View Full Version : You know you have a Panic disorder when ........

23-03-08, 13:20
Hopefully this will make you smile-we all need to laugh at ourselves sometimes.........

you know you have a panic disorder when:

When you're having a PA and people talk to you and you get so annoyed and angry at them for making your symtoms worse.

rationalizing crashing your car on the way to the airport as a means of getting out of going on that flight.

you have a PA and need to go to public bathroom, but leave bathroom door unlocked so they can get to you easier when they find you

even though you have had one million PAs and you survived every single one, you know that this one is different, this one is the real thing

Check every ache and pain you have on the internet, even if you have to get out of bed in the middle of the night to do it. And just know your going to die from something and no one will really listen to you because your a professional "doctor goer" and you really blew it by being so obsessed with your health.

you burn something on purpose while cooking just to make sure the fire alarms are working.

you want to move house so you can live closer to the hospital

you want everyone who doesn't understand to have a panic attack so they would understand and quit calling you a hyperchondriac

you enter your local supermarket, only to find they have rearrange everything & you quickly turn around & leave

The person in line in front of you is digging through their purse for the correct amount & you offer to pay the difference to get them out of the way.

You consider just throwing the girl at the till a £20 note for a £1.99 item & telling her to keep the change as you make a break for the door.

You walk out of the store with the receipt visible in your hand so when the alarm does go off, you won’t be accused of stealing.

Close your eyes & grit your teeth everytime you exit the store praying the alarm doesn’t go off (even when you have nothing to set it off) & of course breath a sigh of relief upon entering the parking lot like you’ve really accomplished something.

Forgetting to buy everything you needed at the store because you were in such a hurry to get out of there

You ask co-workers about their Firstaid skills just in case you go down

Wondering how much those defib. Machines are & if having one in your house would be a little OTT

You keep a copy of your medical Records beside your bed for the paramedics. Also you keep a Medication List & who to call list (with at least 6 names on it…..in case they can’t reach the others) in your wallet for when they find you laying in the street)

You have that certain someone who is to call you everyday & make sure your still alive because if you die you don’t want to decompose before anyone notices your missing

If your traveling out of your “safe zone” you get on map quest & locate all nearby hospitals that will be nearby

Your doctor, dentist, hairdresser etc. always schedules you as the first appointment because waiting is just not an option for you.

Talking face to face with someone & not having a clue what their saying because your to busy wondering if they can tell how freaked out you are.

Accepting the fact that the “crazy house” or Psych. Ward probably really isn’t that bad of a place & it really would be nice to get a way for awhile.

Telling others they just didn’t see you at a meeting, church, wedding etc. because you were sitting in the back…(of course you always ask where they were sitting first)

Having your stash of 2 or 3 “emergency pills” stored in everyroom of your house & of course your car.

Having your doctor write a new script even when you 2 refills left on the last one because you just don’t want to run out.

when you dont bother having a shower so if someone asks you to leave the house you say ill be about an hour i need to shower and do my hair

when you worry about not having afore mentioned shower because the paramedics will think you smell and laugh at you when they pick up your dead body

when you just know you are dying but its the thought of leaving house to go to A&E makes you panic more

When you know you would ace med school because you have already researched every disease known to man. But you know you wouldn't even make it through the first 10 minutes because you would for sure have whatever disease was being discussed.

You turn down a chance to go on a cruise once you were informed how long it would take to get a helicopter out to the ship to rush you to the nearest hospital.

When You Drive To The Hospital To Takeyour new meds,, So In Case You Have A Reaction You'll Already Be There

You know you have Panic disorder when you go the bathroom really fast because you dont want to be found dead like Elvis.

When you let your hair grow extra long because you are so certain that you'll pass out in the barber's/hairdresser's chair

When you would rather go through the McDonald's drive-thru alone and eat a cheeseburger than go out and eat a 20 oz steak with your friends at a nice restaurant.

