I also get the 'walking on a boat' thing too. I wish it could be all put down to anxiety then at least i would know and could just try and deal with it all. But i think the best way to describe the way i feel when i am moving about or even walking, is drunk and off balance. However, i do get this sudden spinning now and then when moving or just altering my head position or even just my eyes too.
I am terrified of going back to the hospital for the other tests.
Can't help feeling that my gum bleeding so badly for no reason the following day was down to him throwing me back on that ruddy table too, even though that sounds ridiculous i know. But it just happened at the wrong time i think but it has made me even more scared to go back to the hospital now too.x

28-03-08, 13:49
hi there,
i am so glad i came accross this site as i am a complete worrier about my health!
has anyone else had this really strange thing with dizziness?
when i gave birth both times i suffered with severe dizziness after, i coultnt walk in a straight line or hold my head up, it was like my head was so heavy & when i lifted it i felt like i was spinning round the room, i also had a really sort of heavy feeling aswell, i was only ok when i was laying down. this lasted really bad for 7 days like so bad that i couldnt even have a conversaion on the phone or see anyone when i came home from hospital, i had to be helped walking around the house it was awful.
i do suffer with dizziness other times but never like that.
docs checked my blood pressure/iron etc but couldnt find anything wrong????anyone had the same thing?????????

charl. XXXXX:blush:

02-04-08, 12:49
wow i did not think dizzyness was so common,i too suffer with this,i had all the tests and was diagnosed with vertigo,scared me so much the first time, an ambulance was called and i was admitted to hospital for 3 days,mine started out of the blue,the room just started spinning,really spinning fast,i had to lie down with my eyes closed,and i did not open them till i reached hospital,and then promptly closed them again,i was vomiting,and had loose bowels,ughhhhh it was awful,was prescribed stemetil as and when needed,luckily i have had only 2 or 3 since then but i take the medication and wait for it to subside.theres always the scary thougt that it may happen whilst i am out on my own as i get no warning,but fingers crossed so far so good.anyway just thought i would share that with you all lol.take care xx

02-04-08, 14:42
Hi rozie glad your feeling better! For me the room does not spin it's more of a light headed off balance kind of thing which is so hard to describe. I somtimes say to people its almost like a drunk feeling because i cant walk to straight or i tend to bump into things or feel like i'm going to fall over.

In your case tho its good to get your ears checked out because in inner ear problem would make the room spin.

04-04-08, 21:49
when i was admitted to hospital my ears were tested,they poured water in my ears whilst i was looking at these lights and flashing things on the ceiling,at the same time i had to count backwards in fives from 100,it was not nice i can tell you,anyway as i said they diagnosed vertigo,it may go completley or it may occur occasionally,anyway thats all they said.

09-04-08, 16:40
I've had the floating, walking on sponge sensations so had my eyes tested (slighly short sighted in one eye but nothing which would make me dizzy) and a full MRI scan of my neck and inner ear. I was told that either it was down to stress/panic (as with many people in ENT departemnts) or I have a very tiny balance problem in my left ear which could cause these problems but as the ear is so intricate it's not visible even on a blow-up of the scans. So - ear balance problem inconclusive, probably anxiety. I try to enjoy the dizziness and pretend I've had some wine but it's still distressing. My doctor gave me some drops to take when I feel an attack coming on - so far they work and make it go away again for several hours and in somecases the panic attack doesn't come back for days. I'm still trying to figure what sets them off.

11-04-08, 13:45
My dizziness is so bad sometimes I can't walk.... but I'm not hyperventilating so it's nothing to do with my breathing. I could tick all the boxes.


12-04-08, 06:53
Dizziness is probably the most common symptom, simply because when we get anxious we tense up in our shoulders and neck and that is connected to our balance system.

For me when I feel off balance I also feel like my eyes are criss crossing, I feel like I cant focus with my eyes and basically my eyes feel very weird. I even went to an eye doctor twice to check them out and they are fine. But its just something about my eyes and dizziness that goes together, it just feels like they are so tense and yet they cant focus on one thing, and dont follow my head quick enough.

