View Full Version : anxious about being anxious!!!

23-03-08, 11:53
Hi everyone I've been really anxious the last couple of weeks to the point where I've just been flying backwards and forwards to my doctor for help!!! Eventually on Thursday he prescribed Lorazepam which I'm taking 3 times a day. I'm also on Mertazipine. The Lorazepam has killed the anxiety but now all I can think about is what will happen when I go back on Thursday. I keep telling myself not to worry, it'll be fine but that's all I can think about .. will the anxiety come back???!!!!! I'm finding it hard to find my positive head which isn't like me at all :wacko: Anyone else get caught up in their own worries? and if so, any help on turning it around please?


Hope 2
24-03-08, 00:00
Hang in there :D

If meds are reduced , it's always gradually for these types u mention .
I know it's scary thinking about the anxiety returning but tell doc this and remember that everyone is here for yah . One day at a time approach may be best .

Thinkin of u
Deep breaths
Hope xx

24-03-08, 11:21
Hang in there :D

If meds are reduced , it's always gradually for these types u mention .
I know it's scary thinking about the anxiety returning but tell doc this and remember that everyone is here for yah . One day at a time approach may be best .

Thinkin of u
Deep breaths
Hope xx

Thank you Hope. I'm trying to take each day at a time but it's so hard isn't it. I can kinda handle the depressive side but have a hard time with the anxiety. I know I got through it before and I'm sure I will again but for some reason I'm really doubting myself :shrug:

24-03-08, 12:26
Hi Caz,

Anxiety will always try to sow seeds of doubt in your mind.What you can do is learn coping mechanisms which will negate this.
Distractions of all sorts-music,reading,exercise,housework,going out,etc etc.
Look on your mind as a box-there is only a limited amount of space for things in it.If your mind space is taken up with doing positive things,then there is less space for anxiety to squeeze in.
Repeatedly practising this will lead you to recovery.One day at a time is more than enough for us to think about.
You can do this.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,