When you MUST go to the bathroom as soon as you arrive at any restaurant to splash some "MAGIC WATER" on your face.

when you can't breathe because you know that in ONLY five weeks you have to give a presentation.

when you drive by a cemetery and are scared to breathe because you might inhale a ghost.

When you are grocery shoppng you have to run to the drink isle and open a bottle of water before you die.

When you drive to a different town to go to the ER so the new doctor will take you seriously

When you leave whole plates of food uneaten because it has been poisoned.

When you constantly make your husband take sips of your drink to prove to you it's not poisoned.

As soon as you see a police car while driving, you start swerving all over the road in terror because you're sure you're about to be arrested.

You take your pulse at least 45 times per hour

You worry so much that you actually worry about worrying.

you get freaked out when your pets look at you funny because they have that 'sixth sense'.

you try every position in bed you can think of until your wound up like a pretzel, just so you cant feel your heart beating

you compare your breathing/heartrate with the closest thing to you, even if it's the cat.. then you think the dogs bigger.. maybe i should try that?

you constantly ask other people what their pulses are

Please feel free to add

lou xxxxxxxxxx

23-03-08, 13:27
Hi Lou,

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I read your Post.
When it is written down as you have done it,so many of the things on the list appear mad,illogical and just plain crazy.Yet,when I was doing them,they appeared entirely normal and right.
Being able to identify these "behaviours" and challenging them leads to recovery.
Best wishes,

23-03-08, 14:27
well lou when you put it like that lol

all of these things i have done with my health anx and pa,s when i read your list it did make me lol but also feel sad that it gets us to a point were we feel that way .
like when we are doing ok we would never do them things yet in a moment of panic all these things seen ok to do and normal :mad:

jodie xxx

23-03-08, 14:32
I know what you mean jodie-I must admit when I read them to myself I was splitting my sides but when you really look at it and you really know how it feels to experience those things it aint so funny. I just hope no-one takes offence at this as its only meant as a bit of a laugh at ourselves.

Personally I think if I dont laugh i'll cry and i cry enough over this bloomin thing lol

Lou xxxx

23-03-08, 15:24
This is brilliant, its nice to see it in a humerous context, and yes I 've felt like a lot of those things, keep your spirits up people.

Lots of love

23-03-08, 17:41
Brilliant post! Loved it!

What about:

Not locking the bathroom door when taking a shower 'so they can get to me without breaking down the door when I collapse in there'.


23-03-08, 18:51
Hi Lou,

Loved your post!!!!

Shaz x

23-03-08, 20:05
Fantastic post lou. I want to print it off as it made me laugh so much. We have just come in from a car trip to Norfolk didn't really get out of the car much but as we drove past a hospital I noticed the house opposite was for sale and actually said that's where I would like to live. When I was really bad a few months ago I used to take the phone with me everywhere indoors so that I would always be able to phone the emergency services.

23-03-08, 20:31
OK Here's some more

You know you have a panic disorder when:

your knuckles turn white from the "death grip" you have on the shopping trolley

You've driven yourself to A&E and lied to friends/family about where you had been so they didn't think you were any crazier than they already do.

You NEVER overtake when driving cause at any moment your gonna have to pull over and tend to that heart attack/stroke/low blood sugar.

Your Panic Attack ends just as the doctor is about to see you and you feel embarrased and a bit silly and will it to come back

You hang around in popualted areas, so when you pass out someone would be able to call an ambulance.

when youve run 2 red lights in an effort to get home as fast as possible.

you leave a fully stocked shopping trolley in the middle of the aisle after an hour of shopping cause there was one person before you in the queue when you got there

the flourescent lights at the supermarket make you feel like you took a hit of acid or something.

you always have a crossword puzzle book when driving cause you can't sit still at a red light or being stuck in traffic.

the flight attendent asks me every few minutes if I'm okay - "sure thing, honey, I'm hyperventilating and have a death grip on these armrests because I think this is fun"

When you throw your coffee/milkshake across 4 people sitting next to you on a bench, because a bee flew by.