I am pretty sure some of you know what I am talking about, this is my MAIN MAIN problem now. I dont even get any of the other symptoms aside from the hot flashes which are usually just caused by me thinking about my dizziness.. I wish I could just get rid of it..grrr

12-04-08, 07:38
Since my dad died in september i've been getting that bobbing up and down effect , or wadding through water, at first i had it constant thought it was grieving/shock and still am, either way its quiet horrible and can come at anytime , either when i'm doing nothing and feel relaxed or walking or just talking to someone. anything really, it's very scary when driving and either end up pulling over for abit or if in my wifes car to swap drivers.

There are days when its not so bad but it's took me a while to work out that's anxiety. it is unnerving

Although it don't help that me optician messed up me prescription so sometimes me eyes look like there looking through a fish bowel sometimes lol!
Hoping to get them sorted today :)


17-04-08, 03:30
Hi All,

I am new to this forum and I am so glad I found it. I just did a search and it came up. Anyway, I also suffer from dizziness, lightheadedness and feeling like I am floating or walking on a boat. I have been to numerous doctors, ENT's and a neurologist. I always felt like I had some disease that would get worse. All of my tests came back fine. I have suffered from anxiety for over 1o years and the feeling is that I just stepped off an elevator. Does any one else have this feeling? Some days it is worse - like when I am tired - I like reading every one's posts because at least I know I'm not alone. Thanks for listening!:)

Any feedback or others who feel this way would be good to hear from.

17-04-08, 19:11
Justpeachy you hit it on the head with the "just stepped off an elevator" could'nt have described that any better!! it aint nice is it , and being tired for me does ramp the feeling up a notch.....


17-04-08, 19:32
I get a strange feeling in between my eyes just above the nose.

25-04-08, 19:21
im so glad you guys get this too - i say to may husband every day i feel really dizzy but no one believes me - i feel like im going to fall over

27-04-08, 03:26
Hi Bab, I'm not glad I get it LOL

But i do hope you feel better :D

05-05-08, 11:34
Hi Jabz, The symtom i get nearest to yours - it feels as if i am wearing someone else's glasses? not a nice feeling but it is (once again) down to stress!!!!!!!
best wishes

05-05-08, 12:13
Last night was the first proper dizzy spell i'd had in ages. I'm not sure if it was due to the Beta Blocker i'd just taken, but I did feel a bit of panic afterwards. I sat here feeling like I was swaying backwards & forwards/side to side, also like I was bobbing up & down in my chair. Very strange feeling!

11-05-08, 20:33
Cassi23 I never thought that the feelling I get of tilting to one side was related to my anxiety. I get dizzyness, light headiness and the feeling that I may faint which I put down to my anxiety but when I try to explain the feeling of being tilted no one gets it, not even my doctor!! It's so reassuring to know that I'm not alone and I can put it down to feeling anxious!

12-05-08, 22:11
my dizziness feels like ive got water in my head!!!!!!
the room does not spin it just feels really weird,like im on a boat.
my doctor gave me some tablets called prochlorperazine they are for dizziness, anxiety,nausea etc. it could be physcological but they seemed to work.

milly jones
11-06-08, 19:53
i have just had some betahistine prescibed for menieres syndrome, but im still niggling that its linked to anx

milly x

14-06-08, 22:00
I started this post a couple months back after suffering from dizziness off and on (mostly on) for 2 years and i'm glad to say its passed again! I've been symptom free for a few weeks now.

Anxiety does cause the light headedness feeling and the more you fear it the worse it gets and longer it stays. All i did was gave up worrying about it and just went on with my days being dizzy and light headed and a couple weeks later it went away. It does go away but it takes some time and i'm sure next time i get worried or my anxiety gets high again i'm sure it will come back but this time i'll be ready for it. I wont fear it as much and i'm 100% sure it'll pass in no time!

It's just anxety!

