View Full Version : you know you have Helth anxiety when...

23-03-08, 13:47
Here's a few to make you smile:

You know you have Health anxiety when:

Well I know I have Health Anxiety because im typing this using only one hand because my other hand is taking my pulse in my neck

you cut your pills in half, half again and half once more until its basically dust for fear of OD'ing.

you won't use a mechanical pencil for fear of the lead breaking and hitting you in the eye

You've read so many panic disorder books that nothing anyone says will ever surprise you and you have a symptom checklist, in case anyone around you needs diagnosing

you back away from the paper when useing markers, becuase it has a smell, and your worried the fumes will poisen you, even though they are nontoxic

You wait till your falling asleep in your recliner before you will change into your pjamas for fear you might have to go to A&E

Immediately upon waking you check to make sure every part of your body feels normal. If your toe hurts you panic for the rest of the day and call in sick.

You're pretty sure the receptionists at your doctors office hate you, as well as your pharmacists

Please add more

lou xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

23-03-08, 14:14
hiya lou

lol this did make me smile and omg these things are so true lol


a few more things hmm

you know you have health anx when you panic at having a cold

you panic when somone tells you they feel ill and right away you think you have what they have or just dont go near then for weeks incase you get it lol

jodie xxx

23-03-08, 14:50
My brain feels as if it is crawling with insects.
general feeling of terror - Why? I have no idea!!
Being told "relax dear you will be fine" - relax? have 'they' ever tried to relax while panicking?????
Shaking like a leaf - and i am not cold.
Being out of breath - and I was not doing anything.
When you really can't remember ... what day of the week it is etc. etc.
The trouble is you feel as if no one cares that you hurt or are afraid.
Just 1p for every time 'they' said "Don't be silly' you are just imagining it!!!!!!!
best wishes

tayside lassie
23-03-08, 16:39
health anxety.........

when you make sure you have the phone with you ...even in the bathroom incase you have a stroke /heart attack.

keep looking in the mirror in case youve suddenly gone deathly pale .

when youve got aching legs through lack of excercise ..but phone the doctors incase ..blood clots ....lol...

nose and cheeks throbbing with bad sinus ..but could be the start of a stroke coming on ....


23-03-08, 20:23
I put my make up no matter how ill i feel incase i die want to look my best

My mobile at side of shower incase i die {how im meant to use it if i did is beyond me lol }:roflmao:

If really bad i sleep with my best top and bra on incase i need to be rushed 2 hozzie lol :roflmao:

Write farewell notes to all the family even if they have only gone out for some bread or milk ,then incase i am to be carted away for total insanity quickly tear them up as soon as i hear them get back :roflmao:

Omg yes i do to type with one finger while taking pulse at side of my neck with other lol

Look in mirror several times a day convinced my lips are blue :yahoo:

Omg i better stop there before i am taken away by men in white coats lol :ohmy:

23-03-08, 21:51
oh my goodness! I thought I was bad...you have made me laugh.

I know when I have HA when I erase all the internet history, so my other half doesn't know I have yet again wasted two hours googling ridiculous sites. He knows anyway, of course.

I know when I suddenly start feeling myself all over, and not in a good way.

And lots of others, too - I'll post more later! At least we can laugh at ourelves. Sometimes!

23-03-08, 22:22
"I" know i have health anxiety when: I keep my legs shaved everyday just Incase i die or have to be rushed into ER, cuz we all know if we die or are rushed to the ER ya hafta have smooth legs. LOL:roflmao:
I don't wear fingernail or toenail polish just incase i'm rushed into surgery cuz they make you take it off anyhow

I love this, its good to laugh at ourselves once in a while.:yesyes:

23-03-08, 22:24
I know when I have HA when I erase all the internet history, so my other half doesn't know I have yet again wasted two hours googling ridiculous sites. He knows anyway, of course.

I Totally do this too:roflmao:

23-03-08, 22:29
When the receptionist at the Doctors office doesnt even have to ask your name anymore, you're there so often, she knows who you are.