When you are talking to someone and they raise their eyebrows and you start hitting yourself and jumping around like a lunatic, absolutely CONVINCED there's a spider on your shoulder.

When you tiptoe slowly and with stealth from room to room searching for the insect causing that buzzing noise, only to discover the next door neighbour is cutting his grass.

you check your moblies fully charged before leaving the house, incase you need to phone an ambulance whilst your out.

You run round the supermarket like your doing a trolley dash (and go home without most the things you actually needed)

Your doctors receptionist knows who you are (without you actually telling her your name)

The doc has a forklift truck to carry your medical records.

You check every 'best by date' on foods (in case you get poisoned).

You sit at work and make up these lists because your anxiety has wreaked havoc on your concentration and you're pretty sure you have ADD now too.

HEHEHE keep em comin!!

Lou xxxxxx:yesyes:

24-03-08, 09:31
Hi Lou, just stopped laughing from the first list, then another came along ! I shouldn't laugh I suppose, but Hey without humour I would be doomed !

Ane yes those supermarket lights, I have been sooooo good lately and so decided a bottle of sheridans was my 'treat', but walked into Tesco and it was like a runway ! and why is the booze isle always the last one, then I couldn't find the bottle, so asked a shop assistant, then I saw it on the top shelf, I must have looked strange as I grabbed it, and held it to my chest, went to the checkout with no queue, and yes I did hold the receipt up and show the 'bouncer' on the door just incase the alarm went off.

One to add, park in the parent and child because it is nearest to the entrance, but me and my mum 44 & 72, but hey who said the child had to be under 5 lol

Thanks for the giggle, take care Christine xx :flowers:

24-03-08, 21:32
just a few more:

You get up in the middle of the night to tidy up the house and put your "good" bra and panties on because you want to look your best when the paramadics come for you in the morning, or whenever someone finally finds you.

You're in the shower and suddenly realize you're about to pass out and will probably die when you hit your head against the shower door or floor and they will eventually find you lying there dead NAKED!

Similar fear as the shower... passing out while going to the bathroom, hitting head, dying, found with pantsand/or knickers round ankles

You look over at your coworker/office mate and ask them about their cpr/life saving skills and inform them of your condition so that they are prepaired when it happens.

frequently Walk from your office which is in the back of the building to the front lobby because you know something is about to happen and you want to make it easier for the paramedics to get to you when they arrive. Besides, you don't want to be dragged through the building with everyone looking at you. Being near the entrance just makes sense

Wake up at 2 or 3 am and just have to get on the internet to look up the funny feeling you are having and stay up crying the rest of the night because you know you've got something terminal and are about to fall down dead.

Be in the middle of a meeting and have someone look over at you and ask what the heck you are doing because you leg is swinging back and forth (while crossed) at a frantic rate

25-03-08, 08:06
Thanks lou, we obviously have the same sense of humour, ok we have ended up with 'this', whatever 'this' is, but I believe that if we all made the effort to laugh more and stop thinking 'why me ??' we will be a lot better off.

You cannot smile and frown at the same time time, so even if life seems the pits, smile through it.

Christine xx :flowers:

25-03-08, 14:32
I think it's brilliant to be able to laugh at ourselves!! I had a really good giggle reading both lists.
I do wonder sometimes if jokes like this actually help us realise how irrational we are.......hmm....
That could have been something really profound, but I lost it a little when I started thinking...so why can't I be normal!?.....er....

25-03-08, 22:14
Think that these should be listed in both anxiety and panic, but here goes!

You know that you have a Panic disorder/anxiety disorder when..........

You open your eyes in the morning and are terrified of even getting out of bed but you don't know why.

You are too scared to have a 'hot' bath anymore because of it dropping your blood pressure and what it will do to you or how it will make you feel.

You want to go to the GP but are too scared to go, or you manage to get there but are in a right jibbering and shaking wreck of a state.

You are too scared to even get out of your chair once you are sat down, even to just nip to the loo!

You are hungry but are too scared to go make something or to even get to the kitchen.