15-06-08, 14:52
wow. has taken me a while to find people who understand how this dizzy feeling feels how horrid it is and what it makes you feel like. can i ask how long you all have had it for?? my name is beki btw i am 24 and have had anxiety for the last year it really sucks

16-06-08, 04:27
Hi Beki, my dizziness lasted very close to 2 years.

16-06-08, 08:17
What annoys me is that gps tell people that ANXIETY causes the dizziness ,,, but this is absolutely untrue , YES the anxiety can make an existing condition feel worse but it does not cause it .

Ive been studying this subject for the past 3 years now , in absolute determination to get the answers. Because I remember a time when I used to get very anxious but not unbalanced and dizzy, I knew something had changed. I purchased a book that claims that 90% of phobics have a hidden inner ear disorder as the cause , its called "phobia free by Harold N Levingston,MD.

This website is the best Ive ever come accross in describing the different types of dizziness that people feel .

And the other problem is , ENT do not run all the tests that people need.....
they simply do the basic tests , but if you feel things are severe PUSH for further testing , explain all symptoms , no matter how small.

16-06-08, 21:38
I've had MANY tests regarding my dizziness and nothing was ever found.. When my anxiety is low i have no dizziness when my anxiety is high guess what the dizziness is there.. If i dwell on the why's and what if's about my dizziness it wont go away. When i accept the fact that it's all anxiety it goes away.. I've had this condition for far too long and I can say 100% that it is anxiety plain and simple and now that it does not scare me anymore more it's gone!

Now tell me that my dizziness is caused by something else..

06-09-08, 23:43
I think vestibular disorders and anxiety are very closely linked, it's a bit of chicken-and-egg situation - which came first, the anxiety or the disorder? The sense of dizziness and being off balance can trigger anxiety which in turn makes the symptoms worse - a vicious circle.

Jabz's post from a while ago describes my dizziness perfectly - I feel off-balance and it's hard to focus when it's bad, I have a feeling of being "cross-eyed". Certain movements, especially fast changes of direction, make it worse and can easily throw me off balance. For me it started with an inner ear infection and my sense of balance never gone back to normal. The infection was in my right ear and sometimes I get a feeling like I'm falling to the right, or that everything is tilting to the right.

My doctor said that some people get stuck with it, but that it can get better spontaneously, or come back again after a long time. It is worse when I'm tense or anxious, or when I've been staring at a computer screen for a long time. It's SUCH a relief to find that so many other people have the same or similar symptoms. Of all anxiety-related symptoms I find it the most disturbing and hardest to rationalise.

07-09-08, 12:08
I think i said this elsewhere - I have a perforated eardrum, which if it gets infected causes severe giddiness BUT i then know the cause. its the regular dizziness that i can't stand.
The doc at the hospital said he could not find any probs with my ears, other than the perforation, but as a further test asked me to march-on-the-spot with my eyes closed, (only about 30 seconds) - he told me afterward that "you will automatically turn to the side of the 'bad' ear" and i had turned very slightly to my right = SPOT ON correct.
He also said that my anxiety caused 90% of my giddiness / nausea etc.
Hope this helps someone

11-09-08, 16:59
Yep, all of the above. Could not pick one in particular.
It plagues my soddin life, i'm afraid to say LOL

22-09-08, 21:31
Im still searching for the answers to my dizzyness, coming up two years feeling as tho Im on a boat, not one seconds respite whether panicked or not. Hopefully my GP can give me some answers ASAP. So glad to know I am not alone tho. x:hugs:

23-09-08, 09:54
:ohmy: :ohmy:
I have suffered with this dizziness for years it comes and goes periodically and it usually brings its mates panic, anxiety and depression with it.

Five years ago,I had a heart scan which was fine and I have also had a brain scan a few years ago, which the dr sent me for because I was hearing noises in my ears I also had the ears tested etc. I have had numerous blood tests over the years.

its horrible and I have made myself really ill worrying about it, in February I had to take three months off work through all the worry.