When your pet rabbit is diagnosed with an illness, you spend 2 hours cleaning and disinfecting everything...even though two different vets told you it isn't humanly possible for you to catch the illness the rabbit has!

24-03-08, 01:03
The receptionists at my doctors look at me when I walk in and just tell me to take a seat and when I call first thing in the morning for an appointment the receptionist says "Is that you Deb" she knows my voice LOL

24-03-08, 10:29
LOL This is fab!

I am on first name terms with the doctors receptionist!!!

I also plead guilty to all of the above!!!


24-03-08, 11:20
What a fascinating thread.
you all know the 'symptoms' list in the 'help' books. (Guilt and shame or embarrassment are rarely mentioned)
Well I wrote down the ones that matched my worries -
I got 24 from hyperventilation:ohmy:
I got 22 from general panic:ohmy:
I got 30 from 'other' symptoms = digestion / nausea etc:ohmy:

I gave up writing i could not believe ONE person could have that many symptoms (no wonder the Doc knows me so well)

From yet another book by Aine Turbidy ===== People who have suffered fight or flight symptoms for many years - a relaxation excersise may cause them to feel vulnerable and exposed when they 'drop their guard' .
The slowing of a rapid heartbeat and / or the the relaxing muscle - causes an adrenalin rush as the body feels it is losing control.
I have told every councilor / doctor etc that I can not relax it always causes panic.........now I know why!!!!!!!! BUT will it help???????
Best wishes

30-03-08, 17:59
Okay this did help me relax.. and laugh and let me tell you I NEED to relax hehe.. I think I may have a few of my own even..

-Upon entering the house you significant other asks "Have you been on those sites again" Refering to your horrible habit of visiting WebMD, the MAYO Clinic and several other sites that you shouldn't be on.

-When at the doctors office you procede to diagnose yourself and tell the doctor what you need to be prescribed and he listens to you.

-Upon the doctor ordering a Cat Scan of your chest just to make sure everything is normal you begin googgling ever darned possiblity of WHY he could be sending you for this test and convince yourself your dying.

-You open the window when you burn dinner convinced you are going to die of smoke inhalation

-You yell at your significant other or kids because they do something you would NEVER thing of doing because it could be dangerous, poisonous so on and so forth and they laugh at you..

oh and I think my best case of health anxiety was back when I was 14 years old I had spent about an hour staring at myself in my makeup mirror and I noticed these bluish lines around my teeth.. I INSTANTLY freaked out and made my mother take me to the dentist because I thought my teeth were dying *blush*


30-03-08, 20:46
What a great thread!!! thanks so much for starting it and those that added.

You know you have health anxiety when your daughter throws up and two minutes later you are at the store buying every disinfectant out there and washing everything in the house.

You make sure you always have your legs shaved and matching underwear and bra in case you have to go to the ER

You make sure certain things are always done around the house just in case you wont be around

As soon as you call your doctor the receptionist knows who it is right away and the same with the pharmacist. Also when you are out in public and they can call you by name

If you do go to the Er you bring sanitizer with you and as soon as you return you shower and wash all your clothing for fear that it has germs all over it!

31-03-08, 13:30
Hahahaha... I am guilty of ALWAYS having my phone on my body incase I need to call an ambulance... and checking my pulse every minute...

-You know you have health anxiety when anyone might ask you 'are you alright?' and you convince yourself you must look ill and your having a heart attack

-You panic when anyone dare say you 'look pale'... thats it... your dying...

-Constantly checking your hands... constanly...

-Headaches arn't "headaches"... they are brain-tumours...

-When your going somewhere out of town, you start to panic when you dont know where the nearest hospital is...

-If your around anyone whos on drugs... you cant go near them... you may be breathing in the drug in the air, and if you do you will probably have a heart attack and die...

-You burst open all your windows in the house when your at home alone incase there is a carbon monoxide leak...

-You unlook your house doors at all times... so paramedics can get in and resque you if you call...

-You think planes and trains are death traps... if you need to go to A&E... you are stuck til the next stop/the plane lands...