You are tired but are too scared to get up the stairs to get to bed but you don't know why.

You are too scared to check your bp and pulse sometimes but feel like you just have to, incase.....

You used to enjoy watching horror movies on the tele but can't do it anymore as you get so anxious while they are on. Or burst into tears as it is so sad!

You notice every single mark, freckle or bump on your body and are sure that it wasn't there before. You even notice flaws that must have been there for years but you've never seen them.

You are scared to get too hot or too cold because of how your body reacts to it.

You daren't have a big meal because you feel to full and your heart rate increases.

You long to change your hair colour but are too scared incase you react to the hair dye or the smell of it.

You are too scared to change your perfume or washing powder incase you have a reaction to it.

You are scared to do too much, even though you used to be active, for fear of what it will do to you.

Whenever you are away from home you are desperate to get back home, when you get back home the anxiety is still there anyway.

Something unexpected and unplanned comes up and you automatically go into anxiety overdrive but you don't know why.

You look in the mirror and don't recognize yourself anymore and it really freaks you out.

You get up in the night and are scared in your own home as it is dark and eerie.

You see someone that you know and turn in the opposite direction as you avoid them at all costs.

One of your friends or family are not well and you are too scared to be around them but also too scared to not be around them, you feel trapped.

Someone mentions an illness or symptom and you automatically think that you are going to get it now.

Anyone had any of these?xx

26-03-08, 14:06
You never have a shower in your own house coz if you have a panic attack running out naked is not an option
You sit in the A&E with a book until you feel better or your the last one there
you go into coffee houses and drink nothing but water
you have timed the journey to the hospital in rush hour
You ask yourself "could I get away with a blue flashing light and police siren on my fiat panda"
You decide the first thing you will buy when you win the lotto is an ambulance-drivers and a doctor on call 24/7
you go to the hospital canteen on your first and everyother date (hey this guy cooked with gordon ramsey)

26-03-08, 14:17
That was brilliant!! Very funny!!! I think about that shower one a lot!!! Ha ha ha ha ha! :)

26-03-08, 15:25
What about adding 20 miles to your journey because there are more 'safe' places on that route??:blush:

26-03-08, 18:12
Ha all these really made me laugh esp louwilliams:D :D :D
yep Kate i reckon it does make u reallise how irrational our thoughts are:yahoo: :roflmao:
How about adding when going out one must know the location of all public loo's in case of dire emergency !!

Making sure one doesn't run out of lippy, to apply at all costs to face the world

making sure that hair is not sticking up like in "There's something about Mary"
as u have just crashed out of bed to answer the door to the postman or Jehovah's Witnesses. With very unsexy but warm nightie on and one bed sock!!

to order a triple vodka neat on the rocks!!! the moment you enter a pub/restaurant

You start watching "richard and Judy" aaaaaaagh and actually take notice of what they say!!!!

Paul Mckenna starts to become your hero !!!!!!!!!:scared15:

You start to become nostalgic and sentimental, collecting teddy bears and dressing them up !!!!!
Your other name could be bridget Jones !!

can't think of anything else at moment but sure there are loads eh!!!!

26-03-08, 23:13
What a great thread, lovely to see everyone keeps their sense of humour in such difficult times.

29-03-08, 12:24
guys these are so funny-i'm so glad I started this thread

keep em coming lol

lou xxxx

29-03-08, 13:10
Some more for you.

*Your walking down the street and are positive everyone is staring at you, and any minte are going to rape,attack or rob you.

*You walk home pretending to be on the phone incase that person walking to close behind you is about to leap on you.

*You have your mobile in your hand at all times when leaving the house with 999 already dialed in, just incase this time you really are dying.

Ps...had to giggle at some of yours...and they really are true!

29-03-08, 13:42
OMG Lou!!

Lol how true is all this! although there are no boxes on your list, i recon if there was i could trick nearly all of them lol.