When it happens I assume the worst all the time, brain tumours, death etc, it doesn't help that I have had a couple of mates literally drop dead on me with strokes etc. Currently having CBT which appears to be working ie slowly but surely, just so glad I am not the only one with this, although I would not wish it on my worst enemy It takes over your life if you let it, but hey I am starting to fight back. (I think) I don'tt think that stress helps, I think sometimes stress opens the door and lets it in.

Take care everyone


26-09-08, 02:31
i have exactly that just got off a bad carnival ride or a windy road trip a lot!! i hate it!.. have any of you taken ssri's and had it get better??

11-12-08, 10:10

I could tick all the boxes to, it's such an unpleasant feeling! I've recently suffered with palpitations etc and now this! I feel like I'm falling apart!

I'm a bit scared to go to Docs as I feel like they are getting tired of me complaining about all sorts, as if I'm some sort of hypochondriac! But I know this is happeneing and I can ony describe it as if both my eyes have tilted in one direction, or like my brain was thinking 'I'm going to pass out' but then decided not to?...It lasts a few seconds then I feel light headed and as though I'm not really concentrating on anything anymore, soooo wierd! I feel really stupid like I've got some fatal illness that's causing this to happen, but I am hoping I feel like that because I have anxiety about these things!

It's so good to hear other people talk about how they are feeling, makes me feel vaguely normal!

X Vitsy! x

12-12-08, 07:43
Hey everyone,
After a vigorous workout at my gym 1 year ago, I had a sudden feeling of fullness and lightheadedness. I don't know what the hell this was. The feeling has never left me and I feel like i've developed an anxiety problem with it. Or else it actually IS the anxiety problem. I really can't tell.
My balance is usually fine, but I have a constant feeling of pressure - a bit like im wearing a hat sometimes - and my eyes have trouble focussing. Bright lights freak me out.
I really wanna get better. I can't keep this up.

13-12-08, 11:19
I too suffer with this. This last week i have been feeling like im been pushed to one side and off balance. It really is horrible but i just need to keep saying its just the panic. My other half thinks i put it on but i dont think anyone can understand how bad it is until you get it.

14-12-08, 11:55

Mirry, how does one get a hole through the bone in your inner ear? I know there are three bones, the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup. If one has a hole in them, would it make your balance really bad???

Love from Rosy

01-01-09, 21:34
i feel like my head is travelling from side to side but it's not moving. i've also got an intense ringing in my ears and horizontal lines in my vision when it comes on.

19-01-09, 21:26
The word dizzy sends me into a panic. On my bad days I feel like Im off balance and had a few to drink.
But by far the worstfor me is when all of a sudden from nowhere I feel like Im falling. Its like Im hurtling towards the ground and the feeling is so real that stupidly I have been known to put my hands out to stop myself even though in reality I havent actually moved. It lasts just a couple of seconds but terrifies me and makes my heart pound with fear.:weep:

20-01-09, 16:22
The word dizzy sends me into a panic. On my bad days I feel like Im off balance and had a few to drink.
But by far the worstfor me is when all of a sudden from nowhere I feel like Im falling. Its like Im hurtling towards the ground and the feeling is so real that stupidly I have been known to put my hands out to stop myself even though in reality I havent actually moved. It lasts just a couple of seconds but terrifies me and makes my heart pound with fear.:weep:

God I know just exactly what you mean jandmsmum, this happens to me to and you feel quite foolish because you grab hold of something, I always feel like it must have been really noticeable but no-one has ever even looked at me when it happens so it must be all in my mind, I hate it!! Grrrr:shrug:

25-01-09, 00:23
hi im new here just been reading some of theses posts and i havta say i understand how you all fell, i had severe dizziness for 2 months straight i couldn't do anything constantly throwing up finding it very difficult to walk ect. it first started when i woke up during the night to go to the bathroom and the hole room was spinning i was kinda to tired to notice you know that state were your still half asleep and u just couldn't care whats going on well like that, so when i woke up in the morning thats when i faced it , it was so bad i could barley get out of the bed. so weeks past and it was not lighting up so i went to the doctor he said it will just pass over time ,so he gave me something for the constant puking and headaches, so a month and a half past and eventually it began to lighten up up then as the weeks progressed it got better and better and eventually i have got complete remission from it so im just hoping it stays away , so for all you guys who feel like it just will never go away just give some time i know it's hard to cope with but just hang in there.

