View Full Version : The worst night of my life...

23-03-08, 15:35
Hey everyone, hope your all having a lovely easter,

Unfortunatley I suffered the worst attack of panic/anxiety ever early this morning. I'm feeling really low and depressed because of it because I feel I cant ever go out and have a drink with friends and come home and feel normal. It all started of as a great night, me and my close friends went out and had a drink, come home early hours of the morning.

Then all of a sudden the thought of going to bed became a terrifing thought. I began wondering around the house trying to keep myself busy, watch tv, read a book, go on the net but i was getting worse and worse.

I opened the window and propped myself against the sill but not even that was helping. Then I took a propanol pill to calm my racing heart and then I was convinced i was going to have a heart attack because i mixed medication and alcohol.

It got so bad i was practically dragging my partner out of bed screaming to take me to a&e. I was convinced that there was no recovering from this attack and that I was going to die from a heart attack. Then my heart began palpitating. I have never felt so terrified in all my life. My boyfriend literally had to hold me down for about half hour and tell me i was fine and that it was all in my mind and was strocking my hair and back.

I still havent gone sleep..i think i fell asleep for a hour at around 11 this morning. Now I just feel so heavy in my heart because I feel so depressed and useless..I'm only 24 and I cant live like this, I enjoy having a drink with my friends and I feel I cant even do that now. Ive only been to my GP the other day and he prescribed me propanol and I'm seeing a therapist on wednesday but I just feel this is never going to end.

23-03-08, 16:35
Sometimes drink can make anxiety worse.Do you have to take propranol in the morning.I think you will find they are slow release and when you take one while having an attack it wont do much.Talk it over with your therapist,they may suggest some different meds.:hugs:

23-03-08, 18:38
Aaaw Sali
I really feel for you hun its really terrifying when that happens. Ive just about stopped drinking the odd times i go out now and i agree with yorkie lover that alcohol does makes your panic/anxiety worse, i dont know why? When i see my friends now i just one glass of wine then change over to those bottled juices as the thought of having a panic attack totally puts me off...you can still enjoy your mates company and im sure they'll understand if you tell them how you feel.
I hope your feeling a little better now...and happy easter.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Take care

23-03-08, 21:38
Hiya hun,

I can totally sympathise with you.

I am 22 and have had a rough time with anxiety and panic since my baby was born in September.

I have also been given propranolol, i only take it in desperate times. I think it is safe to take with alcohol though.

Although, I havnt actually been brave enough to drink alcohol since my h/a and p/as started. I also no longer drink coffee, or tea (unless the tea is decaff.)

However, I o not let this stop me going out and having a good time. I know you feel like you can't do anything now, but dont let it run your life - you survived and you're ok. I also know how crap it can make you feel, you will get better.

Happy easter and take care

Cassi xxxxxx

Rachey poos
24-03-08, 09:29
Hi there, I just had to post because this sounds like me... I have these episodes at least 4 times a wk... heart goes wild (at least 200 beats per min...like an athlete) and shear panic... I had to stop drinkin full stop as the alcohol just woke me up in the night with palpitations so I dont drink at all now.... here is a link to a page on my blog...see if the story sounds similar...... http://rachelhughesdiary.blogspot.com/2008/03/huge-panic-attack-last-night-fed-up.html also check out my blog it is an every day diary of my life with panic attacks and palpitattions..... you will be fine hun xxxx