Ok here's mine!

me and a friend decided to walk up to the chinese one night to get ourselves and the kids dinner, i started having a PA just before we got in there, as i stood at the counter for a couple of minutes, just about to stop breathing, faint and die from a heart attack all at the same time, i decided to wisper in my mates ear, "S**t Karen ive just started my peroid, i got to run" after throwing my money at her and running for the door i suddenly clicked out of it, went back in and said begger it, i'll sort it when i get home. :blush:

The funny thing about it is nobody even realises we are panicing but we think EVERYBODY knows.

Fab post!!

Love Lisa

29-03-08, 14:20
you encourage you children to be naughty/cheeky/little sods , just so you have a valid excuse for taking their pocket money off them this week - thus allowing you to dodge going to town with them on a busy saturday afternoon

miss motown
05-04-08, 00:32
ive got to say that made me laugh and was spot on i do them things 24,7 its great to no im not so loopy after all well if i was i guess im not alone he he

11-04-08, 13:30
...when you go into shops where the lighting makes you freak out - just to see if you're 'better' yet :shrug:

...when sometimes only singing and shouting in the car will get you home without crashing it. :yahoo:

...when you start recognising anxiety symptoms in pretty much everyone you know. :winks:

11-04-08, 14:33
LOL I can relate to lots of these.

My favourite – you open your cupboard door and find all sorts of odd packets – having had a mad trolley dash around the supermarket throwing in whatever you can in an attempt to get some food – any food – to feed the kids and get out of that place as quickly as possible. I spend more time worrying about the PA and worrying I will collapse than concentrating on what is going into the trolley.

Bring back Supermarket Sweep I say – I would be ace if I ever had the confidence to go on the programme.:yesyes:

11-04-08, 14:34
What is it about that kind of shop lighting? The upstairs in our Tescos or Debenhams. Its SO bright in there! I need my frigging sunnies.

...You are constantly checking the distance you've gone from the car so you know you can leg it back if needed!

11-04-08, 16:02
they cracked me up cause ive done soooo many of them lol

11-04-08, 17:07
i hardly do any of these things, do this means i dont have panic disorder? *very hopeful* i swear i have panic attacks now and again though

11-04-08, 17:32

I just kept saying "Oh my thats me" It is funny when you look at it that way. Ahhhhh the mad mad world of panic and anxiety!!!!:yahoo:

Love Hazelx:hugs:

20-06-08, 05:47
As I lay here reading these, I have an Asprin by my side incase I have a stroke/heart attack, an ice cold cup of water for if the ectopics start up and the cell phone with 911 saved to the address book. Yea, I'd say I do a couple of the things listed, HA!. Oh, I've been wearing swimming trunks into the shower incase I pass out thinking that it will be less emmbarsing for whomever finds me. Unfortunately, at this time, this is all logical thinking for me.

Still didn't stop me from getting a good laugh in though, Thanks for posting.

20-06-08, 11:03
You know you have a Panic Disorder (Health Anxiety is my thing) when:

You obsessively check whats in the toilet after you've been for signs that you have stomach cancer.

You are always poking and prodding yourself all over, checking for lumps or swelling that could indicate a serious illness.

You start mentally writing letters to your children and family members, just in case the worst happens. Or maybe even get round to actually writing them!

Your children ask their Daddy why Mummy is always so worried.

Yes the staff at the doctors surgery know who I am without me having to tell them! I'm sure they roll their eyes and mutter about me when I'm not looking. But the way I see it, its the doctors job to make me feel better. If i am stil anxious and worried, its their job to reassure me.

Its great to read some of the more humourous posts though!

20-06-08, 12:30
I remember watching Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe in and old movie called The Misifts. There's a part in it where Clark Gables say to Marilyn Monroe
"people who are afraid to die, are afraid to live". There's a lot of truth in that saying, and it's the way I live my life - not fearing death. You can waste years of your life worrying about dying, only to live a long life. Life's a party, enjoy it, and forget about having to leave.


20-06-08, 18:12
Absolutely wetting myself - especially that 1st thread lou - its is all me - im so excited im not the only one (sad I know) that has made me feel so much better xx

20-06-08, 18:34
Yep I'm pretty sure after reading that I may just have a touch of panic disorder lol.