Deepest Blue
25-01-09, 07:47
I seem to be off balance sometimes and certainly get a lot of head rushes which causes me to almost faint.

30-01-09, 04:12
WOW,,,i'm completely amazed that so many people can discribe my dizziness completely:ohmy: I'm having the dizziness right now and i feel like i'm leaning to one side, mine has been off and on for 2 months and sometimes my head has pressure too. Mostly in the morning i'm fine until i start thinking about the dizziness and wondering why i don't have it:wacko: then sure enough alittle later i get it and have it all day even when i don't think i'm thinking about it(does this make sense?) Even though i read through all these posts i still keep thinking "but i may be the ONE that really has something serious wrong":weep: Anxiety Sucks!

01-02-09, 21:10
i would love to chat with you on live chat panic , we seem to be going through the very same thing

09-02-09, 14:48
Well I have had this awful feeling of unsteadyness and off balance since I was 11 and I'm nearly 59 now and all of what you say on here fits my life, had tests yonks ago to no avail, it frightens the life out of me, it got so bad about 3 years ago I'm now agrophobic, and sometimes perhaps it's an awful thing to say but you can't help thinking can you I think I would rather have no legs than this, at least I could get anywhere I wanted, even if it was on wheels I wouldn't be so scared to go out, cos of the dizziness, it must be great to be normal, wouldn't want to be stinking filthy rich just plain normal ad do.

09-02-09, 18:40
I feel like im bobbing and the floor is moving slightly, sometimes its a "head rush" kind of experiance!

12-02-09, 00:52
All the above for me also!!

I could be doing nothing, and this sometimes wakes me up!, or if iam talking to someone, or when iam driving oh goodness its awful,

I then think im going to pass out, then the room spins my ears start to go deaf and i think thats it iam going to pass out and die

I hate this the dr told me i have vertigo? but i didnt take any meds for it iam so scared of pills and side effects, I have suffered anxiety and panic attakcs for 5 years now, and its horrific!

These dizzy spells makes me think i have something wrong with me, like my brain etc xx

14-02-09, 01:13
All of the above for me too - but the weirdess feeling is when I turn my head quickly - and as a driver I need to look left and right etc. - and it is like my eyes are on stalks. My head swivels right and my eyes turn right also - but then my eyes keep turning right even though my head has begun to swivel left! Like my eyes are on stalks and are swinging about everywhere.

It's bloody weird! :blink::blink:

15-02-09, 06:31
Haha, I havent had dizziness for months but for some reason today I feel kinda disorientated. It's like dizziness without the nausia. When I move, it feels like everything moves a little, but when I stay still and only look around with my eyes, it's completely gone. Things also look somewhat foraign, almost like during derealization - but I havent had that for months.

I've had it for several hours still, not sure what set it off. Maybe it's from watching three of the five Saw movies last night! Oh well itl be gone after I get some sleep.

16-02-09, 00:36
I always see flashing bright lights in the corner of my eyes; when i see that, I know i'm about to pass out!

19-02-09, 16:47
im sick of being dizzy everyday feelin like im gonna drop dead :( its horrible why wont it go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25-02-09, 23:03
I'm sorry others feel this way too, but it's making me fel a little better about my symptoms.
Please can anyone tell me if they have ever had lightheadedness stay for days? It started Saturday night and I am still very light headed, not spinning, just always light headed and fuzzy.

On other question: my lips and face a slightly numb...has anyone ever head if this is a symptom of anxiety. It's not going away, I've been to doctors all week for this, one said inner ear. I had a normal MRI and blood tests. It's the lightheadedness that is making me more anxious. But I do have a history of anxiety.

