View Full Version : Need some tips on staying in positive frame of mind!

23-03-08, 13:42
Thanks for all the help the last few days. I have tried to be really positive both yesterday and today but i am now finding my mind is drifting again to what if i have something serious and i keep feeling my neck again(ahhhhhh sooo annoyed with myself).I then find myself feeling under my arms and my groin. I ask OH if he can feel anything and today he has told me that he is getting really annoyed and i should go back to my GP and tell him i am not convinced that all the tests(blood and Xray) are normal and that i want to be checked again(no help as he doesnt suffer anxiety in any shape or form---lucky him!!!!)
I have got loads of clothes to list to on ebay and i am going to make myself do this today in order to keep myself busy.
Can anyone reassure me that these feelings of dread will go away????
I am just sooo cross with myself that i cant accept a GPs diagnosis---well actually 2 GPs checked my neck plus the other tests i had done too!!(see previous posts).
I honestly cant feel a gland in my neck but like i said, above my right clavicle i can feel it raised up a bit if i move in a certain direction. Sat still there is nothing there!!!!
Please can anyone give me some more tips to keeping positive!!!
Health anxiety is so annoying and so tiring!!!!

15-04-08, 11:59
has anyone found that chronic heartburn is a problem?I imagine cancer of oesophagus but then on days when I can stay fairly calm and relaxed it seems not so bad.Am loathe to see G.P. as feel I would have more or worse symptoms if it were serious and that I would have some discomfort all of the time.:unsure:

15-04-08, 15:42
jellybean, I am doing the same as you at the moment. Not believing what the dr tells me. Had a slight swelling under the armpit (in my mind it was the size of a grapefruit!) Went to locum dr who gave me antibiotics, after a week went back to my own dr who thoroughly examined me and seemed slightly bemused as there was barely anything there, but said its normal and very common in that area due to sweat glands. Fine with that at first, but now keep going over and over it thinking did he say it was normal, what if he was mistaken etc. etc. etc.

15-04-08, 16:09
hi jellybean, its so hard but just try to keep busy take your mind off things as much as possible and keep tellin yourself positive things hun. i have walked loads today with kids and feel much better now for it, thats what helps me xx:hugs: donna

15-04-08, 18:22
Hey jelly

I am the same, i had an abnormal ecg that then went to a cardiologist who said its normal. Of course I should be able to accept this, but oh no I still doubt the doctor. And i question everything.

So I am trying to throw myself into work/kids etc...

I know just how you feel chick