Made me see the funny side of things when I read that lou thanks.


20-06-08, 20:37
hahah yeh that made me smile..the one about crashin the car to get out of a flight..classic..
i have some weird ideas sometimes! xx

20-06-08, 21:16
Funny post. How bout these

I always wear trousers to work in case I collapse and I don't want my pants to show

My kitchen is starting to look like a Lloyds Pharmacy counter, including glucose measuring meter and blood pressure equipment, not to mention various urine sticks

And lasty. A male friend of mine used to put his porn mags in the bin at night in case he died and anyone found them!!

Kay x

21-06-08, 09:59
:yesyes: Ha Ha! just finished work, had my first panic there today,V scary! This cheered me up I havnt laughed out loud for months thanks! Am now in tears as i have done and still do many of these things and as many of you have said it seems perfectly normal and rational behaviuor while your doing them! Its soo very nice to have finally found others to share this with! I still feel like a freak but good to know i can share this now thanks so much! xxx:bighug1:

21-06-08, 10:48
hello i am new to this site and not sure but think i have to post before i can go to the chat rooms - so here is my post!!!!:)

21-06-08, 10:59
so i cant get into the chat rooms yet (for 5 days) which seems like a good idea to me. i dont quite know what is wrong with me but have been plagued by the worst case of blushing, blotchy redness i have ever seen. in fact i have NEVER seen someone go the colour that i go - i did a search and realize that there are lots like me, i just dont know anyone, it it BEYOND embarrasing and as i get older it gets not better. being a nurse i have some knowledge of medications but apart from alprazolam nothing seems to make it a bit better. the alprazolam does seem to make me less nervous but i do still go BEET red and blotchy and my skin becomes so hot on my face and neck i am sure i could fry an egg there? does anyone have any idea what to do about this?

21-06-08, 13:17
Great thread!!!

You know you have panic disorder when......

You can't have a shower or get ready for bed unless someones in the house to stop you fleeing if you have a panic.

You have a bath and on the side there is a bottle of lavender oil, bottle of rescue remedy and the phone.

You can't lie in bed once everyone's gone out even if it's 6am and your day off.

You get ready to go out for a rare night out but that little black number you're wearing looks ridiculous with the shopping bag you need to take with all your emergency essentials.

You're a day from pay day and not feeling flush but you use your last tenner to top up the moblie even though you've got credit on, just in case you need to make a call.

You're day from pay day have about quarter of a tank of fuel but still fill up in case you have to make three or four attempts to get to work.

You carry so much stuff, ie bananas to keep up sugar levels, mints for nausea, rescue remedy, bottle of water etc and you're only popping to the corner shop for the newspaper.

You take your distractions, in my case cross stitch, everywhere even to the supermarket just in case you have to sit in the car and do it to calm down.

You go somewhere with a friend but insist on meeting her there even though she's passing your door, in case you panic in her car. At least if your in your own car you can turn round and just text her and make an excuse.

There's sooooo many more.

22-06-08, 06:44
these are great!!

25-06-08, 06:17
This is brilliant!

I thought I was the only one who gets nervous when I pass by those merchandise detector thingies at stores even though there's no reason for them to go off! And they go off ALL the time at the walmarts here, cause they don't demagnitize the dvds properly. You can imagine my heart at these times...XD

You know you have a panic issues when...

...you remmeber that one satelite was scheduled to go down early this year and you just KNEW it was going to hit you and your house since even the scientists weren't "quite sure" where it was going to land. You've already marked down the days till it lands and you know you only have that much time left on this earth...

...you think will get some horrible disease from being on the computer too long every day

...you think that you might get poisoned by soap flecks coming off from washing dishes so you have to clean your mouth if one hits your face, ditto with washing clothes.

...you have had many deadly diseases that have luckily only lasted a day that only exist for you and only you can see.