08-03-09, 08:45
All anxiety, I promise.. It will and does go away once you stop fearing it.

princess kay
31-03-09, 00:02
hi all i also suffer with anxiety and dizziness! its horrible i get neary all of the above but have good days and bad days, i felt so much better after reading the posts on dizzy unbalanced symptoms.. i have been told by my doctor and pyscoligist that it is completly normal to feel this way when suffereing with anxiety panik.. so every one try and not worry it will go away, mine has got better i have learnt how to kind of say i no wht it is it will go away, i also think the more you think about it the more its there, but still have the horrible days when im dizzy or unbalanced, iv had an off balanced day today 30.03.09. we cant all have a terrible illness so we must all think positve!! one thing i will sya is though, its ok goin to doc/hospital, but unless they have been there or are sufferers themselves they wont understand, no one does if they havnt ben in our position... th linden method is great everyone.. gud luk all xxx

princess kay
31-03-09, 18:36
Angie do also get a lot of headaches? It seem like i get them way too often in dif parts of the head, 1 day it'll be in the back of the head then next the top and then the temples and some days its all over.

I just wish i could descibe the dizziness i get better to you but its just so hard to descibe. I hear people describe it as an "almost drunk" feeling but with no alcohol, this is close to what i feel as well. Wobbly, unsteady and not clear headed could be a good way to descirbe it as well.

But like you i wish it would just go away :P Let me know if you feel like what i described above or anyone else for that matter.. Thanks

hey, i ofte frrl like this also, coctor sais its just your anxiety but it is horrible :( x

03-04-09, 17:45
I have some similar dizziness symptoms going on too. Mine started in 2004 when I was in college and is still going. My main complaint has been the dizziness.

It is difficult enough to explain how it feels, let alone to get a doctor to really listen and think outside the box. :lac: I've seen over 20 doctors since 04 including 5 neurologists and not a single one of them ever suggested anything in the anxiety realm...GRRRR. It's so frustrating.

I have described the dizziness in many ways, none of which are a perfect description. It is definitely not a classic vertigo (spinning), but more of an unbalanced feeling. Sometimes it feels like I'm standing on a trampline, a sponge, or a small boat. It can also make me feel exactly like I'm drunk, exagerated reflexes and all. Of course I have tons of other symptoms on top of this.

One of them is an odd feeling in my eyes like Jabz mentioned, almost like my eyes are crossed or unfocused, but they're not. And I have a HUGE amount of tension all over my body including my neck, which is probably related somehow.

I'm still searching for answers, and am currently seeing a Psychologist doing some CBT and seeing some other traditional doctors. What drives me bonkers is that the Psychologist is convinced that it is anxiety related, and the other doctors say it is definitely something else. So that certainly doesn't help! Haha

The fact that the tension/anxiety and all the other symtpoms can come on very strong without seeingly any provocation makes me worry that it is something more sinister than anxiety as well, altough I still try to convince myself that it is!

Joe is definitely right that we should try not to think about it or worry about it so much, because regardless of what it is the anxiety we create over it can only make it worse.

It does help my sanity to know that I share this problem with all of you, at least we're not alone! :hugs:

21-04-09, 18:36
Hi everyone, im new to this n i just wanted to describe my dizziness symptoms n see if anyone else experiences this.
I have been constantly dizzy for 1 year now, my dizziness started with a bad feeling of being lightheaded and now it has progressed to feeling like the floor is dipping underneath me all the time. I also feel like i cant concentrate and also like i cant adjust to where i am. Its hard to explain, but because i feel like im constantly moving (even when im sat down), i feel like im really dazed all the time. I get tired easily aswel and sometimes feel like im finding it hard to breathe, altho i think that is due to me panicking over the dizziness.

I have been to the doctors about a 100 times n they basically tell me its because im a tall slim female, but after a while of going they sent me to see a specialist who sent me for a CT scan which came back normal thankfully and then he gave me some tablets called escitalopram(from what i can remember) and these were in hope to calm me down and to hopefully get rid of the symptoms as he thought it was something to do with me breathing to shallow or sumthing. But of course these didnt work so i stopped taking them after a while.

I have also had loads of blood tests to test thyroid, iron levels etc which have all come up normal. The only slight thing is my blood pressure which is slightly low and so im now taking some tablets which aparently higher my blood pressure, however no change yet!

Can anyone shed any light on this please. Altho anyone who is going through this i hav to say you do become used to it and its more like a normal thing to me now, altho i never thought id get used to feelin like i was going to colapse all the time lol its weird realy. But after a year i am getin quite anoyd with it. Thanks for reading :)

21-04-09, 19:33
i get it sometimes you feel someones pulling your head from behind and inside your head feels like its going bacwards.

18-05-09, 21:15
Hi ... not true vertigo (as in the room spinning).

Dazed, Woozy, Off balance, Feels like the elevator stopping at a floor slowly very subtle, eyes crossed but no double vision.

Feels like water in the ear canal after getting out of a pool of water, but does not get relieved when getting the water out. Eyes out of focus ... lightheaded especially when elated or angry ........ confusion when in a area of a lot of sensory input ....... i.e., Walmart or a Large Fair .....

Never before was I like this 5 years ago. This is one ride I want off of.

18-05-09, 21:30
I have some similar dizziness symptoms going on too. Mine started in 2004 when I was in college and is still going. My main complaint has been the dizziness.

It is difficult enough to explain how it feels, let alone to get a doctor to really listen and think outside the box. :lac: I've seen over 20 doctors since 04 including 5 neurologists and not a single one of them ever suggested anything in the anxiety realm...GRRRR. It's so frustrating.

I have described the dizziness in many ways, none of which are a perfect description. It is definitely not a classic vertigo (spinning), but more of an unbalanced feeling. Sometimes it feels like I'm standing on a trampline, a sponge, or a small boat. It can also make me feel exactly like I'm drunk, exagerated reflexes and all. Of course I have tons of other symptoms on top of this.

One of them is an odd feeling in my eyes like Jabz mentioned, almost like my eyes are crossed or unfocused, but they're not. And I have a HUGE amount of tension all over my body including my neck, which is probably related somehow.

I'm still searching for answers, and am currently seeing a Psychologist doing some CBT and seeing some other traditional doctors. What drives me bonkers is that the Psychologist is convinced that it is anxiety related, and the other doctors say it is definitely something else. So that certainly doesn't help! Haha

The fact that the tension/anxiety and all the other symtpoms can come on very strong without seeingly any provocation makes me worry that it is something more sinister than anxiety as well, altough I still try to convince myself that it is!

Joe is definitely right that we should try not to think about it or worry about it so much, because regardless of what it is the anxiety we create over it can only make it worse.

It does help my sanity to know that I share this problem with all of you, at least we're not alone! :hugs:

Hey ........... I read your post. Sure we are not related? If you have a free moment read my intro story. I too am in the "chicken or the egg" scenario. Whether this is all anxiety or organic in nature. I still have not found any answers. Mike

19-05-09, 09:00
When I'm anxious, or sometimes just randomly I get really giddy. I feel like the room is moving, and my vision gets weird as in objects seem to slightly move/turn or warp a bit. Very disturbing but it's at least I'm not getting it for no reason much anymore, just while anxious.

magpie girl
14-06-09, 13:48
Out shopping yesterday it felt like i was walking on a marshmallow floor i felt really weird i had to go outside and sit down i felt drunk!!!!!

28-06-09, 22:47
I could also tick all the boxes. Have noticed when it happens i am chest breathing. Also eyes feel fixed as if staring into space. It's funny that you can't make it go away nor can you make it start up when you are relaxed. It seems to have a life of it's own almost!

30-06-09, 00:51
These 2 Days I Wakeup With Dizziness, So Horrifying Experience, Lasted 5mins, Ifelt So Dizzy, When I Wake Up From Sleep, Don't Knowwhy. Maybe For 1 Mth Long I Hv Been Waking Up Late, And Start School Days I Wake Up 6am Suddenly I Felt So So Dizzy On Waking Up.or Maybe Last Few Nights I Hv Very Heavy Dinner And Ate Donuts Too.there Are Many Reason That I Don't Know, I Am Thinking So Much What Causes Me To Feel Dizzy, It Is Scary, Ican't Stand.help Anybody.