...you assume that when a dog sniffs you that it's cancer there cause they said that dogs can sometimes smell cancer

...you already have a backup plan of getting to the hospital in case you get bit by a rabid dog or animal or poisonous snake cause you just know one is going to come streaking out of the woods at any moment and head straight for you

...the wasp and bee reaction. Nuff said.

...you're afraid to get anyone mad at you in public so they won't pull out their gun.

...you're afraid you DID get someone mad in public and now a hitman is on his way to your house

...you're afraid to look in the mirror at night just in case you see something move behind you.

...you wander to the not-very-deep end of the pool can't touch the bottom and automatically assume that you will drown right then and there.

...you're afraid to touch plants because you think you will have a reaction to it

...you just know there's deadly mold hanging around every corner even if you have a brand new house

...you know there's deadly mold in your pancake mix that poison you just like that urban legend of that kid who died from it

...you freak out when you realize you've just drunk a soda without knowing if there was caffine in it or not. Said reaction prompts adrenaline which of course, feels like what happens when you drink caffine, which proves your point and causes you to freak out further.

...you just KNOW you will get every single side-effect and bad reaction to the meds, probably at the same time, even gentle cold medicine that you have taken every time you had a cold since you were a kid

...you get nervous in a hospital every time you walk past a certain ward or clinic and feel the effects of that ward (ICU--you feel funny in the chest area, cancer center--you feel like you've got something cancerous, eye-nose-throat center--you have something wrong with all three...etc)

...your bloodpressure skyrockets when a doctor/nurse takes it but it's fine if someone else takes it

...you can't watch movies or shows with 'infections' as the theme because you'll know you'll develop those symptoms and you're really not interested in being that itchy for a few hours

25-06-08, 11:04
this is a briiliant post can totally relate to most of them, must try and remember them next time im freaking out in tesco lol,

Emma xxx

milly jones
25-06-08, 12:07
lol guys really enjoyed those


u carry antiseptic wipes in ur bag for toilets, taps, door handles, bus chair handles, trolley handles anything

this freaks me out but my imagination runs riot as to what i'll pick up on them lol

daft hey

milly xxx

03-10-12, 00:19
Just brilliant! And we all thought we had kept those secret x

05-10-12, 11:17
Yay I finally found I thought I've never had!!

'when you drive by a cemetery and are scared to breathe because you might inhale a ghost.'

Lol, that really cheered up my morning. Great post :D:D:hugs:

05-10-12, 23:16

You avoid a social event because that life threatening disease will strike you down when you least expect it and you will die in the middle of having a great time. (They will always strike when you least expect it).

08-10-12, 13:03
Hi this is the first time I've posted on this site. This made me lol, but the sad thing is I do at least 70% of the things written down. My panic attacks have ruined my life so far. They have stopped me doing the simplest of things. I've also not been able to ever go abroad, do driving lessons, go to clubs/pubs, get a job, go on fair ground rides with the kids, take medication in case I get a reaction. And many more! I could go on and on! Thanks for making me lol... A great post! :yesyes:

08-10-12, 17:18
You know you have panic disorder when........

You see a magpie and spend the next 20 minutes looking for another one!!

You burn the dinner because you have spent too much time reading thes posts gggrrrrrrr!!!!:)

08-10-12, 20:58
When you get terrifed that the dog is sniffing around you because they can sense illness.

10-10-12, 05:37
When your cat snuggles up next to you - you become convinced you are about to cark it
You carry a "panic pouch" in your handbag consisting of - mints, valium, brown paper bag, rescue remedy etc
When the clock strikes midnight on new years eve you think "I wonder if I am going to die this year"
You flatly refuse to leave the house on Friday 13th because you KNOW something bad is going to happen
You go to a supermarket, start to feel a bit hot and dizzy so rush to a refrigerator/freezer, shove your head in and "pretend" to be eyeing up the products
You have a cough but convince yourself it is lung cancer
When you use NHS Direct symptom checker several times because they havent indicated a serious illness and there MUST be something wrong with their questions/system

I literally laughed out loud at the one about "inhaling a ghost" :roflmao:

24-01-13, 23:49
The ghost one made me laugh so hard it was unreal :')

...but you know you have PA when laughing too hard about ridiculous paranoia makes you paranoid!