13-08-09, 11:18
Just had a bit of a dizzy spell. I've had them on and off for ten years or more, so I try to tell myself it can't be anything other than my anxiety. Still not nice though, especially as it came with a sudden slight nausea and a feeling like I might faint if I didn't get a grip. Had a glass of water and a sit down but I'm still feeling a bit below par. Maybe I should eat something as I've been skipping breakfast lately. Any of this sound familiar?

31-08-09, 16:04
i feel light headed, or fuzzy headed , my eyes get really sore and water sometimes, and it also feels like my eyes are being pulled from the back, if that makes sense !, i am nnever sure if it is the anxiety, or the cipralex, or because i am tired, or maybe all three !

31-08-09, 16:08
it's a cross between feeling light headed and off balance or tilting to one side and the feeling of passing out. this happened once when i was at work a medic let me lay down and noticed my hands were already cold. after a while, it seemed okay but i was just so scared to stand up again.

19-01-10, 16:55
I get all the above.

I feel dizzy, light headed, off balance, heading towards one side, the room spins.

Had this symptom before but experiencing it at the moment. It can last between half an hour to two hours eventually I calm down. It just comes on out the blue.

Carly Lou
23-01-10, 19:05
Hey guys, im totally knew too this so please be aware i may fluff up, well where shall i start.......... i am 25 year old femalefrom somerset england uk, and have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and panic attacks, all since my grampy died last october, well since then i have had a chest x ray for my chest as i had alot of pain, and guess what, nothing there, then one morning i woke up with this constant dizzy feeling, like i had, had a few to drink, thought oh well this is my anxiety, but it then went on for 6 days, was terrible, i was feeling sick, and i was so run down and have now decided that i have a brain tumour, my doctor says i have a inner ear infection and i am taking serc which has worked wonderfully, but i cant stop thinking i have a brain tumour, i have had a massive headache with this dizziness and i got myself in such a state, cried every night, and have struggled to look after my 14 month old wondefull boy, how do i not worry i have a brain tumour, i have read all the syptoms and decided i have them, and im scared, altho today is the best day i have felt, surely if there was a tumour i would be worse xxxxxxxxxxxx
please tell me what you think.
a very worried anxiety pancking poor girlie xxxxxxxxxxx

jan graham
22-02-10, 21:09
hi ive been suffering with this for two years now when it first started i woke up and the room was spinning iv been on stemital an serc 16 but helps very little been hospital about six times had the eppily monover but they just seem to listen since christmas iv felt like my world is bobbly when walkin and feel scared when out on my own i use to use the gym 3 times a week but all the movements dont help eny it seems to have hinded my life and i get feed up of feeling this way i sometimes feel like im bobbing up and down on a boat or when i walk my footing is wrong its affecting my day you feel like your the only one suffering with this mad thing like to know ther are other sufferes out there when i tell people in work they just look at me as if im mad they seem to think i look well but in my head im not like to hear from other people with the same

22-02-10, 22:11
When I go dizzy, I'm blinded by a silver/white light, the room spins and i completely lose sence of all direction, often come too a few moments later sat on the floor clutching my throbbing head... not sure if this is normal...

01-03-10, 13:17
I have terrible dizziness today and numb face/scalp

24-07-15, 18:40
It feels like I'm swaying from side to side or back and forth. My legs feel wobbly sometimes.

26-07-15, 10:13
My every day kind of dizziness feels like I am swaying but my vertigo feels like someone is physically grabbing me and pushing me from side to side and then dragging me to the floor.

05-08-15, 11:01
You name it , ive had it. Fleeting lighthead, bouncing on sponge, Vertigo, pressure like someone pressing on my head and swimmy, swaying, disorientated kind of feel.. I was told coming from my neck and or sinus issues plus anxiety about it.