25-01-13, 00:07
hilarious.....some I dont get but I will google them and get anxious about them later.... hehe!
Thanks for posting :)

---------- Post added at 00:07 ---------- Previous post was at 00:04 ----------

if we can laugh at this horrible anxiety, we can overcome it too:yahoo:

25-01-13, 00:37
I love this thread!

25-01-13, 01:02
This thread is great! Makes me feel less crazy & that my fears (which seem completely genuine and rational) are in fact totally ludicrous haha!
I have a couple-

When my dog seemingly barks at nothing in the night, I assume its a ghost or death coming to take me.

Leaving a window slightly open at night just incase the paramedics can't break through my door.

Seeing a long line at the supermarket and casually turning around as if I forgot something & walking back to my car and never returning.

Stray cats in my garden, there were five of them once, convinced myself they knew death was approaching and have flocked to me for a reason. Then proceeding to get angry at the cats and shooing them away like a crazy woman.

Waiting in a line at the supermarket, feeling like slapping/shaking the person infront of me because they're taking too long to count their change.

Hearing the phone ring after 9pm- assume its a medical emergency, someone has died and I run around like a headless chicken to find the phone and answer with an anticipatory

Checking used by dates on food. Refusing to eat anything within 3-4 days of its expiry even though you know it's totally fine.



Sitting in my doctors office and thinking while he speaks 'do you really know anything? I could probably do your job... Hold on, does this guy even know what he's talking about!?' *cue panic attack*

25-01-13, 03:38
Brilliant thread which made me smile! :) I can identify personally with so many of these points.

27-01-13, 18:25
This is hilarious! I relate to most of them.

28-01-13, 11:46
This is excellent.

[It's only after reading it that I've realised that I actually do work out how far my hotel is from the nearest hospital if I am going away :doh:]

29-04-13, 17:28
Excellent post, very funny although I have done many of the things on the list myself lol :D

06-05-13, 14:43
I love this thread! Here's one of mine...

You know you have a panic disorder when you stop using your favorite face mask because it makes you look like the Micheal Myers guy from the Halloween films and you freak out every time you accidentally catch yourself in the mirror :)

09-05-13, 21:13
made my night so so so funny
i relate to all them

09-05-13, 23:31
Some of mine that haven't been mentioned:

You read a news article about exploding mobile phone batteries so put your phone on the other side of the bedroom when you go to bed, but get up and retrieve it half an hour later because what if someone breaks in and you don't have it, then leave it on your bedside table wrapped in a shirt so you can reach it but won't get hit by the bits if it explodes.

You freak out and text "Check the news where you are!" then "I love you" to someone when there's a power cut and the Internet on your phone won't work either, even though it hardly ever works indoors, just incase a nuclear war has started or is about to.

You get annoyed with channels showing scary-looking newsflashes for 'stupid things' i.e anything that isn't Armageddon/WW3.
(I said "Oh thank ****!" out loud when they announced that Mrs Thatcher had died, not because I am a mad Liberal but because as soon as I heard something like "Stay tuned for a breaking news special" I thought a war had broken out or worse.

Any time you hear of a minor political disagreement with Russia you wonder if it's going to restart the Cold War, whether it would restart gradually or overnight, how much it would cost you to move to Australia, and how fast you could hitch-hike to Scotland and get the ferry to the Shetland Islands if it got dangerous suddenly.

You find out that your new house has a basement and the thought occurs to you that it would be handy if you suddenly needed a bomb shelter later on.

You text your mum and say "The lymph node in the corner of my eye hurts!" and she texts back "That's your tear duct, you don't have a lymph node in your eye. Tell me again how you got that A in Biology?"


10-05-13, 23:33
when you are afraid to use 'rescue remedy' incase you have an allergic reaction!! :blush: